What Was Your “I Don’t Get Paid Enough For This” Moment? – #TQOTD
Let's face it, no matter what jobs you've had in your life, everyone has had the thought "I don't get paid enough for this crap" moment pass through their heads. What was yours?
With any job you have ever had in your life … what was your “I don’t get paid enough for this” moment?
- I worked in high behavioral group homes in one day the resident decided they were in a bad mood and threw a butter knife in it hit me in the head and then they came at me with a broken piece of glass I ended up in the ER getting my head looked at and that was the day I realized I didn’t get paid enough to deal with it
- Worked custodial at Disney. I had to pick up poop from the entry way of a bathroom and all the way into the stall. Anddd then all over the stall
- My current job.....I work for a landlord who flat out rips off tenants, it kills my heart, but I need the job right now
- I had a customer come into my deli, walked right in and straight to the bathroom. I totally forgot he was there he never came to the counter to order anything so I just assumed he had left. Fast forward, no joking, almost an hour later and we hear the bathroom door open and he leaves out the back door. We saw that he was carrying his shoes and socks. Dreadfully I went to the bathroom to find explosive diarrhea everywhere. On the floor on the toilet on the sink on the walls on the handicap bar next to the toilet. It was the most disgusting thing I've ever encountered in my life. Contemplating burning the building down just so I didn't have to clean it.
- At the beginning of Covid I was working at a gas station and some guy threw a Coke bottle at me for asking him to please put on a mask.
- Patient on the ct table: I'm gonna poop! Me: no don't do that! patient: too late!
- My “I don’t get paid enough for this” was when I worked as a barista and a lady threw a steaming hot latte (like 160° hot) at me through the drive thru window because she “had waited more than 10 minutes to get through the line and had to be at work in 5”. I had 2nd degree burns and I quit the week afte
- I work as a preschool teacher. My "I don't get paid enough for this" moment was when I was cleaning poop off the floor and wall because a child forgot to sit down to poop.
- I cannot decide what job I hated more...substitute teaching or in-house suspension teacher. Both paid crap!
- When I had a confused patient that was literally throwing his poop around the room. We had staff hiding behind pieces of furniture trying to coordinate a way to subdue the patient without getting more poop on us than necessary. Now I say when it’s a bad day at work “at least poo isn’t flying”.
- Cleaning poop out of the swimming pool while I was a computer technician for a school district!
- The girl I nanny for, a couple years ago, she was probably 3. I went into her room to wake her up from nap and she had smeared poop all over her wall and it was all over her and her bed. Her room smelled like crap for days. Yup, definitely not paid enough to clean that up
- I'm a teacher....lol
- Doing jumping jacks in the morning meeting to get motivated. Didn't motivate. Just felt abused!
- Having a kid puke on your feet, white substitute teaching.
- Digging poop out of a constipated elderly gentleman's butt...
- Every moment working in children's residential care lol
- There are moments that you don’t think this??
- Bussing tables at Mr. Fables restaurant. So disgusting cleaning up after messy people.
- When a kid threw up blue berries on me!! I was a dental assistant! He didn’t want his tooth filled!
- Elderly residents squatting in the hall taking a shit on the floor
- When students puke on you in class
- When I was written up for false allegations even after the inquisition was called a witch trial. I quit 3 months later
- When I worked at a factory, I was running a press. I had an oil line on the machine burst and I was covered in machine oil. Luckily it wasn't hot. To add to the chaos, the company told me I couldn't go home, if I did I would get points on my attendance. I had to clean up in the crappy bathroom. The one good thing about working there was it kept me motivated to continue going to college.
- Getting offered the position I had worked several years for and turning it down because i knew i wouldn't be able to do the job justice like i wanted under the manager i had. She showed me just how much "control" I'd have and how little the person doing said job actually mattered. I moved on scared out of my mind thinking i would fail at absolutely anything else and I'm so happy i proved myself wrong
- When a customer calls yelling obscenities and telling me I shouldn't be in customer service.
- Having to listen to people complain at their doctor's office about having to wear a mask for fifteen minutes and also the look I get after kindly asking them to pull it back up over their nose and mouth when they're in the room with me Try wearing it for ten hours a day even while doing phone triage.
- Cleaning hospital rooms with covid patients. However, it breaks my heart going in looking like I'm with on a hazmat team and hurrying to get out.
- I was drawing blood on a patient, finished, turned to put it in the sharps container but it was a butterfly needle so it had the long tail that like to curl... As it dropped it into the container it somehow curled back and caught my gloved thumb. I was three months pregnant also... One of the scariest moments of my life. Telling the patient we have to redraw a poke panel and what happened. Thankfully the patient was clean and turns out also a nurse, so they completely understood why we had to do another blood draw. It took a year and a half but I'm in a job I don't have to deal with needles anymore. Not worth the risk when I could work at Target for a dollar less an hr.
- As an intern I had to clean out the machine after Popcorn Fridays. I never ate the popcorn but it took awhile to not feel buttery.
- When a resident asked me and My staff to help shave his.... Areas.... he is a more DD(developmentally delayed) resident and sometimes needs help with daily care like washing his hair or buttoning his shirts... But yeah.. They dont pay us enough to manscape.
- Climbing inside the machine, and cleaning thick Black machine grease out out when 8 month pregnant ,the gal that replaced me never had to. Never went back.
- Searching through a plastic trash bag of vomit for a denture
- TQOD: Every Retail Job i have ever had!! The public can be rude! The last retail job I had, the Store manager did not do her job correctly. All of her paperwork that they needed to do, I did! Any ideas or changes I made to the store the SM took credit! I was finally done & told them so on my way out! I don't ever do that but I was done!
- Was threatened and that was that
- Cleaning my classroom pantry to eliminate pantry moths and larva.
- Tqotd: its a tie between getting bit by a small dog so hard that it ripped my pants and broke my skin or cleaning up poop off the sales floor. The first is from Amazon and the second was Target.
- I had more than a few “I don’t get paid enough for this” moments at my last job. I was a cashier and there were always people who came through my lane and told me their whole life story and would vent about troubles. I’m a psychology major, so I found it very interesting that these people would just talk to a random stranger in a store to feel better, but I definitely didn’t get paid enough to listen to/help people solve their personal problems.
- I worked at a service coordinator, basically the "head cashier". A woman paid for her $250 worth of groceries and the reciept didn't print, because the machine malfunctioned. I show up and explain I need to go print a new one for her. I kid you not this woman begins to SCREAM at me how she is just too tired to wait 5 fishing seconds for me to print the new one, and she works third shift at her job so I WOULDNT UNDERSTAND (no idea how this was relevant but she said it). Then tells me that she will just leave the groceries and I can forget it. I actually had to convince this woman to TAKE her cart of groceries she just paid for. Oh and the woman's daughter is standing there looking petrified this whole time. The next day I told my boss I didn't need the .25 cents an hour extra for being "in charge" and stepped down.
- When I worked in sales for a different radio group, the sales manager had me call a locally owned business and sing their jingle on the voicemail of the owner daily for about a month. 1. I can’t sing. 2. How pathetic. 3. I lasted maybe a total of maybe three months MAX in sales. 4. Every single time I see/hear the jingle I feel so ashamed! Still...to...this....damn...day.
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