What Would Younger You Think Of You Now? – #TQOTD
Today's Text Question of the Day is another Flashback Friday. This one is all about meeting your past self. The #TQOTD was from November 5, 2019.
What would younger you think of you now?
- My younger self would look at me now and think... “...what the hell...you’re still listening to Connie & Fish?!”
- The younger me would look at me now and think “you never took chances, you never let your heart fully lead you, you went through adult life with fear of being alone and settling on life. The younger me would wonder if I’m 100% happy or just hanging onto the 50% and making it work.
- Younger me would say “well I’ll be damned, you said the first time you met him (in 8th grade) he was the man you were going to marry some day, and you did.” Happily married for 37 years. Been together for 44. #communication #soulmates
- Would definitely be shocked at where we ended up!! But seeing the most important things I have, wouldn't change any of the routes taken that led here.
- Younger me would never believe that I got married. Always thought I'd be an old spinster and I was absolutely ok with that for my future.
- Younger me would be proud of who I am. Stronger than I was
- Totally not where I thought i would be, but so proud!
- "She's boring" lol
- Ugh....total b**ch.
- "What the heck happened to you?" Is what he would probably think.
- She’s living the life!!
- Shame on you for not taking chances and chasing your dreams. Disappointed.
- I've really let myself go. Gained a little weight.
- She would say nice purple hair.
- You are always assbackward.
- U Go Girl! Turned OK....still Bad Ass!
- Dang you did better in life than I thought you would!
- Younger me would be in disbelief and proud!
- What a disappointment lol
- Why didn’t I wear sunscreen back in the day?
- Woman, did you really want to do anything with your life? What the heck happened?
- Disappointed
- My younger self would say daaaang girl way to finally get yourself together and can actually contemplate retirement. I was sooo far in debt but have rised above
- My younger self would probably say I can't believe you're gay
- Younger me would think... Thank god life turns out pretty damn good bc it sure sucke when I was young! Sh would be so proud.
- My past self would be kind of excited because I have developed a more concrete art style and I've progressed a lot. But at the same time they would be sad because I'm still in school trying to get my education degree
- What would younger me think of older me? 'Raising your son by yourself ? Single, divorced for 4 years, but happy as hell? Wow...'
- Younger me would be stoked to know I am a trophy husband to Michigan’s #1 babe. He would also be sorely disappointed that I live in freeze your bollocks off Michigan. Overall he would see it as a win.
- She would be very proud of who I became :) not letting anyone stand in my way. Being bullied throughout my entire school years made a stronger person today. And being told I’m too ugly and never going to find love, guess what! I’m getting married b*tches
- Young me would think, WHAT HAPPENED?!?! Where did you go wrong? You had potential...and now you're broke and fat. If only someone was there to show you your potential and worth.
- Young me would be so proud. I grew up in a stressful / toxix parenting situation and as soon as I turned 18 I moved out and started my life. I'm married to the love of my life with kids and happier than I ever thought I would be. Young me would be so proud.
- TQOTD. This could be fun or disappointing, I'll go with fun. Holy crap! I can't believe you're a mom. Your house is cool and you have the cutest dog and cats.
- Young me would be absolutely disappointed in me. From boyfriend, career, and getting into drugs. Which btw it's been 10 months clean and serene. Still trying to get outta my relationship of 15 years. Still not married but I'm not saying it was all bad just like the last 8 years also getting my kids taken away at one point. I'm back working!! Trying to put my life back together XOXO
- Disappointed, I didn't do anything with my life I had said that I wanted too.
- She’d be disappointed at how little I’ve done with myself and at the dumb choices I’ve made along the way however she’d be proud of the confidence I have.
- Sad that things have turned out the way they have. Proud that I found my voice.
- She would probably think I should get over myself
- That hes a total badass!
- She would probably think I could have done better with my life and had a better job :/
- Well that didn't go as planned.....but it worked out for the best.
- I think my younger self would be very sad.
- Young me would probably like now me. She would like that I've gotten wiser and healthier.
- She would wonder why I started caring what others thought of me/her. My anxiety and lack of confidence would confuse her.
- Amazing I survived and turned out pretty awesome
- I think I'd motivate her to do better but in reality she'd turnout the same.
- Young me would think I was doing an awesome job with owning my own house and having a job that I love
- Completely and totally lame. I lost my passion, drive and body. All I do is work and go home.
- Disappointed that I didn't follow my career goals. But happy that I married my husband and have two wonderful children.
- My “young self” would be very very pleased. Shocked. Surprised. Delighted. #exceedsExpectations #happyAndAtPeace
- I would say, "Holy Crap"' Look at that old dude in that shirt.
- Young me would be surprised I married my hubby! I could see myself saying- “But he wasn’t even on my MASH paper!” (We graduated together, but weren’t friends until senior year). Remember the game MASH?!
- She would think how glad she is that she turned things around, didn't end her life and would be super proud!
- Young me could never imagine that I’d be an angel mom. Shattered love and miss my son, forever 27
- Proud of the mom I've become because I didnt see any of this coming and how'd I get this fat when I used to be underweight most of my life.
- Young me would be disappointed that I didn't do what I always had planned for myself and that I married an a-hole but at least got two good kids out of it and divorced him
- I’m proud of you.
- You poor thing! What were you thinking?!?
