What Is Your #Secret Strategy For Keeping Your Partner Happy? – #Secrets
It's time again for Intern Nick to read some of the naughtier #secrets from today. The theme was "What is your #secret strategy for keeping your partner happy?" and we got a lot of sex-related answers that we couldn't read on air. So, we just made our intern, Nick, read them and give commentary. This video is probably NSFW.
What is your secret strategy for keeping your partner happy?
- Making him think very thing is his idea, if I want something I bring it up and talk about and even talk about how maybe we don't need it but use strategically placed words to make him want it. Then bam. I get to buy it. That's how I got my newest vehicle!
- Food junk food the best thing for a woman and a clean apartment ahh grown up stuff stupid
- I agree with his stupid ideas
- Never never say No !!!
- My strategy is being myself. I am not big on frilly, expensive, or perfect. My girl n I are in our mid-sixties, so just the simplicity of being together is enough. I wish to say, if you've got a great relationship it's because you're real.
- My bf and I broke up 1.5 months ago, so I guess I didn't have a strategy to keeping him happy looooooooool But it's ok cuz single at 18 is actually GLORIOUS!!!!!!!
- I think that it's not really a secret strategy but more of a subconscious strategy I will forget to do things but he asked me to like turn off the lights when I leave or other small things like that and then when I do remember to do them he is very happy
- No bake cookies. He thinks they're super hard to make and I can whip them out in 5min
- #secrets....Small things...meals he likes, doing simple chores he normally does, but doesn't have time for so I try to keep up with them for him! But the most important thing I do is tell him to go away 😂😂 but I tell him in secret ways like "hey go golf, go on trip with your friends or brothers. Please. Go!" It works
- Always try to make her smile every day no matter the situation. Her smile makes my day so why not make her day a little better.
- I fix my boyfriend's plate at dinner.
- Marco polo naked
- I let him always be right. He's a smart one usually but when he's clearly wrong I let him. Because everything is fixable and fighting gives me headaches 😂 -going on 6 years
- I Never lie and always listen to her.
- I get up and I make his lunch every morning for work. At least once a week I tell him how sexy his arms are and how big they are.
- #secrets I just my wife the R and of course she's happy lol
- Lots of words of affirmation
- I make him laugh by doing random and funny stuff
- Haha I just got busted by my hubby about the no bake cookies.
- Today is our eighth anniversary and always having a good meal for my husband and Making an effort into doing things that he doesn't have to do when he gets home after working all day
- #Secrets Balloon animals. Lots of balloon animals video games, simple people with simple tastes
- High. Horny. Hungry. If I as a wife have checked all these boxes & you as a husband still have an issue, that's your problem.
- My boyfriend works long days in construction and something I'll do for my boyfriend is find out when he's on his way home, and I try and time dinner to be done exactly when he gets home so he doesn't have to wait. Another is making sure there is always beer in the fridge. Beer & food there is nothing better 🍺❤️
- My secret to keeping my husband happy. Lots of text/messenger flirting and He loves getting surprise sexy pics.. Happy Hump Day!!!!
- I've never said no to balloon animals, it's been 21yrs.
- Keep my spouse happy by making balloon animals everyday, and letting him know how much I appreciate everything he does for me
- Sometimes I will buy his favorite candy on my way home from work and leave it in his truck so he finds it when he goes to work :) ... the little things always keep him happy
- My strategy for keeping hubby happy, keeping the frig stocked with beer, cooking, fixing his plate at dinner and balloon animals many times a week. It has worked for 35 years. #happylife
- Make him laugh and see the silver lining of almost any situation.
- When I spend less than 150 in groceries for our family of five.. which is almost impossible!
- Going 2min instead of 1min. Lol. I know I'm a man
- My secret was to plan a date have him meet me someplace. I'd be in a wig and look totally different and send him a drink. After that I'd send him over a room key. Just keeping things interesting and fun for both of us. LOL 😆
- Like we have nerf wars to see who makes dinner, and we have a competition to see who can balance the most books on our heads to determine who gets to pick the next movie we watch if we're undecided.
- Learn to make the best of every situation. And stop making my plate at dinner!
- Lots a "D"
- Secrets: set the bar low, then deliver on the promise.
- You have to give him a reward, example he vacuumed so he gets a fishing lure Rewards go a long way
- My wife also makes butterscotch no bake cookies which are excellent
- Lots of words of affirmation + Doing it every night😂
- Just make sure that she finishes before you do when it comes to balloon animals LOL
- Go down on her as often as possible. Good for both of us!
- I don't nag at him about his hobbies like video games and write him love notes like we were back in high school.
- Knowing his love language. I read the book, The Five Love Languages years ago. His love language is definitely words of affirmation- building him up and encouraging him verbally. His second love language is acts of kindness so I try to do things for him that I wouldn't normally do. Oh, and lots of making balloon animals. We've been married 22 years! 😃
- BJ's 🍆 👅
- I never say no to guys nights or weekends away, secretly I love my alone time so its great for both of us.
- My husband and I both have to be at work at seven except he works four days a week and I only work two days a week. But even when I don't have to go to work I get up at six and make him breakfast and coffee so he can be happy when he goes to work☺️... then I go back to bed😂
- Chips ahoy cookies and milk in the house at all times!
- Ha ha! I came into the secret questions late and thought it was how do we get what we want.
- In the words of Connie from yesterday I could probably win an Oscar when making balloon animals
- I work on the house. She feeds me.
- I tell the kids to ask him. He can't say no to them
- #tqotd we don't live together, will never live together, will never get married, and we're never having kids. That's how we keep each other happy. And you'd be surprised how many people tell us that that's the right path to take, and how jealous they are of us.
- Secrets: bourbon.
- I let him date other people. Actually he doesn't even know we're dating. LOL I guess that's my secret * Chuckles deviously*
- My secret strategy is to just not have a man and only worry about what makes me happy from now on!
- #secrets I just my wife the D and of course she's happy lol
- He is a simple man. The 3 B's. Beer, boobs and balloon animals. 😂
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