What’s A Question You Hate Being Asked? – #TQOTD
Are you pregnant? When are you going to have kids? What's wrong? Ugh... really, why are you asking me this? For today's #TQOTD we want you to tell us that question you absolutely hate being asked.
What’s a question you hate being asked?
- Were you born in April? … my name is April
- TQOTD It's so frustrating when people ask about my tattoos and if they hurt or why I'd ruin my body so young. Like no, my art make me feel more me thank you
- I have 3 boys and I HATE being asked "Do you wish you had a girl?" Especially when they ask right in front of my boys
- I hate being asked what my nationality is. Most people assume I'm Mexican. But I'm mixed with white, black and Indian!!!
- Do you know "insert name of a homosexual"? So many people assume because I am a gay man that i know every other gay person in the area
- "When arw gonna get married? I mean you are 40 years old. I still want Grand Babies!" Umm... Mom, I thought you had realized by now that being gay isn't a phase. There will be no babies now or in the future, however I am conidering getting a puppy...
- As of recently.. What happened to my finger? (An inversion table collapsed on me and most of it’s chopped off)
- I absolutely HATE it when people ask "so, what do you do for a living?" when they first meet you. What are you supposed to say to people who ask you this question? I dread it every flipping time. It's not like anybody ever asks you "so, what's your favorite color?" or "what is your favourite movie?" It makes me feel like they are looking for a reason to judge me based on "what I do" instead of who I am as a person.
- "...and how does that make you feel" i hate that question only thing that statement ever earns from me is the thousand yard stare and my disdain towards that particular individual
- I work as a cleaner and I HATE it when people get all excited and ask "what's the grossest, nastiest thing you've seen or had to clean?!!". Seriously? People. People are the nastiest things I've seen and had to clean up after.
- Are you a natural redhead? Does the carpet match the drapes? Is your mom or dad a redhead? Are those your natural eyes? Are you Irish?. Fish, might know these questions all to well also.
- “Are you contagious?!” I have psoriasis (sore-rye-a-sis) for 20 years, various forms. …
- When family asks me what I want to drink for dinner. See it’s been 7 years since I have had a bariatric sleeve done. (Weight loss surgery) from the day of surgery until now I have NEVER, NOT once been able to eat and drink at the same time. It just doesn’t work for me. My immediate family knows this yet to this day 7 years later STILL asks and still Makes a big deal about it.
- Where do you want to go to eat? I finally got one of those "see-n-say" toddler toys and wrote a restaurant over every animal...now I just pull the string and let the damn toy pick where we go.
- Every time in Grocery Store: "Aww, are they twins? ... both girls?? My (enter some obscure long relationship or friend of a friend of a friend) has twins! Gosh. You have your hands full!"
- Are you okay? You look tired. Um thanks Karen I have a toddler, a 3 month old, I work 50+ hours a week and maintain a household. Of course I'm fricking tired THANK YOU FOR POINTING IT OUT!
- “What should we have for dinner” You mean I get to be the chef, waitress, dishwasher AND the one who tosses around recipes for 20 min that nobody wants (because they want something different- but don’t actually want something different) to just have tacos.
- “How old is your son?” Or “how old is he?” ....I have a daughter. She is a girl and wearing purple, pink and a flowery headband
- What do you do for a living? Like I have the best job ever but don't have a name for it
- I'm a twin...I have a twin brother. (These 2 things ALWAYS go in the same breath) . People ask 1) are you identical and 2) who is older....UGH!!!
- Where would be the first place your eyes would wander if you saw me naked? (My Answer): Your eyes.
- Are you dating him? Like two people cant hang out without it being/meaning more than that.
- “What’s wrong?” Apparently I have RBF.
- Husbands a Chef. He hates it when ppl ask him what his favorite dish to cook is. I hate when people say “oh I bet you eat great food at home. What’s your fav dish he makes? Im like uh, he’s a chef so he works 60+ hours a week. Is never home for meals cause he’s cooking for other people. and if we do eat together it’s frozen pizza or something from the drive through.
