What’s A Nickname You Have And Why? – Flashback Friday #TQOTD
Today's Text Question of the Day is another Flashback Friday! Today's was from December 4th, 2018 and was inspired by the slew of nicknames that Fish claimed to have had while growing up and even into adulthood.
What’s a nickname you have and why?
- Well I don't get called this nickname anymore but in high school my nickname was jugs, I'm sure you can understand why♀️ by the way, tell Doug we need more talkie less music, your click loves to hear yall talk and joke
- Little Witch...for my 3rd grade school pictures, they let us go outside for recess first. When I came back in my hair was all over the place and noone bothered to help fix it. We did retakes, but that picture is the one that is one the whole class picture that got sent home to everyone! My mom since then called me Little Witch
- My nickname is fancy. #davidyurman #davidhyman
- Stuffer!! Cause apparently, according to Hubby, I “stuff” things away. In “woman” talk that means I picked up the house and “put” things away LOL
- Stick, because I'm not curvy like a lot of girls, I'm kinda straight like a stick.
- Lady bird or bird for short. Family and close friends only call me by my nickname(still do) . Was given to me as a toddler by my dad. I ate very little at a time and cried if I got anything on my face resulting in my nickname. My mother saying my birth name meant I was in trouble otherwise she used my nickname.
- Donnaline. I have no idea why, but it was started by my Dad. So when we gather with relatives, we add "line" after our names. That's my "handle" sometimes. My dad is no longer with us, but left that nickname with me.
- Chef B2F. B2F has been my nickname since the 6th grade. Just a kid trying to be cool. My brother gave it to me and it stuck. What does B2F mean? Bry2Fly . B2f sound 100X better so I go by that. The Chef part came into play because thats what I am. Lol
- In high school it was duck and in college it was “T” because my name is Kristie. Both were made by the softball team.
- My Dad and some family members have always called me Cakers. I guess it comes from Patty Cake when I was a baby.
- Suzie the Sumo, thankfully has been shortened to just Suze...because apparently I looked like a sumo wrestler when I was a baby to my great uncle!
- Fuzzy by my Dad because I didn't have any hair until I was over a year old just peach fuzz on my head. And then when I was a teenager in the 80's I had a couple really bad perms that fried my hair making it fuzzy all over again.
- My mom always used to call me "velcrow" when I was younger because I always used to hide behind her and cling to her leg!!!
- My best friend calls me ducky since we were in high school. My dad gave me a duck that quacked Aflack and I would say aflack all the time so I became ducky I guess. Now her kids call me aunt ducky lol.
- And my mom called me Lucy... from the Peanuts. Because I was a crabby kid.
- My dad and his family called me grump, cause he said every time he picked me up for visitation I was grouchy. My mom and her family called me Ree heard it was cause I was partly named after a great aunt and that was her nickname
- My dad has lovingly always called me Brat, cause I was ornery as a kid and it has stuck for over 50 years!
- Debritannica. My former supervisor called me that because I knew the part numbers of most of our inventory.
- I have had the nickname Bubba since I was 6 my dad told me it was because of I reminder him of Bubba Baker from the Detroit Lions
- My dad gave me two nicknames, one was slick, I was always getting in trouble and Scarlet because he thought I was spoiled, and boy crazy
- My husband calls me bucket. Because I'm pale.
- Tammers. Well. Because my name is Tammy
- Butter
- Stacie because my dad wanted to name me that. And Anastacia won
- Noodle....because I'm skinny like a spaghetti noodle.
- Was called moose as well as cannonball. Bc i was pretty much biggest kid in our school
- Zumba butt, I use to go to frequently go to Zumba classes.
- Reba...my mom NEVER called me by the name she gave me. She LOVED Reba Mcintyre, so am thinking that's why, but I honestly don't know (she died in 2014). My son will call me Reba when he wants my attention (he's almost 19) .
- My dad called me PoodlePopper growing up I can't say what I was called in my college years
- Buckwheat. My Dad started calling me this when I was a little girl. I'm pretty sure it's after the little black boy on The Little Rascals....I was a chubby white girl.
- Cracker (pasty white) Gaby Soriano lol
- Mine was dj cause my 1 st initial from my 1 st name and the 1 st letter of my middle name
- GAGA, because my brothers couldn't say Tashia when they were little. Still call me that once in a while
- Joe Nap, Nappy headed Joe
- Nanci fancy pants or Nancers Jo
- Johnny Bingo. Lol I don't know who started calling me that.
- Freddie, last of a bunch of girls!58 years later , every one knows me by this name
- The 4 T's. Terrible Tiff The Tornado. My Mom said when I was a Toddler I could wipe out a room in seconds. Is that why I am a complete neat freak now?
- Animal (the crazy drummer from The Muppets) Apparently I acted similarly when I was little so my dad came up with my nickname.
- Granny pantie Carol, like DAH! And Ferdmobile, last name Ford. Mom- cuz I won’t let them call me Carol. It’s that whole respect thing.
- Jethro. I went to college in south eastern kentucky and made fun of how everyone talked down south, then one day at basketball practice I said y'all and they laughed and said you are southern now we shall call you Jethro. That was fall of 1993. Stilled called Jethro to this day by college friends and professors!!!
- Chris calls me “Wends”, not sure why other than I guess he didn’t want to call me by my full name? In high school people called me “Wendell” (I have it embroidered on a volleyball uniform) and no one called me that again until Connie started shortly after we started working together
- TQOTD- I'm a clutz so my grandma always called me Grace. But every one else put a C-R on the from of my name making it Crashley. I beg my now grown-up cousins not to EVER call me that because I don't want my kids ever calling me that.
- Goofy is my nickname my dad gave it to me as a kid and everyone started to call me that and it just stuck
- Pickles " my dad gave me this nickname because I used to eat a lot of pickles "
- One of my nicknames growing up was Ironhead. During Dodgeball games I would headbutt the ball because shots to the head did not count towards you getting eliminated
- my nickname my friends gave me is Durr because when I would go to shoot at billiards I would stick my tongue out when I focused lol
- TQOTD: I gave my son the nickname Cricket because as a toddler, he'd come to my side of the bed and start singing to wake me up. ❤️
- Zima which over time has morphed to Z. My name is Nazima. Reason- i guess my friends are lazy
- A teacher in High School nicknamed me Red Red the Cabbage Head
- MY nick name is Hot Rod!!! Fish you have met me, come on do I have to say anything else!! LOL! Yes I have dated1/2 the population of West Mich!! At least That's what I have told my fiancée LOL and my e-mail is hot rod so a lot of people take it I'm hot.
- Ok now the truth!! When I was born my older brother he was 3, they told him what they were going to name me Rod, and he said I'm going to call him Hot Rod!!! So I have had this name since birth!! Kind of like you Fish back in the day I was a "HOT Rod" But now being as old as I'am I a" Model A" Grandpa!! The good old Days!! P.s We always had updates from Connie on her Mom How is she doing Still praying for Connie!!! Love you guys!!!
- Katie Bug. When I was really little like maybe 3 or 4 years old, my neighbors house exploded (like genuinely truly exploded, shattered our windows and everything). That neighbor (whose ex husband caused the explosion because she took the kids and left him) was a friend to my parents and they stayed with us for a time afterwards. That neighbor gave me the nickname cause I was such a cuddler (or a cuddle bug) with her that it stuck and it probably will stay stuck. That's ok with me though! I have an interesting story to go with ita
- A girl at work calls me Juicy....she says I have a juicy Butt.
- Bubbles. Cause “you got fantastic boobies and booty.” I thought it was cause of my bubbly personality.
- Fish from last name and my wife's name is Connie.
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