What’s The Most Annoying Thing About You? – #TQOTD
This question is not supposed to be what someone else thinks about you, it's what you think is the most annoying thing about you. Connie said being stubborn, Fish is being neurotic, and Steve's is being a know-it-all.
What’s the most annoying thing about you?
- The most annoying thing about me is that I seem to keep getting older. Tomorrow is my 18th birthday, and even though 18's "still young" I WANNA BE 7 AGAIN #never grow up #steve *rolls eyes* #love all y'all
- I sing or hum CONSTANTLY!
- I am unorganized... I have tried for years to earn how. I fail all the time but I keep trying
- Have you met me? Literally, everything is annoying to someone.
- I talk too loud.
- My anxiety
- I over think things too much
- I'm always early
- My OCD..always have to refold the laundry every time if I don't do it the first time
- TQOTD....Most annoying thing about me is I overthink everything and I am way too much of a people pleaser...but other people would probably say it's my smart ass attitude and sarcastic humor. #SmartAssPeoplePleaser
- TQOTD: I talk way too Much!!!!
- The most annoying thing about me is that I worry about everything and everyone.
- I wish sometimes I just didn't care.... seriously!!!
- I'm super loud
- People have to do what I tell them to do. Like when my friends all get together, I like to do group games and 100% participation is required
- My bipolarness
- The most annoying thing about me is by ADHD. I am like a hamster in a mega maze with 1 million options and you don't know where I'm gonna go and I'm always going somewhere different and turn left and turning right and that he can't keep track.
- #tqotd what I know is the most annoying thing about me is I say sorry a whole hell of a lot and I also have this overwhelming urge to do things my way even if I know its wrong and I admit its wrong I will still do it my way then end up having to do it there way like I should have the first time
- #tqotd... I'm super loud. I'm Italian and I don't know how to talk softly lmao
- Most annoying thing about my self. I self destruct. Every time I get happy. I find away to destroy it.
- #tqotd I'm ALWAYS late. It might be 3 minutes, it might be an hour. I am horrible at time management. At least I can admit it, right?
- Morning Connie, fish, and Steve. My husband would say the most annoying thing about me is that I am stubborn
- The most annoying thing about me is my obsession with eating healthy food. It's difficult for me to eat at family gatherings and restaurants because I'm so particular. My family would concur lol.
- My nack for getting important shit not done. For example, I need to send in paperwork for my student loans and it's been a couple of weeks, and I still haven't done it. I am, in so many ways, my own worst enemy.
- The most annoying thing about me would be that I don't listen to what people say and just do what I want!!
- The most annoying thing about me is Definitely my voice. It's kind of a weird, high pitch and I have hearing problems since birth so I talk LOUD. It doesn't necessarily annoy me because I don't hear myself but I know it's annoying to other people.
- Something annoying about me is that instead of just listening I try to fix the issue or give advice when a lot of times people just need a listener
- I apologize too often! You could bump into me in a hallway and somehow I apologize #knockitoff #sorrynotsorry
- I'm boring. I don't get very excited or very sad unless it's something really big. That's just my personality and I can't change it sometimes I hate it
- My anxiety! I think people are mad at me, and exaggerate situations that aren't actually there. Its exhausting
- It annoys me that I am OCD. Everything has to be done a specific way and if it isn't it will bug me until I make it right. Brandy from Clearwater
- TQOTD I would say the most annoying thing about myself would be I let people take advantage of me. It is definitely something I am working on. You know I wouldn't say take advantage of me but let them walk all over me.
- The most annoying thing about me is that I get startled way too easily. It takes absolutely nothing. I could be in my kitchen making me a sammy and you could just walk in, barely breathing, I would be on the floor after screaming and nearly peeing myself. It's kinda funny at first, but it's been 3 years. It's gotten really old.
- Most annoying thing about me is in awkward situations I don’t know when to shut up. I get nervous and acquire diarrhea of the mouth.
- I'm always late...at least I have an excuse this morning with the snow!
- Most annoying thing about me is I doubt my ability and intelligence.
- My sister and I agree our most annoying trait is our anxiety, it gets in the way of everything!
