What’s The Dumbest Thing You Ever Thought As A Kid? – #TQOTD
Were you one of those kids who thought the actors on television shows lived inside your TV? No? Well, that seemed to be a common answer for today's #TQOTD.
What’s the dumbest thing you ever thought as a kid?
- My dad told me that if you put salt on a bird's tail, you could catch it. Me being a gullible child, believed it. I wanted a pet bird so bad. There I was out in the yard with the salt shaker, trying to throw salt on a bird's tail so I could catch it. Dad is still mad that I lost the salt shaker in the yard
- I always thought my parents would never know!!! Was the dumbest thing I thought as a kid.
- As a kid I was terrified of Hugga Bunch dolls coming to life. I had 2 of these dolls but after watching the movie I was determined these little freak ass things lived in my closet and were going to come out at night and scare me...or worse! Looked them up. They are creepy looking. Not sure why I wanted one as a kid! Lol.
- When I was about 7 years old, I figured that since my parachute GI Joe doll floated perfectly off the peak of our garage roof, that logically I could do the same with my parent’s bed sheet. Wrong! Luckily, no injuries!
- My dad had a tattoo on his arm of his initials. I always thought all Vietnam soldiers were given a tattoo so higher ups would know the identity of the soldier.
- That we would actually have to do the dishes when going out to eat. (Ya know, the classic dad joke about not sure if we'd have enough money and need to do the dishes to pay for our bill).
- That playing basketball would make me taller.... (versus the idea that people who were tall played basketball!)
- That the actors on the tv lived in the tv
- I could not lock the doors in a public restroom because they were going to get stuck and I would be locked in.
- When I was around 4 or so, I believed that bc I could hear the people on the radio, that they could hear me too. So I’d talk into the speakers when they didn’t answer, I’d get very close to the speaker and try again.
- That what we do and who we are in high school was oh so important! And who we talked to or didn’t talk to would make us cool! Dumb!!! Now I try to tell kids in school it doesn’t matter, once they graduate and move on all that stuff won’t matter. Those kids will move on grow up and guess what, ya all will become “friendly” and the stuff that happened in HS didn’t matter anyway.
- That I was fat (I wasn’t at all) and that the neon lights on the floor of the skating rinks were actually soft spots in the floor and I would fall in—- I was legitimately terrified of the skating rink for awhile.
- That if you took your seat belt off the car would roll backwards... even better, if I spun around fast enough I could fly... yeah I was awesome!
- That there was a giant hand pushing our family car down the road like when I played with my toy cars.
- If I flapped my arms hard enough I could fly! Tried to jump off the garage. It didnt work!!!
- I thought you made kool-aid by putting the packet in a cup of water. Horrible taste and mess
- That rest stops we’re places with lots of comfy sofas, pillows and nap spots. And I totally thought quicksand was going to be a much bigger problem.
- My son just told me his older brother told him the dogs in the movie Air Bud could really talk so he believed it.
- That I could really dig a hole to China.
- Omg! Where I live there is a small power plant and whenever we would go to traverse city we would go by it. The smoke stack pumped out big white fluffy clouds! I thought the steam was clouds.
- That when you're full, food would be in your throat.
- That being an adult would be fun
- You could tell if it was a boy dragonfly if you looked really close and could see smoke coming out of its nose
- I thought people stood in a long line inside the radio station and stepped up to a microphone hanging from the ceiling to sing the songs.
- I don't remember what I would have thought that would be dumb but my youngest daughter used to think that people were put together with purple people glue. Though I don't think it's dumb, I think it's a pretty cool idea.
- I did think if you dug far enough you could reach China..I saw it in a cartoon
- That Undertaker and Kane were brothers.
- Two things: that weathermen had to have a mustache & that my grandmother was named Glasses (her name was Gladys).
- That my mom really did have eyes in the back of her head!
- On a Sunday afternoon I made my kids their first ice cream sundaes. The next day when I got home from work, they excitedly asked me to make them some “Mondays”.
- That I couldn't wait to grow up lol.
- That once I became an adult everything would be great and I would be able to do anything I wanted. Bahahaha--how naive.
