It's about to be the weekend and we need to know what you need to make you happy!  It can be anything under the sun, big or small!

What would make you happier RIGHT NOW?

  • #TQOTD What would make me happier would be if I didn't need to have surgery on Wednesday that involves a painful recovery. If any fellow listeners believe in God, please toss up a prayer for me.
  • Would love to help people make there house a home. Also would like to supply Connie and fish with gummies - Ken & Heather
  • TQOTD: what would make me feel happier right now is a fully functional vehicle that doesn't need some sort of maintenance every month.
  • So many to choose from, so I'll go with...
  • Having the day off and going back to bed
  • To be able to go camping any time I want, where ever I want, for as long as I want but still have money come in the entire time so bills will get paid . I ❤️ camping
  • To have all the necessities my family needs at the moment.
  • To be free from pain, even for a few days
  • For my five adult kids to have Peace Love and Happiness ❤️
  • If I could get into my classroom and get ready for the school year! I shouldn't complain because my room will be completely renovated, but the anxiety that I won't be ready for my littles is pressing!
  • Full retirement..I am 68 and still working.
  • A place to sit in my yard and talk to my brother.
  • To have enough money to live comfortably and have my mortgage paid off.
  • Financially set so I can retire to take care of my mother.
  • Just to have all my Bill's paid every month and my kids to be happy.
  • To say I used to have lupus
  • Affordable early retirement
  • Well, lotto winnings would be great, but I would settle for a beach house in Key West.
  • Knees that worked and no pain. I am having knee replacements soon
  • Being able to afford my own place
  • My new house in Florida
  • Money to send my daughter to college and travel
  • To afford retirement
  • Another month of summer!
  • Winning the lotto! Not asking for millions but enough to pay the house off would be fabulous!!!
  • Healthy kids. ❤️
  • Not working tomorrow. Oh wait, I dont! #Paddle4Pints
  • To truly believe that no matter how tough things get it really will get better.
  • Not think about all the friends I've lost after just seeing how one of my closest one is married and having a baby and I didn't even know, and I miss them like crazy
  • That the pain meds would kick in for my 12 year old who just had a major bunion repair yesterday. And that she would sleep 4 hours straight tonight .
  • Getting well after nine months of illness with no end in sight.
  • If I was sipping my wine in Bora Bora!❤️
  • Currently, to not be on a flight from Chicago to GR that lands at midnight.
  • Breakfast ,to live in St. Ignace on the lake ..... retired cuz Iam tired. Jiminy cricket’s, help me please.for I have worked since I was 11, doesn’t that count for earlier retirement ?
  • Understanding between each other
  • If I could quit over thinking every little thing
  • Being home and not in the hospital
  • A million dollars
  • Balloon animals.
  • If my husband would stop being so angry, it's hurting us.
  • Winning the lottery
  • one night of sleep where I don't wake up even once!
  • Getting back the 3 hours i just wasted watching the Packers play.
  • My car getting fixed right after a month of not driving it and still not fixed
  • 5.2 billion dollars
  • Winning the lottery
  • To not be up at 3:30 on a vacation day coughing my lung up.....stupid summer colds grrrr
  • Being told I don't have to come into work and they'll get a substitute for my room so I can have a deserved day off.
  • being able to have a baby would make me happy. adrianne from ionia. ☺️
  • The thing that would make me happier would be if my step son didn't have to have his second open heart surgery at the age of 12...and then another surgery 6 months later.
  • What would make me happy right now, A POWER OUTAGE FOR THE DAY
  • Would love to meet our baby girl! She's due in 2.5 weeks and I'm more than ready! Seriously need a break from work, looking forward to having 10 weeks off away from it.
  • The thing that would make me the most happy is finally quitting my freaking job and doing my dream job. It's at my fingertips but can't have it yet
  • Something that would make me happy is to be able to stay at home with my kids, unfortunately it’s not possible #singlemomlife
  • #What would make me happy is when I get home from working 3rd shift (drum roll please).... my man having breakfast ready and waiting for me when I get home.
  • Text question of the day: what would make me happier today is to be back in bed sleeping!
  • TQOTD It would make me very happy if today was Sept 8th because We would be on are way to Vegas Baby ❤ We are going to celebrate our 20 the Anniversary there
  • TQOTD: I would be happy if I could eat dark chocolate sea foam (from Sweetlands on Plainfield) and drink Diet Coke every morning for breakfast without worrying about the negative effect of the sugar, calories and soda chemicals.
  • #tqotd to be debt-free! Please someone you pay my mortgage off, pay for my car loan, and all my other debts. That way I can plan more trips!
  • Better frogging drivers
  • I'd be happier if it was December...that's when our son will be born
  • It would make me happy right now if my husband came home and surprised me today. He has been gone for 10 days for a conference and I miss him.
  • Some Taco Bell and a few dad jokes!
  • Hey Connie and Fish, the one thing that would make me happy right now is to see my girlfriend that I haven’t seen in 2 months
  • TQD-My MIL lives with us...enough said!
  • What would make me happier rn is a boy kissing on me
  • TQOTD. If my pants didn't feel like they were cutting me in half, that would make me happier.
  • A breakfast burrito vegan would be amazeballs right now … Or my girl doing some freaky deaky stuff lol
  • TQOTD - For Fish to show up at my house and tell me it's just what he's been looking to flip. #LazyHusband
  • I would be happier if I could go back to bed and sleep all day. Balloon animals kept me awake
  • SWB: To be honest what would make me happy right now is balloon animals and a big fat blunt
  • Make love to my female coworkers
  • What would make me happier right now is if I had grabbed my lunch from the refrigerator and not the dog food. Now I am at work all day with nothing to eat but a pile of leftover dog mush

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