What’s A Talent Or Skill You Wish You Had? – #TQOTD
What's a talent or skill you wish you had?
- I wish I could sleep through everything like my husband I wake up at every little sound which has prevented me from a full nights sleep for years. Meanwhile my husband could sleep through a literal tornado and be perfectly rested the following day
- In my fairytale world- I wish I could make anything appear that I wished for. In the real world-I wish I was good with numbers/mathematics.
- I wish I could play an instrument or sing. I don't care which! Beggars can't be choosers lol
- Apply makeup effectively
- I wish I could speak Spanish!!!!! I'm Italian and Spanish and Italian are so similar. If you know one you pretty much know the other...or I wish I could talk to animals
- Do tik tok dances to look like they are supposed to.
- Stand-up comedy
- Braid hair
- Being able to speak other languages
- Wish I could paint - not a wall. Something worthy of hanging!
- Wish I was super handy/could build or fix anything easily!... or was a good enough golfer to go pro!
- Play an instrument, 3 blind mice on the recorder can only get you so far
- To play an instrument
- To be able to dance
- Play the piano or speak a 3rd language
- I wish I could sing
- Makeup
- Song writer
- Being able to play the piano
- I wish I had carpenter skills & talent
- Play the piano or guitar
- I wish I were a more handy person-ish. I know enough to get me in trouble.
- I wish I could play the piano. Or any instrument really but I'm a huge lover of the piano in particular
- Whatever that move Jerry Seinfeld had!!
- How to drive
- I am the world’s WORST singer…so probably to be able to carry a tune.
- I wish I could sing, speak a foreign language and play the guitar.
- Wish I could speak Mandarin
- I’ve always wanted to learn how to play the drums
- Sewing, crocheting, knitting etc.
- Gracefulness
- Sing,draw, dance
- Do my hair
- Woodworking & building stuff proper.
- I wish I could draw
- Piano
- I wish I was more fluent in the piano. Should have stuck with lessons.
- Speak spanish
- To be able to sing.
- Playing the Guitar and piano and being computer smart
- Singing just barely good enough to not offend those around me
- Easy, polyglot. Not just bilingual or trilingual but any language, any time. That would be awesome.
- I wish I could paint
- Read minds
- Bilingual or multilingual
- Sewing and knitting
- Making money
- Being gifted in music. Being able to play an instrument just by hearing someone else or create my own
- I wish I was a talented pianist.
- Either a builder or a guy who fixed cars
- I really wish I was more crafty. I wish I could do it all.
- I would hella love to play the drums
- I've always wanted to dance well, especially my husband and I as a couple. I just love watching people who know how to dance.
- I am navigationally challenged...wish I had a sense of direction
- To be a Radio DJ
- I wish I could express my emotions through drawing, my stick men suck.
- Cake decorating
- I wish I could learn to speak Lithuanian and apply makeup to enhance my good looks
- Martha Stewart skills, draw or paint Sunflowers. Pastry Chef skills.
- That I could eat whatever I want without gaining weight.
- Dive gracefully without having to plug my nose like a child
- Cook creatively. I really don't like to cook. But I think if I had the right kitchen and tools I would want to at least try. I would also like to learn Spanish and French. Oh, and did I mention dance like JLO?
- Dry swallowing medication and having it work instantly