What’s The Dumbest Thing Your Partner’s Done In The Last 6 Months? – #Secrets
Time to throw your significant other under the bus in today's #secrets segment. We want to know how your partner has been a big dummy in the last 6 months.
What’s the dumbest thing your partner has done in the last 6 months?
- This question is great, my husband has done two stupid things in the last couple of months. The first one is he thought he was texting me about his mom but actually text his mom. That didn't turn out so well! And the second one is he had the hatch open of his SUV and tried to back out of the garage and bent his hatch and ruined the garage door. Big dumb!
- The dumbest thing my partner has done in the past six months was go and get her cracked screen fixed on her original iPad mini for 85 (The device had nothing on it). I then showed her on facebook marketplace where she could have purchased 2-3 ipad minis (newer) for less than she spent to repair hers.
- Decided our new to us home needed new gutters. After the old gutters were off our contractors found all kinds of pre-existing damage which turned a 3000.00 dollar project into 15,000+
- He's been paying for 2 Spotify accounts ($19.98/mo) for 10 months when he is on my family account. He can't figure out why this is happening. He went to the bank and it would cost $70 to stop payment. I told him to just do it, as it will be cheaper in the long run. He didn't. I'm on his checking account (he's not on mine), so I'm going to make the changes. This is ridiculous.
- His quote to me this past summer (he is a school teacher)...”You cannot shame me in doing work this summer.”
- I honestly I think it is when he almost forgot my birthday and our son's birthday. But I feel like there was something else but I honestly can't remember what it is
- Run out of toilet paper at his place. And not tell me.
- Not listen to me
- Shot the hood of my Excursion when trying to kill a woodchuck #ilovemyhillbillyredneck
- Backed her open car door into a mailbox to save a turtle on the road.
- My husband told me “you’re welcome!” after I sneezed the other day.
- My wife let a coffee machine run without a jug under it. She went to take a shower and I had to clean up the mess afterward because she was late for work.
- My boyfriend tore open a sugar packet, poured it directly into the trash, then tossed the empty paper packet into his coffee.
- My bf put a dirty plate in the freezer instead of the dishwasher
- My wife put a dog biscuit into the washing machine instead of a detergent pod.
- The husband was brushing his teeth and went to throw something away but ended up spitting all over the floor instead
- Secrets: He forgot to completely tighten the bolts on his tire after fixing the breaks Drove for several days and after hearing a strange noise, pulled the hubcap off to see 2 loose bolts and one stuck in the hubcap This is what 60-65 hours of work does to your brain. Thank the Lord he caught it the night before my oldest son totaled the car
- My fiancé and I are getting married in April so we're trying to save money as much as possible for anything for living expenses and what does he do he goes out and buys $400 tint for his car
- TQOTD: We do our dishes by hand. He said he would get them ready for me to do. I got down to the silverware in the bottom of the sink and he had put shape knives in it!!!! I am lucky I didn't cut myself!
- I have no current partner but my previous partner was driving down the road and saw a police car go by in the opposite direction. She saw in the rearview mirror that he did a u-turn and was coming back towards her with no lights or siren. She looked down and noticed she was doing 5 over the limit so she pulled over. The cop then stopped behind to see what was wrong...... I’m kinda glad she left after writing this!!!! #5
- The stupid thing my partner has done is not exist. DARN YOU IMAGINARY BOYFRIEND.
- TQOFTD-I'm single but have Xs. The dumbest thing my last x did was cheat on me with my bff who told me and her and I are still friends because of her honesty and the fact he lied to her about his and my relationship.
- Last I had to drive my husband home from a stomach scope procedure and being under anesthesia. I got Panera drive-thru for us on the way home. I look over and he had tucked his piece of bread into the sun visor for “safekeeping” while eating his other food
- What's the dumbest thing your partner has ever done in the last 6 months? Cheat
- #secrets The dumbest thing my partner did was cheat on me right after I had a grueling surgery and then lie about it resulting in him becoming an ex
- The dumbest thing my husband did was the day of my dads funeral he chose to go spend the day with women from work and took her to Lake Michigan witch was our very first date and then he tried to hide it from me needless to say he is no longer my husband
- Marry me lol jk I'm a catch
- Eric let the dog come into the house and get on the couch while smelling like a skunk and pretend he didn't know.
- I'll take this one for my wife, I was traveling for work recently and didn't have headphones for my phone on the plane, so I bought a Nintendo switch without discussing it with her 400 later and several conversations about financial responsibility Andi get to keep the switch
- My wife slathered her face with hair gel this weekend thinking that it was lotion
- This wasn't anything my fiance did, it was actually something I did. he was asking me where we should go for our honeymoon outside of the United States he said give me your top three. I said Ireland Australia and Hawaii. He started laughing and I felt like an idiot. Lol
- Try to blow a candle out with canned air worst firefighter ever
- He tried to repaint our car, which made it look like crap, in which I talked him into getting it professionally done after he messed it up, cost us just over 1000 when he should have just left it alone
- I deliberately do things to my wife when she's annoying me and it makes her look dumb. We were holding a bbq for the new home we just purchased and while preparing everything in the kitchen, she tends to get in my way and annoying me. I then told her all the hamburger meat won't fit in the mixing bowl. I ask her to go check the unpacked boxes in the garage and find me the bowl stretcher and described it to her ( looks like a leveler). It kept her out of my way until I got finished. She did come in several times and tell me she couldn't find it. After getting the task complete, during the bbq the friends and family complemented the food. She then chimed in and said " I tried to help but couldn't find the bowl stretcher!" I then burst with laughter along with her uncle's. It dawn on her What I did and ask me why I did that. I explained I wanted her out of my way. Needless to say I'm still in trouble about this, bit it's my own fault because I won't let it go and enjoy
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