- I overthink everything to the point of keeping myself awake at night.
I'm late to everything... - Stubbornness Directness And LOUD
- #1 annoying thing about me: My soft/quiet voice. People constantly ask me "what did you say" until I'm yelling because I'm annoyed from having to repeat myself 50 times!!! So apparently it's annoying to me and to others. Except for my fiance who thinks it's cute and funny when I get annoyed.
- My problem is my temper. People say things to me knowing full well they'll tick me off. Rubbing it in doesn't help. I wish I was different, but I've been a grump most my life, n I'm too tired out for improvement.
- The most annoying thing about me? That I pester Connie, Fish, and Steve every day.
- TQOTD: I annoy myself with all the projects and ideas my head comes up then not writing it down or talking about it more than working on them. Thoughts are quicker than what time allows for. And maybe I annoy fish when my texts get to paragraph length or are super off topic
- My most annoying thing is that I'm very Dutch and therefore very cheap. So you can not imagine how excited I was to download YOUR APP app. IT'S FREE ON THE APP STORE! Now I have money to buy tulips and wooden shoes.
- The most annoying thing about me is I am perfect! And humble too
- I cry over everything. Happy cry, stress cry, angry cry, my dog made a cute face so I cried. I'm a big teary mess.
- Morning. Probably my farting, and I have to correct everyone.
- For Text ? Of day: I find it extremely annoying how much of a know-it-all I am at times #stevesyndrome #NEWinternsteve
- Text question of the day, the most annoying thing about me? I like to hold things and bottle things up inside my guts and then eventually I just explode
- I can get a little over passionate in conversation and become feisty, and sometimes that's good but sometimes I'm sure it can be annoying.
- I get really tense and angry when inanimate objects or technology doesn't work the way it's supposed to. My husband gets really irritated with me when I mad over a THING, but really...IT HAS ONE JOB!!
- Tey 8 says his most annoying. Picky eater
- I can't let things go easily
- My Most annoying thing and I don't mean to is I get involved in conversations in find myself interrupting people so that I can say what I'm thinking I'm trying to make a conscious effort but it's very hard
- I am always super defensive because of childhood trauma and emotional abuse. see I'm being defensive right there?
- With my ADHD I tend to talk a lot so eager to tell people things.
- The most annoying thing about me is that I am ALWAYS late. Like always. #clickofsix love you guys
- I mumble a lot when I talk so I always have to repeat myself.
- My I don't care attitude but always wanting to be perfect
- TQOTD: anxiety and overthinking. Sounds like me and some other listeners can start a support group!!
- Tqotd: most annoying thing about me is that I have very little patience for other people's neurosis
- The most annoying thing about me is that I am always riiiiiii-ong!!!
- I always interrupt people when they are telling me something. It's just I forget things so quickly that when I think of something I just have to say it. I try to hold back but then I forget what I had to say.
- I burped out loud like a man, LOL
- The most annoying thing about myself is how insecure I am. I always have been and I actually annoy myself. The only thing I can admit I like about my physical appearance is my eyes. Wish I didn't care what I looked like or what people thought of me♀
- The most annoying thing about me is that when I am driving alone in the car I talk in annoying voices to myself. I get a word or two and repeat it over a
- The most annoying thing about me is that when I am driving alone in the car I talk in annoying voices to myself. I get a word or two and repeat it over and over again saying it more annoying Lee than I did the time before LOL.
- TQOTD.. Did I miss it!?? Damn, I can be passive aggressive because I can't bring myself to be a total B and say what I think to your face. lol Happy Snow Day!!!! #migrainetuesdat #prayformydog
- #TQOTD I may have the trifecta... I overthink just about everything, I'm a big believer in contingency plans for all situations & so when it's a play it by ear type thing it can make my anxiety kicks into high gear causing panic attacks, and somehow (even when I try to avoid it) I always seem to become the defacto leader because I tend to have a brazen/bold aura (apparently)...
- Fish was talking about breaking wind and my most annoying thing is I "fart" silently then blame it on someone else in the room
- The most annoying thing about me is that I interrupt people. It's completely unintentional.