What’s A Talent You Have That People Always Get A Kick Out Of? – #TQOTD
Steve loves to talk about his hidden talent of “glow sticking” … it’s something like him doing it like a karate warrior or something. I can make weird noises and I do love making others smile. You guys though … CLICK OF 6 … you rocked it! CHECK IT OUT.
What’s a talent you have that people always get a kick out of?
- Juggling - learned in 9th grade gym class - still remember how!
- I can curl my tongue in all 4 directions, up, upside down, to the left and to the right. And I can also touch my nose with my tongue
- Making balloon animals
- I literally have no talent. Zip, zero, nothing.
- I can make a clover with my tongue
- Can say all the presidents in order
- saying the alphabet backwards (8 seconds). I can also do the states alphabetically in 25 seconds. Both useless talents.
- I can "play" a trumpet noise with my voice that used to fool a lot of people. Lol.
- I can almost always correctly guess which Harry Potter house you would be sorted into. I know. Purely amazing talent...Or so i've been told told
- I'm a very good whistler and can even make doves call to me.
- I can say the alphabet just as fast backward (z-a) as forward (a-z.) About 3 seconds. Silly but people find it amusing. Not sure it’s a talent.
- I used to be able to burp like a cow…
- Restoring baseball gloves
- Kindness
- I can bend just the top knuckle
- I can "talk" like Donnie Thornberry- from Nickelodeon's The Wild Thornberrys!
- I can pinch people with my toes. I mostly do it to my husband when he's being naughty
- Crocheting
- I can write backwards with my left hand printing and in cursive. I cannot write forward with my left hand.
- People are always impressed by how quickly I can put on a duvet cover….not very exciting but…I’m in my thirties lol.
- I can do most things with both hands equally as good. I'm also an ex massage therapist and can make a baby stop crying in about 30 seconds no matter what's wrong (unless they're starving or in pain, of course)
- My witty comebacks. People say “you’re so funny, you always have a comeback for everything” yes, it’s called sarcasm and you get it from trauma haha
- playing the recorder with my nose
- I can sing "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt and sound exactly like him.
- #tqotd hey Christine and Fish. My weird talent is I can speak dolphin and otter! It's like a party trick I have to do at all our get togethers
- I can open a beer bottle with just about anything. My friends love asking me for one of MY beers, so they can give me a random object to see if I can open it. I always do, but I’ve cut open my hand a few times. Drawing a little blood always gives them an extra kick. **snow shovel**