If you've ever met someone who you considered to be "the one", there was something about them that just clicked. What was that thing?

What was the GREEN FLAG in your relationship that made you realize that they were “the one”?

  • When we both decided to go to college together...he played basketball, and I played softball.
  • When after a year and a half I pulled my head out of my butt and realized he was the right man for me. He was still there waiting. He never gave up on me. We dated for a year broke up but still spent time together "as friends" and he still wanted to be with me after all that. We finally got engaged 6 yrs later on July 4th. I couldn't ask for a more loving person.
  • When we took a road trip across the country for 3 weeks alone and never argued once.
  • When he left the state for college and we cried and cried together. We went our separate ways for eleven years and now we are back together.
  • When she built me a house, got a new car, and got promoted at work. It’s me, I’m the one.
  • I'm a hot person. He's a cold person. That's how you know.
  • The first time I met him.
  • When he not only took on me at my worst, but also excepted my two boys as his own. No hesitation. (16+ years together now)
  • When I was diagnosed with lupus and chronic kidney disease and he never blinked an eye or left me. He’s been there through 3 different rounds of chemo. Love him forever
  • When I broke and he helped me pick up all the pieces...
  • Still looking!! Lol
  • When my dog let him the house! Remember to lock your doors!!
  • That he would drive from Marne to Muskegon just to kiss me and then drive an hour home
  • When the test came back positive.
  • Only red flags shooting into the sky like the 4th of July... Oh the last one... what a story...his name was Steve. We better stop here...and no worries, it wasn’t Steve Bohner.
  • Hahahaha!!! Shit there was supposed to be a green flag??? What the fish!? I don’t remember, but I was so damn young. Maybe I was mistaking my red and green flags. I’ll say this though...as I’ve gotten older, my eyes have opened and now battling new health issues that are long term. One more red flag and I’m out! I am 100% strong enough to take care of myself and lessen my stress.
  • The thing that gave me the "green flag" to pursue my now husband was the fact that my past didnt matter to him. (Backstory) when I first met him I was pregnant by an old friend of his and he was in town for a week for a wedding. He left and went home to florida without a lot of interaction between us. Fast forward 6 months later (still pregnant) my ex and I broke up and he reached out to say sorry for what his friend did (nothing more at that time) but then several more months went by, I had my baby, and he randomly messaged me one night and we got to talking for a few weeks and he confided in me that he was hoping to come home to Michigan soon and was hoping to put down some more roots. Knowing I had a child with an old friend of his, it still shocked me that he wanted to be with me. (At this point in my life I was terrified no man would ever love me because I had a child from a man I wasnt with.)
  • We were forced into this awkward meeting with my dad when we had only been dating for about a month when we ran into him in public... and my hubby rocked it
  • The green flag was when he held my hair when I was puking
  • TextQ. I knew 9 months into dating my now fiancé that he was probably the one. So I took him camping with my family and like 2 days into it I had this terrible pain in my stomach. Had to go to the hospital and turns out I had a kidney stone (it’s terrible, very terrible). He rode the hour in the backseat with me and kept me company the whole. It meant a lot and made me feel better.
  • I got pregnant no but really he stuck by my side even though we had just broken up then found out I was pregnant. 7 years later we are still going stronger than ever.
  • We went out on a date and he drank as I didn't and when it was time to leave he had asked if I could drive i said yes, being a gentleman he opened the drive side truck door my comment to him was " get in the truck b*^@h you can sit in the middle" he got my humor and we laugh to this day about it 10 years later.

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