Some of today's text question answers read kind of like a script to a show on the ID Channel.  You all have had some scary things happen to you!

What’s the most scared you have ever been?

  • Tqtd-when I was hit on a busy street. Knocked me across the median into oncoming traffic. Totaled my vehicle.
  • #TQOTD I was the most scared when my oldest was being airlifted to UofM for a cardiac embolism at 6 days old
  • It was a freezing morning and the highway was icy. I remember looking in my rearview mirror and seeing a car, and the next minute I hit black ice and started drifting across the highway and ended up doing a complete 360. I remember thinking," this is it, this is how I'm gonna die." I was waiting for that car to slam into me, and then suddenly I was facing forward, safe, and sobbing. A car never passed me, there wasn't one in front or behind. To this day I have no idea what happened to that car but I pulled over and immediately called my mom to cry to.
  • TQOTD.. What's the most scared I have been. winter 2017 I drove home from
  • Grand Haven after my Best friend had her baby. It was 6 a.m. during a blizzard, none of the roads were plowed and it was still dark. I was petrified. I couldn't see 2ft ahead and there wasn't any road. I had to basically bulldoze my way and guess. Took me over 2 hours to get home, but I'd do it again. Have a splendid Tuesday everyone..
  • When I saw my sister die at 10yrs old. Nothing compares to that.
  • My sister and I were On the west side of Ireland, we took the bus from Doolin to Galway. They were doing road repairs so the bus took the cliff road which literally is a single lane road three feet from the cliff that drops off into the Atlantic. As the bus took the road at 40mph a bus was coming the other way and our bus moved towards the cliff and the other bus went off the road and the driver's mirrors touched. We thought the whole bus was going to drop the 100 feet into the ocean off the cliff!! Have a great day
  • The scariest moment of my life was when I lived in Virginia Beach and got my car caught in a storm surge (Ocean water floods the beach) during a Hurricane. The car flooded and I had to get out and run to the nearest house to find some shelter from the hurricane! So scary
  • TQOTD Sometimes I have sleep paralysis. About three times a month. I just wake up and can't move and it's always terrifying. All I can do is blink and when I try to talk it just comes out as a moan. I panic which makes it worse.
    I was driving southbound on the HWY in heavy traffic when I heard a loud POP.
  • The rear passenger window exploded inward on my 4 year old. She was screaming and I couldn’t see her. It took two exits before I could get into the exit lane. I am thankful for safety glass; she wasn’t hurt! But we were both traumatized!
  • When I realized I had to give birth naturally. 😳
  • When I found out I had a brain aneurysm..
  • 12/23/2013 I was going 60 on a snowy HWY. A short white out came across the road and when I could see again there was a car going about 25-30 mph in front of me. I started to stop but hit ice and controlled the slide to take the median instead of the cars/semi trucks around me. My car flipped. All I could see was white for what seemed like forever and when it landed, it landed on the roof on my side. I thought I was going to die but I made it out without a bruise or a scratch.
  • The day my brother got married at his home. my son decided to play hide and seek by himself and didnt tell anyone. It was like he was just gone. There are two ponds on the property.
  • When I had to put my mom in life support
  • Finding out my mom had only weeks to a month to live. She passed away 9/26/2016. 😢
  • 15 years ago I had the worst flare up in my life of Crohn’s disease. 6 months of pain, weight loss, and not being able to get it under control had me in a bad spot. I was also a new mom trying to care for an infant. I was having a good day and decided to have a smoothie. Well, that smoothie gave me the most unbelievable pain I’ve ever had. Doubled over and couldn’t move or speak. I refused to go to the ER. Stupidly!!!! I ended up having surgery a couple of weeks later. I went into surgery thinking I’d never come out since things had gotten so bad. But it was my Christmas miracle. And 15 years of remission later I’m still thankful for my health.
  • When my daughter had severe croup. 3 days in the hospital.
