What’s One Word That Describes Your Current Mood? – #TQOTD
You've got one word to tell us how you feel. Go!
What's one word that describes your current mood?
- Hopeful, we focus so much on the negative, and there is a lot of it right now,, but people are also doing incredible things, and we need to remember the good too. Pick a thing a day, we'll get there y'all
- Sore, between painting the hallway and sitting at the table slouched over a 2000 piece puzzle my back is killing this old body 😭
- "Spent" - full time job from home, makeshift teacher, wife, now housekeeper and 3 littles home full time sad they dont have a school routine, friends or leisure to do as they want outside 😴😬😳
- Bamboozled!!! Is this world pandemic really happening? I'm not being punked? Stay at home order? Kids out if school? Wear a mask? 6ft apart? Anxiety 1,000% of the day? I feel like I'm in the twilight zone or something!!Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy! Had a deMonaco steak for dinner, and a couple bites of chocolate fudge Texas sheet cake. Lord I think I’ve died and went to heaven
- Disoriented......everyone I know pretty much is home and I'm still working. I'm thankful to still be working because I like keeping up with a schedule but the reality I may get the virus and pass it onto my children is terrifying.Fighting, trying to keep working-out every day, fighting to keep eating healthyAnxiety finding out someone I know has coronavirus. 🙏🏼
- Tired. It’s been a long week today.
- exhausted
- Buzzed 😂
- Exhausted
- Content.
- Frustrated
- Restless
- Bored
- Overwhelmed
- Bored
- Sad
- Content
- Salty!
- Content
- Pppffffffffft!
- Lonely
- Uneasy
- Anxious
- Done
- Stuffed
- Bored
- Tired
- Peaceful
- Bored
- Tired
- Salty
- Bored
- Meh.
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