What Would You Like To Be Able To Get A Do Over On? – #TQOTD
It can be serious, funny, or just plain dumb but we want to know something that you regret. It's time to tell us a moment in your life that you want to do over.
What would you like to be able to get a do over on?
- My wedding, my wedding planner was the worst and she ruined my wedding day. She got everything wrong, colors, cake, she even didn't have the venue secured the day of my wedding. She called me down to the lobby of the hotel to ask if I wanted to get married in the garden, beach or chapel, hours before my wedding?! I would have killed her if it wasn't for the travel channel showing what a Mexican jail looks like. My parents still ended up paying her full fee.
- I wish I could have a do over on how I've saved money since I started working 17 years ago! I would have been able to save more for my future (retirement, house, etc), and also had more fun too (more traveling!)
- Wedding photos. We're coming up on our 10 year anniversary - we were trying to save money and let an amateur do our photos. They're awful.
- Truthfully, I am good. I have 2 children I was told were not possible. Ooh, wait...I took a job outta grad school that was a waste and am about to upgrade. I wish I would have realized I was worth more a few years ago. I'm seeing now that I had a lapse in judgement. That being said...still good.
- I had weight loss surgery 9 years ago. If I could go back I would! I would like myself the way I am and just keep trying my best to be healthy.
- College. I loved working at my college but the educational aspect was a waste. I quit after 1 1/2 years and it was very expensive with nothing to show for it. I wish I would have gone to a trade school
- I wouldn’t get a Psychology/education degree from Hope College...rather major in something dealing with fitness. I love to jog, hike, bike, walk, exercise in general. 👍👍👍
- Buying my car from Todd Wenzle. It went bad after 2 years so I had to get a different vehicle and now I have 2 car loans
- This is a tough one. I LOVE my daughter, and wouldn’t trade her for the world, but honestly I’d go back to like 16, and do the last 11 years over 😬
- I made bad relationship choices, bad financial choices, bad career choices. All big things that stick with you for a long, long time.
- College. I would have pushed myself more and chosen my career earlier instead of waiting.
- The last six years of my marriage..
- How I divorced my 1st husband. I would hire a really good attorney instead of doing it myself. Would've been worth the money.
- Meeting the guy I met two weeks ago, a few years ago instead.
- Getting out of the military. I should have stayed in long enough for the retirement. And I actually miss doing something important.
- I’d like to redo college. Bounced around on majors and settled on information systems instead of sticking with physical therapy or a similar major. I thought I can always go back, but I never did.
- Adult life choices at 21
- Let’s go back to 15 and go from there.
- Picking last night's winning lotto numbers
- My first marriage... big mistake there
- My first marriage
- Life starting at age 18
- 1 of my Old jobs
- College
- Life
- Would go back about 3 yrs and never would have gotten mixed up with my narcistic ex
- I'd like a chance to redo high school. I didn't do the work and ended up dropping out and getting a GED, I'm in college now but it'd be far better if I had that high school background
- If I could get a do over, I would have never went to college. Debt up the but and I make more money doing what I'm doing now than I would in the field I studied
- Dumb big purchases, anything from student loan for a dumb college course to snowmobiles. Just glad we are older and wiser now...right?!?
- I would've been more outgoing in high school and in my 20s. Less serious and just had more fun, like I am now😁. I think I would be in a different place now had I not been so damn serious and boring when I was in my teens and 20s.
- Buying my own business. Be your own boss own your own business it's so much fun it's so freeing everybody says! No… Being your own boss sucks anything goes wrong you have to do it there's no one to turn to and say this is your problem not mine because every problem is my problem !!!!
- Text question of the day. I’d like a do over on my marriage. We are okay but it was a rough year last year and I was not there when his dad passed.
- Qotd: I wish I could do over girls night two nights ago. I got too drunk and burned alot of bridges
- I would like ato do over of the time before my dad passed cuz I miss him so much 16 years later that I would have spent way way more time with him before the cancer took him
- TQOTD. Hubby said he would want to find me sooner and I like Connie, I wouldn't have married so young the first time. I should have experienced the world.
- I would have started putting $$ in my 401k sooner
- TQOTD, I would have gotten a different degree in college and started my masters right after as well as have taken time to be me, do me and not worry about boyfriends or relationships so I would have made a better choice when o got married however I wouldn't trade my children for anything...
- My wedding. I completely over-thought everything. If I could plan it again I would have either eloped and then had a big reception at home, or a small, simple ceremony on the beach.
- Hi Connie and Fish. I would love a do over on choosing my rate (job) when I went in the Navy at 18. I chose medical because my mom pushed me to have a "girl" job, but I wish I would've chosen law enforcement. #tqotd
- If I had a do over I would go to a trade school instead of college. I would have been more successful and would have gotten it done in less time.
- If I could have a do-over, I would have chosen to stay in the Marine Corps and pursue OCS upon graduating from Oklahoma State. I actually tried getting back in a couple years ago (Army) and I am considered permanently disqualified for a hearing loss (I can't hear high pitch frequencies), but the military will grant waivers for mental disorders? On the lighter side, I can't hear what bats a talking about, but they'll allow crazies into the military?
- I would like to be a redo on the SAT and I got a 780 and I feel like I need to try to get a better score and the school I want I need a 800 to get in with
- Tqotd: I would redo the first couple years as a stepmom, I tried too hard. I also delayed having kids of our own until things felt better/ stable with my stepson... delayed too long.
- 1st attempt at college. Going back at 32 with 3 kids and working full time is for the birds. if i could go back and slap sense into myself i would....but 18 yr old me lonely still wouldnt listen
- ? Of da day.... I wish I would've stuck to my diet when I had gastric bypass surgery 11 years ago. Now I'm just a big old fluffy grandma.Oooo how I love my food.guess it was ment to b
- My do over.....my dreams last night. First one was winning a purse from Connie & Fish. We went on tour to show off the purse. In my dream Fish was rude and into himself. Then the second, went on a date with Steve. We went to camp, kissed him but his mouth was shaped like a Dobermans..... I have a Doberman. Lol