  • When my son was born 3 months premature
  • My friend and I were tubing (14 years old at the time) with my older cousins. My friend didn't know how to swim and got caught in a current. The current ended up leaving her tubeless and stuck in a pine tree that had fell into the water. I tried to help her and ended up being stuck in a strong current, and deep water. We were stuck in that tree for 10 minutes before we were able to escape, left with scratches and 14 years later still paranoid about trees and currents while tubing.
  • No FB friendly but 2nd up was when I saw a man pull over in his dump truck open the door and fall out. He was unable to speak I had to keep him awake till the ambulance arrived. He lived 2 more weeks in the hospital. His wife found me and thanked me for giving her husband 2 more weeks with her.
  • Thanks to sub par military health care, my son was denied proper treatment for 2 full weeks after he was born. By the time we were finally admitted to a legit Children’s hospital, he was turning blue around his mouth and was going into shock due to severe dehydration. My son almost died because some stupid, poorly trained military pediatrician felt I was overreacting when I said my son was projectile vomiting any and all milk being consumed. My son was diagnosed with severe GERD (amongst many other things) and after two weeks of hospitalization had to have surgery and a feeding tube placed for 3 years!
  • Most the gulf war driving a semi-truck near the border of Kuwait at the start of the air war and being stopped by military police informing us to take cover because the US was going to drop an atomic bomb on Kuwait.
  • Most scared I've been is when I was about 10 I was at a waterpark in the wave pool and I got into a bad pattern of the water hitting me and I would go under and as soon as I got to the surface to take another breath a new wave would come and i would get knocked down without air again. Finally, a lady on an inner tube pulled me up out of the water. A friend told me I looked purple. Worst part...the lifeguard was right above me and never noticed.
  • I was scared when I crashed my dad truck. Funny thing is that my dad wasn't mad my mom was
  • my scariest moment was when I found out my mom had 5 blockages in her heart and needed to have open heart surgery.
  • #tqotd here, I also rolled my car and that was terrifying! Just not knowing what was going to happen as it was going if the road. The car obviously was not good, but we walked away with not even s scratch just sore.
  • The most scared I've ever been in my life was when my daughter was born. In the moment it felt like it took forever for her start crying. It was probably only a couple of minutes, but it wasn't just after she was born. She is now a happy, healthy, almost 8 year old.
  • I was on a family trip with about 7 of us in a van. I was about 19 taking my turn to drive. It was night and I was on a 4lane highway with both sides on one side due to construction. My family was watching Zoolander in the back. I see headlights coming towards me. I got confused and thought I was on the wrong side. There was the concrete barrier on one side and two trucks in the right lane sandwiched together. Quick decisions I had to slam on the brakes and get in between the two trucks. Literally thought I was going to kill my family. My family had no clue and started yelling at me. I said, "I just saved all of your lives!" I peed my pants.
  • On a Disney cruise lost my 2 year old on the Disney private island
  • I'd have to say the most I've ever been scared is when I was 19, i worked 3 different jobs. Working 22 hours a day, one day after leaving work I was a mile and a half from my house when I fell asleep and rolled my car, went across two lanes of oncoming traffic, swiped a few trees and landed on railroad tracks. An in the middle of it rolling I woke up said OH SH*T and fell back to sleep. An I didn't wake up again until I was in the hospital! Luckily walked away with only a scratch on my forehead. The car was not so lucky it was totaled.
  • I would have to say yesterday morning's drive into work was the the most scared I have ever been I thought for sure we were all going to die from some jackass having to pass five of us with a car coming at us and just barely squeezing in front of the gravel truck in which I was directly behind. U hate being stuck behind those trucks to but seriously that could have ended so badly I thank the good Lord above
  • My most scariest moment of my life was when a guy ran a stop sign and hit me I was going 45mph he was doing 60 it totaled my Jeep 😭. I seen him tried to slow down he didn't see me. By the time you read this I'll be on the app. hey guys you know it's a free download in the App Store 😁 #loveyouguys
  • the most scared I have ever been was when I had to come clean about my gambling addiction and money problems to my husband 6 yes ago and really thought he was going to divorce me. We are still together to this day
  • We were going about 45 mph at the back end of construction traffic. I looked into the rearview and saw a van coming up doing 80 and there was nothing I could do about it. Got rear ended, totaled the car, but thankfully everyone was unscathed.
