The other day Steve was telling us a story of how Charlotte, his cute little 3 year old, walked in on him in the restroom and asked “what’s that?”. Wow … that would be an awkward conversation but I am sure many parents have had those before. The perfect time for us to find out was with this TQOTD:

What question did your kid ask that was hard to answer?

  • When my 5 year old wanted to know how he was made and how he got in my tummy to begin with. He was not satisfied with my fluff answers and kept asking “but HOW did I get in there? Who put me there?” Then proceeded to drill me about how he got out of my body. Umm Magic??.. I was not ready for that convo at 5
  • On rough days my autistic teenager asks why he’s different. Still can’t give him an answer
  • How do magnets work?
  • “Mom why does it seem like weekends go so fast” my reply: when you solve that question maybe we’ll have longer weekends!
  • A million questions about 9/11 asked by a 4 year old. No real easy answers for a kid that age.
  • Do birds have knees?
  • My 4 yr old keeps asking where she came from, I told her my belly, now she's obsessed with asking how she got in there.... When she starts asking I just ask her if she wants to go to the park and play lol
  • My daughter came down the stairs one night while the wife and I were doing a certain activity. She asked what we were doing... It was hard to answer because it would potentially break her imagination. We were wrapping presents and then we had to have the Santa talk.
  • When my grandson was 5 he asked me why his winky got bigger when he was in the shower grandma wasn't prepared for that
  • When our oldest son was 3 or 4 he walked in on my wife as she was getting dressed. She was putting on her bra when he asked her how come she has to strap those big things on. Need less to say she was flabbergasted and just started cracking up.
  • Where their dad was. He *disappears* a lot.
  • I do not have children, but I know enough people who do and I teach... The hardest question I'm asked by kids, my teen students, or anyone, is what happens when someone dies? Not really the act of death, but what comes after
  • Ok so my daughter was about 4 years old, me and my ex boyfriend had just got done having a "quikey" and when I came out she asked why was I going ooooh oooh,
  • Why is heaven in the ground? Why can't we just call your brother in heaven?
  • I have a 5, 4, and 2 year old. Pregnant with #4. They want to know how baby is going to come out. wellllll....
  • Why arent you married to dad anymore?
  • My friends kid once asked me " why does mom always sleep? Doesn't she wanna play with me?" When a year old ask that it breaks ur heart.
  • My son was scared/fascinated by the war. He asked one day “Mom, only the people who chose to fight in the war get killed right? Not regular people and kids. Right?
  • When is dad coming home? He passed like a week before.
  • Why is your brother so mean to us.
  • My stepson one often asked me why his dad didn't love him
  • When my 5 year old looked at my dad, and asked him his age and then proceeded to say. Aren’t most people your age dead. Talk about a face balm moment.
  • Are leprechauns real? (They used to tp our house, pee green in the toilet and not flush, turn our milk green, leave gold chocolate coins lay around,etc). Same kid (my son) insisted on knowing what tampons were.
  • My grandbabies just asked me the other day why they couldn't go see Uncle Bobby he passed away last month
  • When he was younger he would ask why he didn’t have a brother or sister, try explaining to a preschooler that you couldn’t have anymore babies. Very lucky that my treatments worked and I have him.
  • Do you love me? Just kidding (both about the question and having a difficult time answering if they did).
  • The toughest question my kids asked me at a younger age is “what’s a virgin”.
  • Can you fly an airplane to heaven
  • Trying explaining "tomorrow " to a 3 yr old. It's kind of like a "who's on first" comedy act
  • I don’t have kids but When I was little and would get sent to my room for being sassy I would always make myself cry and then come out sobbing and ask my mom “do you still love me
  • "What happens when you die?" Ummmm that was a question from 4yo son on the morning drive to daycare. (He is now almost 20yo, and I still remember him asking the question.) This mama had not had enough coffee to even attempt an answer.
  • I was about 24 or so, I was picking up my cousins son and he was staying with us for the weekend, he was about 4 and his grandfather had just passed away. He asked me out of the blue if Nana was going to die (which was my mom). I didn’t know how to answer that. I didn’t have kids and wasn’t prepared for anything like that at the time.
  • Why do you have balloon animals unless you want to have kids? (This was after he took a health class.)
  • Who was I before me?
  • When my daughter was almost 4 she asked so many questions that were hard to answer but my favorite was “why is water wet?”
  • Where do babies come from? She was in second grade and wouldn’t take “when a man loves a woman…” answer. Sooo I had to give her the answer. Afterwards she said “no wonder I’m an only child! You had to do that with daddy!” I followed up with you can’t tell ANYONE on the playground what you know!
  • How do I do my math homework?
  • I literally just had to Google my kid’s homework and STILL couldn’t figure out what the hell they wanted…
  • When my daughter was 10, she asked me why God made her so different from everyone else (she has cerebral palsy, autism, ADHD, and a slew of others). It was a rough conversation to have while she was crying, trying to explain everyone is different in their own ways and we all are beautiful in our own uniqueness.
  • "Are you and Dad going to do awkward and inappropriate things?" - age 6 when we both headed upstairs
  • Hold up left hand and says "this is my left hand" turns around(still holding up left hand)and could not figure out for the life of him why it was still his left hand. I could not get it through his head
  • My son asked me yesterday if scorpions were really just squirrels without fur. And honestly? Maybe
  • No names, of course. One of my daughters wanted to know if I'd ever given Dad a blow job!!!
  • After watching an episode of The Big Bang Theory, my then 10 year old son asked me what "coitus" is
  • One of the hardest questions I had to answer was when my eleven year old daughter asked: mom, what does it mean when a guy says a girl gets wet?
  • My daughter at 3 asked when she would grow a “tail” like dads!

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