What Is The Number One Thing You And Your Partner Fight About? – #TQOTD
Every couple fights about dumb stuff and for today's #TQOTD, we want to know those dumb things you fight about.
What is the number one thing you and your partner fight about?
- TQOD: The boat launch...we have a big boat that would be easier to than 90% of co-captains anyway ⚓️ it's not the end of the world if it frustrated and impatient with me and I'm positive I'm better at it perfect and be in and out of the launch within seconds.. he gets so slip than trailer.. but we trailer it. He expects me to do everything that takes us longer than two minutes!
- We fight a lot about boundaries for his child's mother. We have custody and she gets visitation and tries to push the boundaries all the time.
- We fight the most about our pets, we have 3 Bengals and 2 Australian Shepherds...he would prefer zero pers
- Arguing with a partner--- no thanks!! Don't have one so I am happily able to sail through life in blissful ignorance
- We fight the most about money
- TQOFTD-he's opinionated and thinks everyone should think like him
- Nikki from Kalamazoo. We fight about our one-car garage. He thinks that he gets the garage and I get to be outside. This morning I took his car and there was no scraper in his car. I was not happy!
- TQOTD... We mainly fight about phone use and who uses more and IGNORES the other lol Frogging Phones!
- Recurring fight, the only one we've ever had: Who loves whom the most! I will never concede this fight
- My husband and I have been married just over 18 years and really we don't fight too often but the one thing we do argue about is work. We own a company together and we have a difference of opinion when it comes to management styles. My husband is very direct to the point that he can come across as rude and even at times condescending where I am more patient and understanding. But when we have work disagreements.... watch out.
- We don't fight all the time, but I am always yelling at my finance if he pulls the have will off the oven door he NEVER puts it back. He'll use it as an oven mitt or to clean up a mess and leave it out. It is infuriating!
- World of Warcraft
- My husband and I don't fight too often but if we do it's over his farts
- We always argue about..he says I never answer him when he speaks and to him, if I don't answer within 3 seconds he gets attitudey and says nice chat.. give me a few more seconds to stop and think about the answer maybe 30..geez
- The ONLY thing we fight about is that he favors his spoiled kid over mine. His kid has no responsibility and does whatever, whenever and mine get put under a microscope. Fine with me though, I don't want mine to grow up lazy and irresponsible! My only comfort is his kid is an adult and hopefully moving out soon. UGH!!
- I fight with my husband about his ability to spread the mail ALL OVER the counter....a stack for each freaking day!!!
- He hated that I had... "partners".. before him. It was weird. I have a kid. Like he was weird about me having sex before, but I have a kid. It was never a secret
- Text question of the day: What do we fight about? Definitely not the mayo-gate anymore. He found out that I texted into you guys lol but he's working better at it but ours is still the same as Connie's. I have a temper and he has a worse one. If he starts copping an attitude, I get snappy. It doesn't usually mix well.
- I divorced my ex-husband because of drinking and arguing
- I'm not patient enough, I want things done yesterday.
- My needs. I often want him to anticipate what I need without me telling him. He’s not the greatest at that and I get frustrated which makes him frustrated because I don’t explicitly tell him what I need. Sometimes I can be such a woman!
- Mostly money, and we tend to have an argument about his brother who is a roommate.
- Bigelow what don't we fight about would be an easier question to answer!
- I wouldn’t call her my partner unless it’s in crime.. but my roommate (best friend) and I have lived together for 2.5 years and the only real fight we have ever had was about leaving a light on.
- Pull-ups at night vs no water before bed. It's "easy" to put one on and I'm tired of buying, changing, and throwing off his potty training after letting him pee himself (toddler, not husband)
- We pick our battles because nothing is worth fighting about ...
- My partners and I fight about chores, brushing teeth, and getting to bed on time.. My kids are my partners.
- The list seems endless, but a constant thing is a communication
- A realistic amount of balloon animals per week!
- June, July, and August
- Not being present (I’m single )
- Money is the biggest, next is the holiday schedule..
- Where or what to have for dinner!!!
- 1. Finances 2. Chores 3. Parenting…See More
- Who is right. Literally about anything
- His anger issues.
- Who should choose what’s for dinner
- Communication!!!
- Not fight but disagree on what to spend money on, and how much to spend
- Him buying fishing/hunting stuff and me bringing home crap from garage sales!! Our basement is a mess because of all the stuff I find and think I’m gonna use.
- Finances
- Everything!!!
- Cleaning
- I am divorced now...but we still argue about money.
- The fact that he doesn't exist lol
- Cleaning . I do it all and he does it all. But the house is still a mess. Boo, hmm
- Money. Seems like always falls back to money if we fight
- When in a relationship it was money
- Kids and money
- Money.
- We fake fight, because we don't fight, and I think it's hilarious !!!