What’s Something That’s Easy But You Never Learned To Do? – #TQOTD
Push your embarrassment to the side and tell us about that super easy thing that everyone can do but you.
What is something that is super easy but you never learned to do it?
- French braid!
- Swim without plugging my nose ♀️
- Change a tire
- Ride a bike
- Play euchre ♀️
- Ice skate or roller blade
- Chest game, whistle
- Somersault
- Back a trailer..
- Turn a cartwheel.
- Whistling!
- Hula hoop
- don't know how to whistle
- Play euchre
- Swim
- It’s obvious by the current state of things that many have not learned to wash their hands!
- Use the fancy phones everyone has. I'm still trying to learn the flip phone how to send a text. Anything Tech with buttons. Fashion/ matching clothes.Doing French braids ….
- Whistle!! I always wanted to be able to whistle with my fingers or my lips or even that funny little thing that a lot of people can do just through their teeth. LOL
- Use a digital debt card! Don’t trust my phone having that much info to share to a cashiers station.
- Makeup and cute hairstyles. I was always the girl covered in dirt from roughhousing with the guys that I never took the time to learn how to do any of that. I have recently mastered the art of penciling in my eyebrows so now it actually looks like I have some instead of these fuzzy super blonde caterpillars in my forehead. So that's a girly win right?
- I am creative to a point but my fiancé knows how to make jewelry, play guitar as well as a great mechanic and electrician. I just wish I could do half of what he does.
- For some reason, I get mocked because I use a Garmin to get myself around because I’m not quite sure how to use GPS (maps) on my iPhone.
- Drive a stick shift... but I can teach you, go figure!
- Riding a cycle, golfing, changing a tire & my own oil, Euchre, poker, putting on fake lashes & operate a sewing machine.
- Girly things- makeup, cartwheels, cross my legs properly, hair, flirt, and just not be awkward socially. Apparently I can't wash my hair without getting soap in my eyes, lol.
- Whistle, makeup beyond mascara and eye shadow (I mean really that other stuff completely baffles me ) golf!!
- Go fishing, drive a motorcycle, shoot a gun. All on my bucket list
- I never learned to play chess! My mother taught my children when they were quite young, but she never taught me!
- Tie my shoes. I make two loops and knot them together ♀️
- Drive a stick shift vehicle... Ugh... I tried and tried... Nope...lol
- Sew. My husband is the best and sews things for me ♥️
- French braid, drive a stick shift, whistle, play euchre and other card games...
- Snap my fingers! I am a disaster!
- French braid, putting in a car seat ... how are my kids 7, 4 and 5 and I am clueless!!!
- Euchre, tell time on a real clock (i mean i can but i really have to think about it)
- I don’t know how to snap my fingers (or maybe I just can’t to it ♀️)
- Whistle. Sadly, I can’t whistle while I work.
- Ice skate and how to curl or braid hair.
- Backing up with a trailer!
- Mow a lawn! I have never mowed a lawn!
- Float on my back in water.
- Ski, roller blading even walking sometimes lol
- Things that I've been told are easy at one point or another that I have never bothered to learn to do: a cart wheel, change my oil, play chess or cribbage or euchre, I don't know how to properly make up my face. Let's see, I don't know how to fold a fitted sheet either. #AmIARealGirl #IfItsSoDangEasyDoItYourself
- TQOTD... I'd have to say my hair... I'm 41 and I can curl it, straighten it and put it in a pony tail. Just never learned to do anything else. Didn't help I had a stay at home dad while mom worked so never taught.
- I will be 24 next week and I have never learned to ride a bike.
- I never learned how to French braid my own hair
- Roll my tongue
- Text message of the day. I cant wink.
- Shylynn here! The easiest thing to learn that I have never been able to learn is how to cook or bake. I usually end up burning the food or undercooking it.
- I never learned how to not make a sarcastic comment to people. Wish I could totally keep my mouth shut and just not say anything at all.
- Connie and Fish, I am about to turn 29 and I have never learned how to ride a bike.
- TQTD: tell a joke or story well! It takes skill and I just don't have it.
- Bull riding, making balloon animals and never been a big girly girl so hair and makeup never learned