Today we wanted to know about your parent's parenting ability.  We asked you to send us what you with your parents would have done differently when you were a kid.  Your responses ran the gamut of emotions from funny to happy to sad to courageous and even humiliating.  Check them out.

What’s something you wish your parents would have done differently???

  • Anonymous please, I wish my mother would have treated me like she did my other sisters and love me like she did them.
  • I wish my parents taught me about money unlike school about saving money credit cards bank accounts.
  • Wish my dad would have went to the doctors regularly... he might still be here then :(
  • I wish my dad hadn't let me watched any of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies at the age of 8. I don't think I slept for a solid 4 weeks after because I thought Freddie was going to get me
  • I wish my parents talked about feelings more and said I love you more! They were very good parents just not very emotional
  • TQOTD....pushed me to be more outgoing, find more interests in school, groups, and sports and all that jazz!
  • I wish my parents wouldn't have treated high school sports like life or death. In hindsight, high school girls basketball means nothing in the grander scheme of life but I still flinch every time I hear a parent yelling at their kids to "do better, and work harder"
  • TQOTD: I wish my mom hadn't gone through menopause while I went through puberty. #EmotionsEverywhere
  • Not really anything to change but maybe a lil more Affection. My mom and dad raised me to be the husband and father I am today and wouldn't change that for the world.
  • I am a first generation American on my father's side. My family defected from Latvia in 1943...I wish he had taught me to speak Latvian. My grandparents and great-grandparents spoke it all the time, at one point I could understand it, but never spoke it. THIS MAKES ME SOOOOOOO ANGRY!!! And did I mention that my father was a teacher!?! So he most likely understood the benefits of learning a second language...not to mention just sharing our heritage!
  • I wished my parents would have plugged into parenting. Guess I wouldn't be who I am today without figuring life out on my own.
  • I wish parents would have taught me to be a little more adventurous. I'm scared of everything but I try to teach my kids to try more things than I ever did. We went to my father in laws funeral years ago and his friends all told these great stories about things he did in his life. I told my kids I want their friends to have stories like that to share too. I won't have those kinda of stories.
  • I wish my parents would have given me siblings! Now I'm an only child brat
    ?of the day ..... I wish they wouldn't have made us finish everything on our plate. Boom 💥now we're all fat! My kids r not! They would tell us (there are starving children in Ethiopia)
  • I wish my dad would have embraced technology. (He still has a flip phone) my grandparents were more ahead of him in technology when they were alive.
  • I wish my parents would have taught me how to handle money better
  • I wish my parents would have taught us 4 kids to handle money better, and I wish my parents pushed us harder to go to college after high school.
  • Text question: I wish that my parents would have put me through testing when I was younger. I was 23 when I found out that I had autism and other learning disabilities. Having known that sooner would have helped me more in school
    I wish my parents would accept that I am gay. Not having them to go to when I was having relationship problems was pretty lonely
  • #TQOTD I wish my mom would've sent me to live with my dad earlier so I could have more time with him 😓
  • TQOTD: I wish my mother paid more attention to me instead of the computer.
  • I wish my parents would of taught me and my siblings Spanish. They both know it but only spoke it when they didn't want us to hear what they were saying. How selfish right? 😉
  • Something I wish my parents did differently is that I wish they held me back in kindergarten. Both my mom and I feel like it would have given me more time to figure out what I'd do and I probably wouldn't have settled in a job I don't like.
  • #TQOD... I wish my dad had taught me how to shoot guns.
  • I wish they would've taught us more about cars and tools and fixing things. I grew up in a family of all girls and while we went fishing and hunting we were not taught to be handy or anything about cars because we were told a man would be around to do it for us
  • Sooo don't get me wrong I have amazing parents. But my dad worked out of state a lot and the one thing I wish was different was he was around more and said that he loved me more .. oh and it's ok if they let the other 2 know I'm Soo the favorite.
  • I wish my parents would have taught me the importance of credit! I had to learn the hard way
  • I wish my parents would have co-parented after their divorce instead of just hating each other so much and trying to make each other miserable
  • I wish my parents would have taught me the importance of your credit score and how to be responsible with credit cards!!
  • I wish my parents would have taken bullying more seriously. I'd like to think it made me a tougher person, but I'll always have the scars. Trying to always find positivity, I do know that as a result, I am much more aware of the warning signs as a parent
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  • My dad was a psychologist growing up basically our home was like a constant What About Bob movie my sister and I both still talk about how funny it was to have grown up around people that were mentally ill. I could have done without that. However, I think it gave us a very well-rounded view of the world as adults.
  • I wish my parents would have handled their divorce differently. To say they resented each other is an understatement. There were three of us kids when they split, all being pretty young and they basically used us a pawns and it made our childhoods pretty stressful.
  • My parents handed me a book called "almost 12"…They told me if I had any questions about anything to be sure and ask… a few years later when I was fooling around with boys they were a little disappointed and wondered if I had read that book ...NOPE! If they would have told me what the book was about I might have opened it up and read some...😉
  • I wish my mom didn't attract toxic men and had the strength and courage to leave before my brother and I were abused. I understand that how I was raised and what I experienced is why I became a social worker but NO child should ever have to deal with trauma and be put last by their parents.
