What Is The Oldest Thing You Own? – #TQOTD
Today's #TQOTD is a Flashback Friday from 2018 and Steve and I had the same answers for this as we did last time we did it. You guys really did better then we did … actually I did. I have an old Ms Pacman machine and Steve has really old balls (Musket Balls from the 1800’s). Christine wants something her mom bought at K Mart but again .. read on because The Click of 6 has some really cool stuff.
What is the oldest thing you own?
- Used to be my car.... But we were able to upgrade recently. I think my cat is the winner.
- My house. It was built in 1880 and I know of 3 people to die in it and yes it has ghosts :)
- Oldest thing… one of the first records ever made… Thomas Edison is on the side and it’s shaped like a hollow cylinder. So cool! I’m a musician so I dork out about that sort of thing.
- The oldest thing I own is my attitude.
- Food processor- Tupperware Bonus Gift in 1988.
- The ring on my finger it was my mom’s engagement ring
- I have a gecko that is 21 years old! But lots of objects that are much older, including myself
- The oldest thing I own is a vase that my grandma received from her mom on her wedding day. I love to collect vases, the older the better
- My legs
- Myself
- A picture of my grandmother, her sister and her mother when she was about 7 or 8 in England. Along with her engagement ring after she came to the states as a teen.
- My great grandmother’s krumkake iron.
- My husband
- My Great Grandmother's bracelet.
- Original pictures of my great-great grandparents. Next up would probably be my Grandma’s old Pyrex mixing bowls, I think from the 50’s or 60’s.
- My great grandmother's desk.
- My great-grandpa's childhood bible.
- My husband is a local blacksmith and blacksmith and owns an anvil made in 1852 shout out to buying local and to his insta huntertactical!!
- My grandmother wedding ring.
- Ummm...my body. It's 46 years old and I'm pretty damn proud it keeps going after everything I've put it through.
- I think our house built in 1882, but potentially one of the antiques within may be even older.
- My husband. Ugh
- A teddy bear i got when i was 4.. im 36 now
- I have a purse & tea pitcher from my great grandma. From 1900
- A glass from the 1904 worlds fair
- MY birthday suit.
- My whole body
- I have a doll and rattle type of apple from when I was born (42 years ago) and a dress my mom made me when I was 5 that I was wearing when our house burnt down.
- Hum, probably my great grandmother's wedding ring. I would say my great great grandmother's Bible (in German), but I had a puppy destroy that about 20+ years ago and although I still have it...it's a mess.
- A snake plant that is over 50 years old. It belonged to my great grandma, then my grandma, and now me.
- If photos count, the top is my grandfather my dad's side. My grandfather is on the right. Born 1877 so photo is from 1884. Bottom photo my Grandmother my moms side. The year 1899 but my grandmother wasn't born until 1904.
- My great grandmas desk
- A book printed in 1898
- An original print of my great grandparents wedding picture.
- My grandma's glass pie plates and my husbands grandmother's amethyst rings.
- My Great Grandmothers Teddy bear. The inside is filled with sawdust. It is stored in her Cedar chess she gave me.
- My husband! He is 58 yrs old and a lot maintenance to be done yet.
- Yearbook from 1967
- Myself
- Our house was built in the mid 1800’s so I’d say probably that
- My great grandparents salt and pepper shakers.
- Our house is 120 years old
- Playstation 2, bought new in 2002.
- A fleece sweatshirt from my first visit to Mackinac Island 22 years ago.
- My mother's baby booties. She was born in 1917
- A variety of family heirlooms passed down. I've got pictures that are easily, early 1900's. Found one of my grandfathers passports too from when he was military in the 40's/50's
- Cottage in Grand Haven, built in late 1800’s
- I own lots of clocks made in the late 1800s
- A bronzed baby shoe that was my Dad's
- The oldest thing I did own was my baby. 2010 kia optima named Maleficent but I lost her today because people don't understand how to drive safely. I'll always remember her tho.
- A Bible from 1947
- My great aunt's dresser and nightstand she purchased when she was roughly 16 I believe.
- I've got two 'beany-baby' type cats that belonged to my great great grandmother. I don't know that I have anything older
- Bathrobe
- A dresser that is over 150 years old
- A very old giant vase that I inherited from my grandmother or a stuffed beagle named CoCo from my childhood
- A large crocheted doily that my great grandmother made and an antique chocolate set - pitcher and 5 small mugs with ships hand painted in them
- Oldest thing I own is my teddy bear I've owned since I was 2. I'm 35 now!
- I got a 1909 penny in my change from a store.
- The oldest thing I own is my 47 year old fiance!!! HAHAHAPPY FRIYAY!!!
- My great grandmother's address book complete with birthdays and anniversaries of family and friends that I have no idea who they are... not sure why I kept it. I'm fascinated by it
- I have a baseball from my dad. He lived in Detroit about a mile from old Tiger Stadium and was out selling newspapers during a game. Ty Cobb hit a homer out the park and my dad went to get it. He gave it to me when I was like 20 and I’m 59. I will give it to my son.
- the oldest thing we own, I believe, is a rocking chair. My great grandma used it with her kids, my grandma used it with her kids, my mom had it for a while after my grandma passed & now my husband & I will be using it with our kiddo(s)
- I have my baby blanket still, I'm 33, it's tucked away in my closet. And I'm not embarrassed at all. lol
- At first I said my husband, but then he reminded me it was our house. Built in 1892.
- A prayer book of my great grandmothers, it's in Italian so I can't read it but its history and that's so cool.
- My knees. At least it feels that way.
- Original Gameboy
- 1972 dodge charger
- My great grandmother’s sewing table with the original singer sewing machine!
- My alarm clock! Got for Christmas in the early 90’s and still works like a charm
- I have some of my grandparent's belongings.. one of the cooler things is my grandma's report card from the 1940s.
- A 17th century brooch
- Spatula, that was my grandma’s, it is perfect for flipping pancakes, baking cookies!
- My first Saxophone it is 106 years old
- I have love letters from my great aunt and uncle that they wrote to each other from the 1940s. I got them after my dad passed away in February. They were hidden up in the garage attic after they passed and my dad found them.
- Oldest thing I own I think would be my grandpa's Zippo lighter from 1936. It still lights and I use it for all the special family occasions!
- I about died laughing the other day over a jar of beef bouillon that expired in 2007, which means I probably bought it around 2005. It moved with me about 7 times. It was with me before I had my son (who is 15 now), when I was just single and living in an apartment with my best friend. No clue how it tagged along for so long. It’s embarrassing and funny all at once.