- She would wonder why the heck I dont have kids yet....and why im not a zoologist.
- You've got to continue on that path to greatness and dont let the pain you've endured define you
- You’ve overcome so much but why did you end up in insurance instead of following your passion in fitness?
- Nothing! I would totally ignor me and “walk on bye”,then agian.....WTF?Old fart?
- Young me would think "how the hell is she not a drug addict or a drunk after all the horrific crap she's been thru? Oh that's right, cause she's a damn warrior!"
- You made it and you did it on your own. Yay
- Young me was painfully shy....she wouldn’t even believe it.
- Young me would think that older me is insanely cool for her don't give a darn attitude and how awesome her boyfriend is and job is. basically how cool my life is in general. And I think she would be pretty relieved that everything turned out as great as it did!
- She'd be happy I'm learning how to love myself and not take all crap from anybody. She'd be sad I'm still hurting the way I was before, but she'd be proud of how far I've come and how hard I've worked to get where I am now.
- ?of dah day... young me me would have " oh hell no"
- And young me would warn me to NOT get married young. Wait!
- I dropped out of high school when I was 17 and then had a baby, I got a GED and am going to college for business now
- "What the hell did you do to me?" is what I would be thinking.
- Young 3am partying me would never have guessed 42 year old me would look forward to the nights she could get kids asleep fast enough to be asleep by 9
- Probably that I’m lame and that’s not how it was supposed to go. But here we are! Hind sight is 20/20.
- My young me would be like oh sh*t we get type 1 diabetes at age 23?
- She’d say “grow up”!!!
- She'd be very disappointed
- "Be who you needed when you were younger" It took me a long time but I've become that person. I'd look up to me
- I'm still young. But I wouldn't have seen myself where I am today 10 years ago. Learned alot!
- I think she would me mystified at how this all happened lol
- What the hell were you thinking!!!!!!!
- How are you still not married? I def thought my 30s would look wayyyy different
- Whoa!
- Girl, way to pull your head out of your butt and doing something with your life that has purpose.
- I would think I have a cool job, nice house, car and boat. I wouldn't envy the having kids thing cuz when I was young I didn't want kids. I would probably think my boyfriend is cool and funny and want to hang out with him. I would also think I'm lame cuz I don't party like a rockstar anymore LMAO
- That I’m a crazy, lady.
- Failure
- TQOTD: Young me would think some things I've done are completely wrong and disrespectful and she'd smack me and tell me to straighten up.. So I'm actually doing that lol ❤
- Response to text of the day: look how much you have changed, from the quiet, shy girl who wore a hoodie every day to now a supervisor at my current job and getting married next year.
- Young me would think im a pretty badsss woman and give myself a high five for having a boyfriend and a girlfriend!
- Young me would think dang girl you are awesome living life the way you should
- Young me would be very proud! I have a fantastic boyfriend, I moved out of my parents right when I left for college and I haven't moved back, I have a fantastic job working for a nonprofit that I love. Life is great!
- TQOTD; Young me would be pretty happy with me with only a high school education I have a great job and a home in a great location
- #tqotd young me would think I was cooler than new kids on the block bc I own a boarding and grooming kennel and get to play with dogs all day everyday
- Young me would say, "who the fudge are you?"
- I can always feel twenty-something me glaring at me when my 18 month old is screaming bloody murder through the grocery store
- Young me would say: Awesome job of being a teacher, but why the hell did you pick middle school - they are all little assholes!
- I think Young me would be confused. You're a trucker instead of a florist? You're 26 with a four-year-old and you were supposed to wait till you were 28. You married an older guy? What happened? Didn't you have a plan? I wouldn't trade it
- Young me would say I did pretty good for myself, but that I had settled. Should have gone to college right away and had life expectancies before committing my life and love to someone who would later throw it all away for a ditzy bitch. Stand proud and be who I am!
- Young me would say “wow, you’re married at 24? Guess you stayed in West Michigan after all. Also, invest in bitcoin.”
- TQOTD: He'd say, well done... Your girlfriend is smoking hot and totally cool! How did you do that?!?!
- Had to share my hubby's answer for TQOTD. He said he would be upset because he didn't do things the right way the first time, that he would have found me sooner. Aw, shucks.
- BIP: Young me would be jealous is hack get more action now than I did when I was young
- Some of these responses— oh my lanta. So once upon a time, someone told me to “pull out the pacifier” in my life, and live the life I was meant to live. It scared the crap out of me. But I did (and continue to). Slowly but surely. By doing this, divorce and heartbreak happened. But I found myself and true love. I had to quit a job I liked, but I found a meaningful career and live my authentic self through it. And I was totally meant to do this.... JK Rowling failed many attempts in getting published. Colonel Sanders almost committed suicide at 65 because he was broke most of his life. Sara Blakey (founder of Spanx) was broke and destitute but is now the sole owner of Spanx, with no shareholders to contend with. Bottom line: it’s not too late. If you don’t like your life and feel like there’s more, change it. It will require going out on a limb, and stretching muscles you’ve never used and loss. It’s not that you’re not living the life you thought you wanted, it’s that you’re not willing to make the sacrifices necessary to make that life happen. So. My advice: if you’re not happy— “pull out the pacifier”, and be uncomfortable. Do the work and live the life you’re meant to live. It’s sooo not too late.
- She would be proud of me but surprised my ass is so big
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