What’s The Best Compliment Someone Could Give You? – #TQOTD
Let's get super sweet for the Text Question of the Day and tell us a compliment that you might like to hear about now.
What would be the best compliment someone could give you?
- That I raised my children to be kind, productive members of society.
- I turned out pretty good for the hand I was dealt as a kid.
- You have some good kids. They are polite and respectful
- That you made a difference in my life
- That your a great mom and are doing a great job raising a beautiful little girl
- "I trust and respect your opinion."
- round Thanksgiving 1993 went out to play football with my now husband and his two brothers. Threw a perfect spiral (I was the son my dad never had), their jaws dropped and one said I didn’t throw like a girl. Best compliment!
- That I have great kids!
- I trust you with my child.
- Considering everything, I turned out alright
- You are enough
- “You are a quality human being.”
- Whenever my patients tell me they're so happy to see me, if I can make them smile I'm succeeding
- Your kids are kind, accepting and empathetic.
- You are a hard worker who deserves a promotion!
- Your gray hair coming through looks great
- That I’m a good mom. Main goal in life is to be a good mama to my kids
- I would just like to hear from my mom that I turned out as someone she could be proud of or that I'm a good mom.
- When my daughter's friends tell her she's lucky to have us for parents ❤
- That you’re awesome and funny!
- That I'm a great mom.
- You're a good friend.
- I appreciate you
- When someone tells you that your children are respectful and you did a great job raising them.
- Tqod: You make my life better or You make our business/company better
- That they are proud of what I accomplished where I started when I didn't get to finish high school. Being that I now have a great job and family and no debt including my house screw my old principal lol in your face i still made it even tho you kick me out and didn't like me lol sorry talk texts Not all punctuations of art in their touchy subject to lol
- The best compliment I get is "you're a great father." -BiP
- The best compliment I have ever received is when my fiancé said my meatloaf tasted better than his mothers :-)
- ? Of da day...... Thanked me for being there and taking care of our mother
- I think the best thing someone could say to you is Im proud of you
- Your grandpa would be so proud of the person you've become
- TQOTD-Best comment I could be told is you are stronger than you will ever know.
- I was at a bachelorette party this weekend and a girl in the party said I look younger now than I did when I was in my early 20s. I’ll be 35 this year and she is 24! I love hearing I look younger and I have 4 kids lol!
- "I like your writing"
- “You’re important to me”
- The best compliment that I could ever receive would be "Your weird, but I like you"
- "I like your cleavage." Most women don't like when people talk about their cleavage, I just don't get it. Like, why even have cleavage then? It's literally designed to draw attention to yourself.

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