What’s Something Special That You Do For Yourself? – #TQOTD
Everybody has something to keep themselves sane in this crazy world we live in and today we are asking you what you do. What's that thing that you do for yourself to help you relax, be happy, or just keep yourself from losing it?
What’s something special that you do for yourself?
- QOTD. What is something I so for myself? Drink coffee alone while listening to Connie and Fish. Actually, it may be for my family's survival.
- TQOTD..I don't really know if it's special but working out is the one thing I do for me and completely alone!! Anything else I try doing alone I end up with a tag along!
- Take care of my family. Its important to me and as long as they are taking care of I am happy.
- Getting a massage when I can afford to.
- I definitely need one right now
- I take myself on dates when I can afford to. Breakfast dates. Coffee dates. Movie dates. Dating myself is the best!
- Sleep as long as I can but I usually get woke up by my nieces
- Getting manicures and pedicures.
- Meditate. I'll go with that, though a spiced rum nightcap is nice too.
- Spend time alone doing what ever I want and texting a friend...
- Get my hair shampooed, cut and styled by my favorite hair stylist
- Breath... Breathing and counting. Oh and walking, all disconnected. This is 43
- Yesterday I made chocolate chip cookies just so I could eat the dough til I felt sick then I baked the rest and ate a bunch of hot gooey ones ❤️
- Read!
- Get massages!!❤️
- Sleeping in on the weekend...cozy with my pillows
- Get my nails done and pedicures
- Going for a run!
- Get up at 5:30 for quiet time with my coffee before kids get up
- I sleep in till noon. Don't judge me
- Say no without guilt. Stopped letting people run me over.
- Dark chocolate Dove Bar, simple pleasures....
- Buy a Micheal Kors purse
- Pedicures
- ? Of dah day, EVERYTHING!!! It's all about me. I can b selfish like that now a days! HAMBURGER
- Text Question of the Day: something special I do for myself; A nice hot bath but it has to have a bath bomb or bubble bath as well as music, a good book, and a stiff drink. Otherwise just a tall Captain and Coke or some comfort food!!
- I'm sure this is a really popular one, but I wait to "wake up" until right after my partner has jumped out of bed when our kid wakes up. That way I can pull the" I can get it, are you sure, OK… snore."
- I take REALLY good care of my hair. Best products and frequent visits to the salon. I currently have purple hair so it's a lot of upkeep but I feel so much better about myself and my life when my hair looks amazing!
- TQOTD: I get a one hour massage every other week.
- Something special i do for myself is get my nails done.
- I something to do for myself I like to coach middle School wrestling
- Text question if the day: buy myself a gun. I like collecting historical and interesting firearms. It's an expensive hoddy …. Also range day for stress relie
- Text question of the day: I am a nerd also I love to buy myself a different video games and video game systems.
- I avoid eating sweets throughout the week because I drink enough energy drinks for a small village. But I'll go on a nice Hissonville Ice Cream bender every now and then and go through almost an entire container in a sitting. #fatkidinaskinnybody
- What I do for myself is drink. I drink a lot lol while watching TV I know how sad that sounds. But I only drink white claw so I don't even get buzzed
- I fly planes. Not as a job, but I take lessons.
- I flip houses as a hobby. I love to renew/revitalize things, so that's what I do. Doesn't hurt that I make a little money doing it.
- I take a vaca AWAY from my family. We do a vacation during the summer as a family, but then, I go someplace ALONE, just to get away and have ME time. This year, I went to Aruba. It was amazing.
- I get barnyard animals. So far, I have pigs, goats, a sheep and 3 horses. My husband has given up.
- Something special I do for me? I've been known to get plastic surgery every now and then. I'm going to fight aging EVERY step of the way.