- Are you leaving?......ummm cuz I have my coat on and purse in my hand” Duh, mother”
- How old are you? I was a teacher for 25 years, and my students often asked. Recently my mom has asked me! Really? Wasn’t she there????
- Whether or not my twin BROTHER and I are identical
- “What are you in school for?” I don’t hate the question itself, but most people don’t understand the field or don’t care to learn. I spend 10 mins explaining something to them that they don’t care about and will forgot in 2 minutes
- I have two girls (one is not even a year old yet) and I get ‘aren’t you going to try for a boy?’ Like all the time!....
- "Are you pregnant?" Nope. Some of us are just phat so stop asking.
- How do you pronounce your name, where did it come from, is it foreign?
- What’s are we having for dinner? Like 4 other people haven’t asked me that already.
- Is that your real hair color? Just because I was a hairstylist and am a natural redhead. Never colored it.
- After my husband and I first got married......”When are you having kids?”
- Are you going to miss winter? On our decision to move to Tennessee
- What's the craziest 911 call I've ever taken at work.
- "Do you have a dinner plan?"
- Why don’t you smile more? I’m not here to smile for you, get lost!
- Are you mad? No. It’s my rbf and it’s my regular face
- Where are you from? Literally everywhere...
- When I'm going to make my daughter into a big sister... she just turned 5 MONTHS old!!!
- Can you pick up a shift this weekend?
- How many siblings do you have? I have 3 sisters. 2 living. What happened? She decided she'd be happier in heaven .
- How tall are you? AND did you play basketball in high school?
- Can I ask you a question?
- Are you going to try for a boy?
- How are you? (Without waiting for an answer)
- When are you having kids?!?
- Since you are so tall, can you reach that for me?
- When are you due? I'm not pregnant.
- Do you have kids/ why haven't you had kids yet?
- SWB: Do you do your eyebrows? Or are you straight? No....no...no...
- How old are you any way?
- Where did you grow up?
- When are you and your boyfriend going to get married. When are you going to have more kids.
- How's it going?
- Are you having any more kids?
- Why didn’t you have kids?
- What's for dinner?
- When are you going to get married? (We’ve been together for 11 years, engaged 6 of those years. )
- When will your kids get a job? First, it’s none of their business. Second, they have their adult lives to work. Third, working kids do not equal better kids.
- Me at 31 years old weighing under 115 my entire life but eating much like a fat ass lumberjack at every meal.... "Don't you ever eat anything??? You need to put some meat on your bones!"
- I'm 20 and I hate being asked by older people if I regret any of my 3 tattoos. No...I don't.
- Should you be eating that?
- TQOFTD-people always wanting to know my business, like "are you two dating?" or "when are you two getting married?"
- Text question of the day: The question I hate to get asked is when are you getting married!I'm 27 I've been with my boyfriend for two years the longest I've ever been with somebody and as far as I'm concerned that should be a question for him I'm ready whenever he is and he knows that! All he hast to do is ask!
- When are you going to give me grandkids?
- My text question of the day: Why don't you ever date women your own age? Jay
- TQOTD. "Can you do me a favor?" I don't mind helping, in fact I'm that kind of person but it is usually someone who normally treats me rudely who asks.
- I’m art teacher and I’ve taught it over 13 years and kids still ask me we’re the drying rack which has been in the same spot for four years
- OMG. I hate being asked why I had 5 kids when we go to a restaurant.. I had them because I wanted them, duh. Leave me alone and eat your dinner.
- Good morning! So for the TQOTD mine is definitely people asking me if I'm related to Justin....because my last name is Bieber.