  • I wish I had had one of those cool moms you could talk to as a kid!
  • Not have my sister!! Lol
  • Stopped reproducing!
  • My parents were divorced so I wish they hadn't put me in the middle and had worked better together
  • I wish my parents would have insulated the interior walls of their home better. Growing up my bedroom and their bedroom shared a wall. As an adult, I have built a home with the master bedroom on the complete opposite side of the house of the kid's bedrooms. There is a very big reason for that! There are some things kids just don't need to hear.
  • #TQOTD I wish my parents would have not had my extra thumb removed.
  • I wish my parents would not have had a waterbed when I lived directly downstairs from them! To this day I'm scared of water! Lol
  • I wish my parents were not cult members. That really messed with me in a bad way, including my mental health.
  • My parents were awesome... but I wish they'd helped me be more independent.
  • I wish my parents had made education more important than sports
  • Started a college fund for me.
  • Stay together!
  • I'm Hispanic and I wish my parents would have spoken Spanish at home when we were younger that way we would probably know it now
  • I wish my dad would have gotten out of his toxic marriage while I lived with him Bc it negatively affected our relationship as well
  • I wish my mom would have encouraged me to join sports or other extracurricular activities. I had a hard time making friends and school was hard for me. Having activities and teammates would have really helped build my confidence.
  • I wish my parents had handled my relationship with my ex better. I was 18, and they hated him. Instead of explaining why dating him was a bad choice, they tried to forbid their adult child to date him
  • I wish my parents would have gotten me the Gardasil shot. Hpv is real folks
  • Regarding you guys talking about never being broke and coming out of the woodwork just knowing to save and all that at 20. Yea that's me and my fiancé and I'm so thankful! Buying a house at 20 and 21. Paying off my car and his and also saving for retirement and all that ❤️
  • I wish my mom believed me when I told her I was raped at 12 years old. It ruined my whole life her not believing me
  • I wish my parents would've shown me love, attention, and affection. I probably was in my 20s maybe before I ever heard the words I love you. Although I think that has made me have a different relationship with my daughters because we hug each other we show affection and we say love you for everything and we have a very close relationship.
  • I wish my mom wouldn't have compared me to my older sister all the time. She had a 4.0 GPA and was OCD about cleaning. That was definitely not me I always got " why can't you be more like your sister?"
  • I wish my parents would have told me to not trust women
  • I wish my parents would have made me eat what they had for dinner even if I didn’t like it. They always would let me eat cereal or something else. I truly believe that’s why I am a picky eater. P.s we make our kids eat what we have. Well at least east a little bit to try it. My mom gets mad when I do that. And I tell her I wish she would have done that to me as a kid, even tho I enjoyed eating what I wanted as a kid
  • I wish my mom would have taught me how to live without her. She died in March and it’s been extremely difficult.
  • #tqotd #kindadark I wish my parents would have shown me even the slightest bit of affection. I know I was adopted, but you still picked me to be in your life. Why couldn't you tell me that you were proud of me at least once?
  • I wish my parents weren't addicts while I was growing up
  • I wish my father wouldn't have beat and raped me, been a loving father instead.
  • I wish my parents would have encouraged me to travel and spend time away from home. I'm a homebody I'll admit. But I wish they would have pushed me more to get out of my comfort zone.
  • I wish my father would have not hidden he had colon cancer from me for a year :( so I could have spent more time with him :(
  • Dental hygiene. I didn't learn good habits until it was too late.
  • I wish my parents would have taken some time to go and travel. After raising 8 kids they worked their butts off and didn't get time to enjoy as dad passed away 5 years after retirement
  • I wish my parents did not abuse and neglect me. I also wish they didn't choose drugs and alcohol over their kids. But hey, been on my own since 14 years old without any family support, and I wouldn't change it for the world. The only good thing they have done was taught me how to NOT be a parent.
  • I wish my parents hadn't become alcoholics after I graduated high school and I had to basically finish raising my siblings. Forces you to grow up real quick.
  • I wish my mom wasn't a "shusher". She never heard me out, always shushed me and stifled me.
  • I wish my parents took us on more vacations outside of Michigan.
  • I wish my parents had lived longer. I miss them every day! I wish my kids would still have their Grandparents.
  • I wish my mom had said NO more because we had the party house in high school and ended up in rehab by 19 (been sober for 13 years 2 months and 19 days though 🙃)
  • What do I wish my parents did differently? I wish they would have given my brothers as much of a workload as they did me. I was always the one doing all the chores and the favors. Sometimes I felt like Cinderella with 2 evil brothers.. Happy Tuesday 95.7 crew!
  • I wish my parents would have kept me out of their fights. I hated being out in the middle
  • What I wish my parents did differently is listening to me when I said I am sad, cause every time I did get sad they said "stop being dumb you're just tired and hungry "
  • I wish my mother would have established the real paternity of my father. There's someone else on my birth certificate that wasn't in my life either so there wouldn't have been a difference except that I'll never know what kind of genetic history I have
  • I wish my dad had got help for his raging alcoholism, and that my mom hadn't been so controlling.
  • I wish my parents didn't spend my younger yrs telling me horrible stories about each other.
  • Wished I had a stable environment and mother didn't walk out and never look back. Made me lose my childhood and take care of my brother, groceries, cooking cleaning.
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