What Would Make Your Stay At Home Better? – #TQOTD
It's day 11 of us broadcasting from and it's time for us (and for you if you are at home too) to figure out what we are going to need to make this quarantine a bit better.
What would make your stay at home better?
- If I actually got to stay home I'm "essential" as I work at a grocery store.
- I'm still working but I would have to say if my kids had a tutor... I'm not patient enough to be a teacher lol
- I'm an essential working in a grocery store, I wish I could stay home.
- If the damn kids would clean up after themselves!!!
- Warmer weather and more motivation and money to get household stuff done. Was doing really well with cleaning and organizing but that ship has sailed
- If I was stuck in Florida at a rental home with a big pool!! Or I guess much warmer weather here!
- Not having to worry about gaining weight bc I’m a cooking machine lately! I’ll be surprised if I haven’t gained 15 pounds by the end of this.
- 75 degrees and sunny (oh, and a paycheck).
- 1. If I could actually stay at home and not work!!! 2. If my kids were home and not in the Air Force (one of them in the 2nd hardest hit state in the US)
- Warm weather so I could float in my pool!!!
- It would be awesome if our puppy was potty trained.
- Nothing. I'm an introvert and I love this.
- Better weather... consistent sunny and warmer.... to enjoy the outside
- If my anxiety ridden, OCD brain would shut off. I need sleep..
- If I had a yard and not living in an apartment
- If I didn't have to work from home!
- Better weather and my unemployment money so I could get things done that I need that money for
- If my hair dresser could bunk in and keep my hair colored.
- If my home was closer to my parents'.
- To make it permanent!
- Not having to go to the office ;)
- A mom. Someone to feed me, clean up after me. Tell me it’s ok.
- Someone to clean up all the messes my kids make.
- A chef. Hands down.
- If it was actually my choice....
- Motivation!
- Warm weather and nice people.
- Chocolate and ice cream to last until the end.
- No kids for a week!
- If I had a live in nanny
- Reese’s eggs...lots of them.
- Being paid
- Sunshine ☀️
- More family members
- Company
- A chef and a hot tub...
- More ice cream...
- Warm weather
- A job.
- If I could see my people...Like Allison
- Warm weather
- A personal chef.
- What would make your stay at home better? An indoor heated pool.
- My stay at home time would be better if I could actually stay home. I have 3 jobs and they are all essential
- My stay at home time would be better if I could STAY AT HOME :) I'm an essential worker so not much has changed for me :/
- Quarantine would be way easier if I was able to get sometime just to me. Snacks. Hulu. No interruptions for one evening here and there. It's hard to practice any self care as an essential employee whose family is also now home 24/7.
- Eating anything and gaining no weight
- TQOTD: a bushel full of fifties, lolol! Amazon here I come!
- Hi. Having my boyfriend here with me would make this quarantine much better. He works in the Metro ER so we haven’t seen each other since March 15.
- I would actually like to be able to STAY at home. My wife and I are essential making ventilator pieces (me) and working in the hospital (my wife)but its very stressful going out every day taking the kids to my parents for babysitting and then to work.
- For the guilt to go away. Just sitting around all the time feeling useless not doing anything is awful. I have done things around the house and yeah, staying home so we are not overwhelming the hospitals is a good thing but I feel useless. And sitting here watching 4 hours of daily news doesn’t help
- A bigger house and larger yard. Oooh, and beer Rita’s. This quarantine has shown this family of 5 just how small our house is!
- For people to just stop BITCHING and be good humans and work with one another, whether you're team right, team left or smack in the middle of the madness. The anger is obnoxious.
- I wouldn’t be mad if I had one of those fire escape poles in-between floors, or even a tube slide that connects top floor to basement floor, cause these stairs in this house are for the BIRDS
- Text question of the day what would I need three hookers and a case of beer LOL
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