- Oh my goodness, this is a great question of the day. I have Lupus, an autoimmune disease, and My extended family gets all quiet and asks, "how have you been feeling?" With a look of death on their face and their hand on my arm. Listen fa,m I'm not dying, stop making me feel like my dog just died
- I sooo hate being asked about my ex husband. We ended on very bad terms and I'm sooo happy I have nothing to do with him
- "Why are you so quiet?".....ive always been more of an observer in a crowd of people. My husbands family is full of extroverts and some of them just cant seem to wrap their head around the fact that not everyone in the world is outgoing/talkative all the time. Been with mybhusband for 12 years and they STILL feel the need to bring ut up.
- To all who ask anyone for venison!!! I HATE being asked after I get a deer... Can I have some venison or can you shoot me one? No!!! Go shoot your own! People have absolutely no idea the amount of time, energy, work and cost that is put into deer hunting. I am VERY generous with the deer I take every year. I help out the people who absolutely need it and I have no problem with it. I have given away over 150 pounds of meat in the last year to the needy. But for people to ask for a hunters hard earned meat is just rude and most hunters will agree with me. People bugging you for some meat gets really old!!!
- TQOTD- I despise someone asking me why I'm grumpy. Really people!!!! I'm grumpy because I was fine until you asked me why I'm grumpy!! I'm typically happy lol.
- I despise when people ask me why I'm an Ohio State fan!!! I'M FROM OHIO!!!! AND BECAUSE THEY ARE AWESOME!!!! SORRY NOT SORRY!!!!!
- TQOD...How old is he? their response "What! He's only 13!?! How tall is he? 13! WHAT!" Tall Man Child!!
- I have an art degree, well two actually, and the question I hate the most is when people say oh! So… What did you plan on doing with that?
- Text question of the day we have a four-month-old baby who has been horribly colicky cries sometimes four hours or more a day and people have already had the audacity to ask when the next ones coming! Like really I can’t even think about that right now and we might not have another one!!
- #Tqotd The thing I hate the most is when my mother in law keeps asking how often my wife and I have balloon animals
- I hate being asked if all 4 of my kids have the same father!! Wtf people!! Do I look like a hoochie mamma!?! YES, all my children are sired by my hubby...and if you looked at them, you could tell all by yourself...bc they look JUST like him!!!
- I'm very introverted so the question I hate being asked is, "Why are you so quiet?" That's when I want to ask "Why don't you ever shut your face hole?"
- I get asked why so many kids? Because we have four kids. Its like society thinks u should only have a specific amount of kids or you're weird
- At age 40, I was holding my 4 year old son and was asked if it was my grandchild. Uh, no
- I work with a lot of old people, and get asked "are you married? Do you have kids?" About once a day. At this point I'm used to it, but what bothers me is always the follow up of "that's okay! Someday you'll find yourself a nice young man." No. No I won't. I'm gay as all hell and have things I want to accomplish first.
- “Do you work here?”.... no, I wear the freaking name badge and uniform because it’s stylish. Ugh.....
- How come you're not married, what's wrong with you?? Ugh just because I'm 45 and never married doesn't mean there's anything wrong with me, it means I have standards.
- What's for dinner??? #tqotd I have a menu for the week on the refrigerator and yet my husband asks this at least 3 times a week. Is he trying to drive me mad??? Ahhhhh!!!
- TQOTD: everytime we got pregnant, which has been 5 times, "Don't you know how that happens!?" No idiots, please enlighten me lol
- “What are you doing?” Says my fiancé. I reply with a glare as asks this question a few times a day and we both know he can clearly see, exactly what I am doing. I have even received this question in text messages from him as he sits directly next to me on the couch. It drives me nuts.
- Mine would definitely be when I am going to make my daughter Millie Rose into a big sister.... and she is 5MONTHS old!!! My favorite answer to that question is not today...but we ike to practice alot!!!
- I'm FTM transgender. We HATE being asked our birth name. And, how do they do it? Like make the parts? Ummm its called GOOGLE!!!!!
- I hate being asked the question, "which one is the man?". Ummm.... We're Lesbians. So we are BOTH WOMEN.
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