- When my mom would send me to bed on new years eve and say, see you next year, I thought that I slept for a whole year it kind of freaked me out
- My family from Toledo had to drive through Ann Arbor to get here. When they spoke about Ann Arbor I thought it was a woman that they had to talk to in order to get into Michigan. I remember being rather old, like 5th grade, when I found out it was a place!
- My mom told me cheese came from the moon. So when she would go out at night she said she was going to get cheese. Till one day, she must of went to far into space because she never came back.
- That my stuffed animals and dolls were alive when I left the room or wasn’t home.
- My mom used to tell us that we could catch a bird if we put salt on it's tail. We spent hours chasing birds around the yard. My mom was a smart woman
- The songs on the radio stopped playing when I stopped listening.
- I would be very distressed when my dad drove past a “Do Not Pass” sign.
- My Grampa said that Tapioka pudding was made out of fish eyes. I still will not touch it.
- I was about 5 & my mom told me a family friend was off to college to become a pharmacist (farm assist). I asked how many people go to be city assists.
- I thought my parents names were Mom and Dad.
- I was scared to eat too much.... I thought that if you got “full” up to your neck the you died... overweight people just had stretchier skin. Lol
- That cheesecake was made from block cheese and would taste like cheese. Took me 18 years to figure out that is not the case
- That bar soap would taste delicious! My older, wiser sister convinced me and I took a big bite!
- That people in their 30's were old
- That all my food was floating around my mid section. I use to point to a carrot I early.
- That if you peed in the pool it turned red.
- There was a monster who came for virgins on Devil's Night.
- That babies came out of their mom’s belly button
- I thought discarded plastic bags on the side of the street or in a parking lot were meth labs
- That going cross-eyed for too long would make it stuck that way.
- When taking road trips in an era before phones and tablets, one of the favorite activities was looking out the window, and when doing so I would always assume the moon was following my car, and hence following me. This would fill my mind for hours. Why was it following me? Does it follow all families? What does the moon do? Can it follow me outside the car? What, why is only part of the moon showing? Granted I couldn’t ask these questions to my parents they would ask me to “pipe down” and behave. So I wonder and wonder until I finally learned physics. Parents talk to your kids about the moon!! They have questions! Trust me!
- I thought that my flip-flops mowed the lawn
- Why are they called HAMburgers if they are made out of beef?
- Tqotd: When I was a child I thought that nosebleeds were caused by wearing or being around the color red, thanks to Mom. She had worked in a candy factory as a young adult and when packaging Valentine's candy, she kept getting nose bleeds. Maybe dry winter air, Mom?
- When I was a kid I thought that there was somebody watching every traffic light and manually changing the lights from green to yellow to red
- Dumbest thing: thinking being an adult would be easier. No wonder no one ever corrects that statement when spoken by a kid. Ha!
- TQOTD-Grow up, be an adult. It'll be fun they said!! Ughhh!!
- TQOTD. I thought tiny people lived inside the television. Mind you, this was when televisions were a piece of furniture and could maybe house a small family.
- Are used to think when I was a child that boys and girls at the same private parts. That is until I was 10. My parents finally had a baby boy. I looked down while my mom was changing his diaper and said EWW what is that thing. I thought he was deformed.
- My grandpa had me (and most of the grandkids) believing all sorts of things. If he spit on your new shoes they would make you run faster. Spreading butter on your chest would make you grow chest hair.
- That someone lived in the shower drain and if I got to close they would pull me in.
- Ok guys...this is a cute one, but nothing I would pull...knowing how much pain it caused me...LOL!!! My Grandfather told me that swallowing a watermelon seed would make you pregnant. I was about 5 at a family gathering eating watermelon, and sure enough I swallowed a seed! ...I remember pacing around and actually worrying about how at 5, I was gonna take care of a baby...knowing I needed help taking care of myself. Everyone just laughed at me...I have to say...I resented their lack of concern. This situation actually ruined my entire day because no one seemed to care...only me! I guess that’s why I never forgot this story and situation. And I have to admit...I still think about it when I eat my sweet, wonderful red watermelon to this day! I can however eat my melon, swallow the seeds, and have a wonderful, sweet grin on my face...
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