What Was Your Favorite Part Of Summer When You Were Little? – #TQOTD
Let's all look back to some simpler times when you could ride your bike without supervision and stay out until the street lights came on for today's Text Question of the Day.
What was your favorite part of summer when you were little?
- Our family vacations. My parents always made sure we went somewhere. Not easy when you have 6 kids!
- Going to my grandparents..both sides were a walk (2 miles) away. They got along great and if I walked to see the dads parents..moms parents were good and by versa
- Spending a week or two with my grandparents. They have the most amazing backyard with coy ponds & we would always go to the movie theater & see like 4 movies in a day
- I was born and raised in Arkansas so every summer my uncle would take me and my cousin camping at the Smoky Mountains. That's when summer seemed to last forever.
- well mine was going to a apple orchard by silver lake helping my parents set up for the races since they had the timing lite system.then some friends we made would go around collecting the pop cans.
- Not having to work and getting my vacation paid. Thanks Mike Campbell ❤️❤️ Also just spending time with my parents up North!
- Every vacation was “Fishing” in northern Minnesota. We rented a cabin for a week, & fished ever day. The lakes were crystal clear. It was awesome!
- Going to my Grandparents cottage on Diamond lake every summer. And my other Grandparents cottage on Saint Marys lake. Always so much fun with cousins
- Seeing how long I could stand in the cold Creek water before jumping into the cold lake that "felt" so much warmer (but it wasn't warmer).
- Going up north, my grandparents lived in Baldwin year round, seeing them and being there was the best. Also losing track of days or months.
- Going to my grandparents cottage. No school was big too.
- Summer magic and swimming in general. I also enjoyed camping and going on trips with Girl Scouts.
- Little league, watching the Detroit Tigers, playing with all the neighbor kids and swimming.
- Not having a care in the world and always being outside playing.
- When we didn't have to pick up rocks or pull weeds...soooo... basically winter! LOL
- Riding my bike maybe? Irk, I have always pretty much hated summer. #winteralldaybaby
- Being completely oblivious to all the political crap my parents were talking about and worried about what would happen at the end of summer when November came!
- Going every summer to the Yoop! Seeing many of God’s beautiful creations! ☀️
- Our family vacation s. Being carefree. Really no worries just fun.
- Going camping for my birthday at the beginning of August. Always made me feel like summer was over already, but I always looked forward to it
- Swimming in the pool!
- Spending weekends with my grandparents at the family cottage up north.
- Going to the big lake with my family
- I grew up in Hawaii- spent tons of time at the beach all summer long
- Going to our cottage at Higgins Lake. Boating, skiing, tubing, swimming, checking out cute boys...
- 4th of July since my bday is the 5th.
- No school, going camping
- Our family vacations
- Going up north with my grandparents
- My aunt taking us to Disneyland..
- Camping with my parents and sisters
- No school
- Everything about summer was my favorite-no school hang with friends everyday til dark...not a care in the world gosh take me back to the late 70s early 80s
- hard to say when it's always summer time in Dominican Republic ♀️
- TQORD: Camping at Higgins Lake
- Playing hide and seek in the neighborhood sometimes we will be out till midnight and we were eight 910
- My favorite part of summer when I was little was going to visit my grandparents!! Loved getting to spend time with them!!
- My favorite time in the summer when I was a kid was the Fourth of July which is my birthday and my dad's birthday and we will go out to my aunt Mary's at the lake and I will get to see all of my cousins. I am with Connie love the lakes
- TQOTD...this is a serious toss up between long days by the pool, literally all day when we were kids in the pool with friends, and of course as kids you would take pool breaks and ride bikes...in bathing suits. Not sure we could get away with that now, lol!! Camping is a huge memory to me too, so many Michigan camping memories
- When I was a kid, we stayed in a campground all summer. I loved being able to swim all day and sit around the fire late at night. It was a wonderful way to spend those long summer days.
- TQOTD: Anything involving water. I was definitely a water babe... always in lakes, ponds, rivers, playing with slip n slides, sprinklers, etc.
- My favourite part about summer whrn i was little kid was going to Cedar Point in the summer
- My favorite part of summer, was going for motorcycle rides with my dad. It's one of the things I wish he would have been able to finish teaching me how to ride on my own before he passed, cause it's been almost 14 years since I have ridden, and I miss is.
- Every Labor Day weekend going up to Mackinac bridge and everywhere up north. The Paul Bunyon statue in Oscoda, The cross in the woods, Mystery Spot. Those were the best days!
- #TQOTD: The good food and nostalgia of going to the U.P. to live by the lake for a week.
- My favorite part of summer growing up was always my birthday but unfortunately that ended on my 13th birthday because my great grandma died that same day. Now I don’t really enjoy my birthdays because I’m always reminded of losing one of my favorite people. This year is particularly hard because I’ll be 23 so it’s the 10 year anniversary of her death.
- What I loved about Summer as a kid was getting extra snacks and sometimes even getting to eat them OUTSIDE. My parents kept things very structured during the school year, including snack times, so when Summer would come and I could go get a snack pretty much any time I wanted it was the BEST!!
- Riding around our property on my stick horse
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