What’s Something You’re Glad Your Friend Introduced You To? – #TQOTD
Steve was glad his friend turned him on to techno music, Fish said radio, and Connie was happy about the big three: Eyebrow tweezing, Cincinnati Chili, and fashion.
What’s something you're glad your friend introduced you to?
- Fried peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Make it like a grilled cheese. Absolutely the yummiest!
- Coconut oil! SO many uses! And helps with thing hair.
- Little Caesars thin crust pizza! So Good!
- Secret Amazon gifting! Seriously amazing
- Music festivals!
- Hot yoga- cannot wait to get back to the studio!
- My good friend get me into riding my own motorcycle
- Frickin Alcoholsnd the other friend..... Fireball ,teeeeheee it’s fun to do bad things
- Mayo and ketchup for my fries!
- Avocado, a friend made me try some and now I'm obsessed
- Working Mom's on Netflix
- making tuna salad with pickles and apples.
- Camping outdoors
- The devils lettuce also beer. Not the crap beer. The good craft beer.
- Kayaking!
- Drinking , no seriously.
- Lindsey Sterling’s music
- Enjoying the beach
- Dandelion jelly. Yum!
- ...diva cup...seriously best thing ever...
- My husband of 22 years! Thanks Niki
- Cardio drumming.
- Zumba
- Hot yoga
- Bud Light Seltzer
- Wine
- Her❤️
- Alcohol
- Beer.
- Taco Bell!
- Weed
- TQOTD: my hubby!! We were set up on a blind date by a mutual friend and have now been married 20 years!
- My friend introduced me to Gin and a great little distillery down in K-zoo that makes some amazing drinks with it. Yummmmm
- I'm glad I had a friend get me into dungeons and dragons back in high school always a fun time especially during this quarantine where we have ways to play online
- Text Question: I'm glad my friend introduced me to my first lesbian girlfriend
- I love to read and my bestfriend introduced me to the author Karen Kingsbury. Love her books!!
- TQOTD- I am glad that a friend from high school introduced me to how low friends can be. Huge lesson learned TO THIS DAY!!!!
- My name is Jordan and I'm glad my friend introduced me to my wife.
- I'm grateful that one of my closest friends introduced me to discin (frisbee golf) when I was 14. Totally changed my life. Whether its gaining awesome memories with tons of friends, competing in tournaments or just gaining some alone time to enjoy the outdoors and collect my thought. This was 16 years ago now. I now have 3 kiddos with 1 one the way. I've gotten my wife into it and my kiddos love it as well. To me there is nothing better than being at the course enjoying my best life with my family. I love the show, couldn't think of a better way to start my morning
- My WIFE!
- Zumba.....I just love it. Great way to get your exercise in
- Commercial-free Hulu, beginner Zumba, bagpiping, and Downton Abbey!
- TQOTD: My friends got me into Pokemon when I was in elementary and since then I have been so addicted.
- Pretty glad that my college best friend introduced me to eating Colby jack cheese on the side with popcorn Having something savory with the salty is so yummy AND the cheese un-sticks kernels. Aside from that, my other friend introduced me to bible scripture writing & I appreciate that so much ❤️
- I'm glad my friend introduced me to eating chili and cinnamon rolls together! It's so good!
- Adult Ballet classes!
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