What’s Something That The Opposite Sex Did In The ’50s That You Wish They Still Did? – #TQOTD
One of my favorite things is Flashback Friday. When we choose the TQOTD it always gives me memories of Connie, Steve and I coming up with it. This one is a favorite because I can hear her laugh in my head as we were cracking up to Steve’s old timey voice. It’s also fun because he acts like a 50’s sexist but is far from it.
What is something that the opposite sex did in 1950s that you wish they still did?
- Opened doors
- Opened doors, treated women like ladies
- Wear suits on the regular.
- Cursive!
- Men dressed nice and spoke normal, you could understand them, they would have actual conversations. Also, they didn’t have to use swear words every other word.
- Took pride in the way they dressed and not wear PJ's to stores or church.Sit on the porch to social chat. Neighbors (younger people) don't like talking to neighbors anymore.Can you tell I like talking? lol
- Have a job that paid enough to support their family.
- Have respect for women!!!
- Had respect for others
- Open doors for people
- Dress classy! We were just watching something set in the 1950’s and they had such nice clothes for suits & hats!
- Wish moms could have the choice to stay home with their kids and take care of their homes and husband's and kids.
- I wish all men Would just be men. Not be a thug or a gangster. Pull your pants up and quit wearing chains like you got money. Treated women with respect.
- Nice family dinners even with extended family and the way they all dressed I love it.
- Men practiced chivalry.
- Dressed to impress.
- When someone's word/hand shake meant something.
- Dressed like MEN and I dont mean fancy dress clothes. Baggy pants with undies showing; skinny jeans, womens clothing, dirty, wrinkled, smelly clothing, nor showering etc. I was in an airport around xmas and sat ne t to two men 1 had dirty, stained clothing and smelled like he hadnt bathed in weeks but had an iphone+ear buds, newer looking patagonia backpack, Northface coat, hat etc. 2nd guy had on womans clothing, heels, skinny girl jeans, crop top, jewelry, a purse and a kitty headband.
- For them to be the solo money maker
- Got up early and cleared the snow off the driveway. This winter hasn’t been horrible, but I’m sick of shoveling.
- Garbage day, mow lawn, on any day but Sunday(God forbid) and shovel driveway...before anyone had to drive on it to leave for work or school.
- Was a gentleman
- Made enough money from one job to support an entire family.
- Be a gentleman. Be chivalrous.
- Support the family so women could be at home with the kids.
- Separate beds
- Move out of their parents house.
- Mom's staying home with kids
- Opened doors and showed respect.
- Nothing
- Dress for success. Mt grandfather always wore a hat and a suit. Very classy
- Manners and respect.
- Took pride in their appearance
- Take care of all mechanical & outdoor things
- Chivalry and Sahm
- dressed nicely ..
- Be able to live on one income.
- Men wear suits & watch fobs.
- Dress well.
- Children first. A lot of people are becoming more and more anti kids. You don't need to like or want them but don't treat them like garbage or subhuman just because you don't like/want them. Don't blame kids for their problems or take it out on them.
- Court/date with respect more
- I wish people would watch their language. Especially men when they are in the company of women! Not everyone talks like that. I find it very offensive when a man will drop the F-bomb like it is nothing in the presence of women. Especially women you don't know how they feel about that language. Be respectful!!
- Slept in separate beds
- Came home and ate dinner together at the table. Its "old fashioned" but it is really meaningful
- Dressed for & hosted cocktail parties. I mean socializing in general would be awesome right now!! But as a SAHM it would be real nice to wear a somewhat fancy dress while entertaining #goalsfor2021 ???
- I wish men dressed nicer like they used to. I love a well dressed man. Why do you need to wear pajamas in public? And don't even get me started on when someone wears jeans to a wedding or a funeral. Tacky. Rude. Take some pride in yourself and take a lesson from the dapper gents of the 50s.
- I wish men could still support the family. Who decided women would want to work 70 years later
- Dress classy all the time.I just wish I could be a house wife. Take chill pills, play bridge. Play dates with other moms. Chain smoke. And look pretty and have dinner ready and a fresh poured drink for my husband the second he gets in the door.
- I wish they would participate more in the street gang musicals singing about falling in love with a women whose a relative of the opposing gang.... Wait was that the 50s or 60s? Lol jk
- I wish the women would wear dresses all the time like they did back then. I like that classic look both men and women took the time to make themselves look fantastic when they went anywhere but yet lived such simple lives. Id like that all back.
- June Cleaver is the holy grail of 50’s mothers. She could rock pearls while making her sons PB&J…
- Guys I would rather just go back to the 50s no cell phones no pagers no Internet no big tech companies lot better than today's society
- Make me a sandwich!!!
- The damn dishes! Hahahahah I'm totally kidding. I'm a gay man, DEFFINATLY not a misogynistic butface!
- Made decent sandwiches. LOL I'm joking don't kill me.
- Torpedo bras