What Was Your “I’m Too Old For This… Stuff” Moment? – #TQOTD
In honor of Connie celebrating her birthday this weekend, we wanted to know when your I'm too old for this @#% moment was. Of course, we couldn't actually say @#$%, so we said stuff instead, but you get it!
What was your “I’m too old for this … STUFF” moment?
- Bull riding I just can't do it anymore
- Drinking on a work night not 21 anymore. AKA tried last night not doing well today only slept 3 1/2 hours :(
- TQOTD: when I realized I'm not a General Admission concert goer anymore. A very bittersweet, I'm growing up/getting old moment. (I'm 28 for reference. And the concerts I realized this at were in this past year - Odezsa & A Day To Remember - EDM & hard rock)
- I'm 26 and the campground was doing a limbo contest. Wife told me I was too old to do it but I may have been drinking and was determined to do it. Got it down pretty low but the last time I tried I felt my hip pop. I was limping for about 2 weeks. She just laughed at me and said I told you so. That's when I said I may be too old for this.
- I am too old for this STUFF...... knee blown out, work, drinking. Ok, maybe not drinking I love that too much!! FIREBALL FRIDAY, taking ½ day cuz I can again... Have a great weekend
- I'm still thinking of a moment I thought that I was too old for but earlier this week I threw my back out after putting my toddler in his car seat and there was a canvas camping chair in the back seat so I twisted and threw it behind me into the trunk of the car and as soon as I got out of the car from doing that my lower back was like "What the heck did you just do to me!"
- Mine was skateboarding I really shouldn't have done it I had to get stitches
- My "I'm too old for this moment..." is dealing with childish drama in my friend group. We're all adults and one person blamed everyone else for their problem.
- #TQOTD I was 34 years old and my "I'm too old for this moment" was when my son was a baby and waking up every couple hours at night. Ug,h that was rough.
- #tqotd... Workplace drama were all adults but it feels like high school all over again high school was over 10 years ago now and you know what I'm too damn old of this *hit... Grow up worst part these ppl are in their 30-60 yrs old I'm 27 ugh
- My I'm too old for this is anytime someone calls 911 for something like a stubbed toe... yes... we get those types of calls more than I care to admit.
- My "I'm too old for this" moment would be my best friends bachelorette party last year, I may only be 25 but I have 2 young kids (only had 1 then but still haha), married and I had my party days at we will say a "younger age". I don't go out much anymore and when I went out for that bachelorette party it made me realize how much I really don't go out and that's ok with me.
- #tqotd My "I'm too old for this" came after getting my 4th street racing ticket in a two-year span. I got arrested, lost my license and almost went to jail. That's when it was time to grow up. Sold the Camaro the next week and bought a Honda. I haven't owned a fast car since then.
- Jumping on a trampoline
- #tqotd Every time I deal with my mother, "I think I'm too old for this." I'm 38 and she treats me like I'm five and loves to remind me about what a "disobedient child" she thinks I am. And I don't do anything wrong, I'm the perfect daughter for a normal parent like my ex in-laws, but she's not a normal parent
- Too old for staying up past 10:30...not good.
- The moment I realised I was too old, was Tuesday when my daughter turned 14. It was then I realized she is closer in age to all my co-workers and some of my bosses in age then I am.
- I was grocery shopping and there were 4 teenagers using/climbing over one of those handicap scooter carts. I turned into a crotchety old lady and yelled at them to grow up... #imtoooldforyourbullshit
- #question - When I tweaked my shoulder PULLING UP MY PANTS -Stacey from Cedar Springs
- My name is Heidi and mine was rollerskating I had a birthday party for my son years ago I could but at the party, I couldn’t even stand up
- Mom on rides both water park and amusement at Michigan Adventure at 40!
- Cartwheeling. A night after a couple of glasses of wine thought I could do it. Went up, immediately knew it was a bad idea, crashed to the floor lol
- So for my, I'm too old for this moment..... I was at the park with my husband and our youngest son who will be 2 in November and I decided to use my awesome cartwheel skills to impress my husband, FYI, never in my life did I have cartwheel skills. After doing my first one I was pretty impressed with myself and looked at my husband for some positive reassurance and of course he gave me the "so-so" hand gesture and rated it a six out of ten LOL. Of course I went for a second better one and ended up pulling my hamstring and falling flat on to my back....
- Doing a beer bong to keep up with my 25-year-old brother. I'm 38 and just had a kid 2 weeks ago. Also staying up past ten on a work night.
- #tqotd I'm too old for sledding and running or jogging my body would hate me for days also sitting on the floor for a long period of time and trying to get up ugh my body sounds like your walking on packing peanuts snap crackle pop
- I realized I'm too old for this when I was 32 and was still trying to keep up playing baseball with college kids
- Too old moment When trying to do yoga, I just can not Bend like I used to
- We got home last night at 2 am from a concert in Ann Arbor. I get up at 6 for work. I feel hungover without having a drink last night and I’m only 29. #too old fir this
- When you're at the bar thinking you're all sexy and look around and you swear every girl is a teenager and they are wearing what you swear to be underwear as an outfit. #toooldtobehere
- I had my first child at 31. Now they are finally old enough to go on rollercoasters..I had to play it off but I was queasy all day.
- My too old for this moment was last week staying up past 11 drinking with my single friends. It was fun but I have work, kids, and a busy life. How pathetic, I can't party past 11!!!!
- I am 39 years old and can no longer ride roller coasters at MI Adventure
- We went roller skating for Valentine's Day last year and I needed the "walker" too and looked like the old man from the movie "Up"