What’s One Quality That You Wish Your Sig Other Had? – #Secrets
Oh man, this one can get juicy! Even if your significant other is damn near perfect, we want to know what one quality you wish they had. It can be empathy, humor, or even the ability to eat hot dogs in one bite!
What’s one quality that you WISH your sig other had?
- I wish he was a better listener. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve stopped mid-sentence because I could tell he wasn’t listening and just sat in silence for 10 minutes or more before he realizes I’m not speaking anymore and can’t even remember what I was talking about. He spaces out all the time.
- An understanding of just how ODD I am... I have my quirks and still doesn’t get them or like them after three years
- Patience. My mom is living with us. He doesn’t interact with her much (just after dinner) but he’s very curt with her. She has dementia and forgets a lot. He could be more patient.
- Existing would be cool... #foreversingle
- I wish he liked to dance in public...he won't even slow dance outside of the home, but at home, he boogies down for my own private show! Guess he is dance shy
- Passion
- #secrets I wish my husband was more romantic. He is a very detailed oriented guy when it comes to ANYTHING BUT relationships. He has no clue how to be romantic or spoil me. After 18 years he still needs me to tell him things like... you should buy me a birthday gift this year. I practically have to beg for dates and to celebrate our anniversary/Valentine's etc.
- Not a secret... He knows! He needs more MOTIVATION.. My husband has become very lazy & boring and I'm a go-getter and want to live it up. Most days he can't keep up with me Poor guys getting old HAHAHA!!!! Happy HUMP Day!!!
- The quality I wish my significant other had was a little more sympathy for others. He is a very unemotional person and I am a very emotional person, it helps in times where he has helped me through things by just being strong and not getting upset, while I get super upset. But other times it hurts my feelings because I feel as if I am either a big baby or he is just a heartless person.
- I wish my husband was more outgoing without having drinks lol
- Common sense!
- I wish my significant other could finish projects♀️
- I wish my significant other could understand what it is like to have a salary job vs. hourly. Because he doesn’t understand why I have to work so much and not get paid any extra.
- Empathy!!!! As he’s getting older I feel like he is getting worse! Forgets not everyone has his experience level!
- I wish my hubby was mechanically inclined!!!
- #secretoftheday..... I wish my boyfriend was more romantic......
- #secrets...I wish my husband had more empathy. He served in the military after 9/11 and has seen so much hate and death that it has hardened him. Because of that, he struggles to empathize with people. He thinks people should just suck it up.
- TQOTD: I wish my significant other had.....already found me and started being a part of my life by now, lol. But I got time so I'll be fine~
- I wish my husband would have a backbone and stick up for himself sometimes with other people. He sticks up for himself with me but not others
- Secrets: wish my so had the trait of financial responsibility
- One quality I wish my significant other had is that he existed
- It's Wally, you can use my name as I hope my wife is still listening.lol the ability to know when to cash out the slot machine when you are ahead.she will win big and then give it all back.lol
- I wish my husband had more patience with the kids.
- I wish he was better at prioritizing, he is always choosing video games over me
- I really wish my husband had some initiative. I feel like he does at work cuz he does a really good job and he's always telling me his boss is complimenting him on the work he's done. But when it comes to being at home he never takes the initiative to get things done I always have to tell him to do things. It'd be nice to have to not have to tell him to do something
- I wish my husband had empathy I work full-time and am a mom with fibromyalgia and some days are just harder than others it's not like I can just "walk it off"
- I wish my husband wasn't such a slob. Just put your sh... stuff away!
- I love my hubs but he has zero empathy. I hate that he has almost zero emotional reactions.
- I wish my husband was more of a romantic
- I would love it if my husband could play guitar and sing. other than that he's perfect :)
- I wish he was more spontaneous, for example busting into our bedroom dancing to 90s R&B giving me a striptease!
- A filter!! He will say anything anywhere and does not care who is listening
- I wish my fiance was better at prioritizing, he is always choosing video games over me. We are long distance and only see each other once a week so I try to have him send me a voice message when I miss him and he forgets because he is always playing video games.
- My secret is I wish my boyfriend showed more emotion! He's not very nice ex-girlfriend and her family used to make fun of him for being emotional... well now I’m dating him and I’m very emotional.. I wish he showed just a little bit
- My husband needs a balloon animal drive!
- I wish he had erectile function
- That he had a little bit better fashion style
- Ok so I wish my husband wouldn't make noise when he eats and yawns omg he slurps his coffee and the milk from his cereal it's so awful.
- Has more then 3 key moves for balloon animals.
- I wish my girlfriend would communicate better I’m not a mind reader for god sakes tell what you’re feeling
- I would love if my wife would have more of a drive to find a job! She hasn’t worked in 8 years and I feel it’s time for her to find a job and stop being a house hermit
- I wish he could find a job as easily as others
- My husband has his faults, but I wish I had his positive view on life. I know he wishes I was less realistic. He treats me like a queen daily.
- I really wish my husband would have patience. He is really good with my kids, even takes my daughter to daddy daughter time (a non-profit that makes a daddy-daughter date every month) but when the kids get wild out in public, he loses his patience fast!
- I wish he would communicate and drink less. It's hard to have a relationship when He drinks two bottles of wine a night, and you can't discuss anything except craigslist and gas mileage
- A sense of adventure
- Lacking compassion... he's so crass and dark it's frustrating. Especially with kids. But I married him so I'm stuck with the darkness