  • TQODT: Tied between 2 times.
    Senior year when I was diagnosed with a rare brain condition (called Chiari Malformation) after getting a cheerleading injury.
    And getting in my first major car crash in January, totalling my car and nearly breaking both my shins.
  • I was on my huney moon at 6 flags in Texas and there was a rollercoaster called poltergist.... It shoots u out at 65 mph. At the starting gate. That was scary... Afterwords I was as white as snow
  • TQOTD: That moment when your instincts kick in to Fight or Flight. Is when you know you are the most scared you have ever been. I am a Fighter. #Itwasahardknocklife #strongerbecauseofmypast
  • TQOTD [Warning this is a downer] The scariest moment of my life was the night my mom committed suicide when I was 18(26 now) . I was in a different town when my stepdad called me and told me that my mom attempted suicide and was being taken to the hospital. I drove home (a drive that should have taken 3 hours but I did it in 1hr 20min and to this day I don't remember anything about that drive other than sobbing) when I got there my step dad told me she shot herself in the head and was actually pronounced dead at the scene. He didn't want to tell me that over the phone though..... Sorry for the downer answer😅
  • My scariest moment was when I was coming to a stop on a residential street at a light and a young man showing off to his friends jumped out from behind a car now standing behind my car and he pulled out a gun and pointed it at me
    The scariest thing for me was when I was pregnant with my daughter and they couldn't find the heart beat for 3 minutes. I was 5 or 6 months along.
  • #Question of the day, the most scared I have ever been was when my daughter was 7 she had her first epileptic seizure she went limp and white as a sheet and we thought she died. Most terrifying thing for any parent ever
  • I was in Colorado on a gondola. It was the last ride down because of high winds. We were rocking so hard, I thought we were going to fall to our death!!! A friend took both my hands into hers, we locked eyes, tears running down my face, and she calmly talked to me until we got to the bottom. Never again! Lol
  • When I was a kid it was "wait until your dad gets home".
  • Scariest moment: when someone shot at me in my own home then held me hostage. He is now in prison.
  • I opened my front door to do laundry in my building... realized the building main door was opened and went back to my apartment to close the door before my dogs got out. Couldn't find one of my dogs anywhere after calling him nonstop. Little MOTHER NUGGET was under my couch 😒
  • I went on vacation to Beirut Lebanon in 2008, I went out with some friends we met while there (and a really hot guy I had "plans" with later) we went up to the mountains and were stopped at an Army checkpoint. Well, I forgot my passport st the hotel. I had NO proof I was who I said I was. Our "friends" pretended I was a hitchhiker and I was held st gunpoint by the Lebanese army until my cousin could get to me with my passport. I almost shit my shorts thinking I was going die in the desert with a bunch of strangers. I survived and feel like I used one of my 9 lives
  • Anonymous please. When I was a kid, my bedroom window faced the neighbors barn. I saw him hang a goat by its feet and gut it. It ruined my innocence as a child. I now have goats and want to rescue more. I never told anyone this.
  • I was living on the streets and ended up in a drug house where a dude put a 38 in my face and started counting down and told me I had until he was done to leave or I was dead
  • The most scared I have ever been in my life as when I woke up and there was someone in my house sleeping on my couch who was classified as super drunk and also had other things in his system and was naked we woke him up to try and get him to leave and he became combative and we had to shoot him and he died in my house. This is something I will live with everyday for the rest of my life.
  • The time I was most scared (that didn't involve my kids directly) was driving home from my in laws out in coopersville at 2ish am. I tell my husband I really need to poop. We stop at the rest area and there are no cars. I get out and hightail it to the bathroom because I am about to crap my self and my hubby would have made me ride home on the roof rack. I go in to the ladies room and as I lock my stall door I hear the main door open. I don't care I sit and my butt explodes. Two man boots stop in front of my stall facing the door as my ass screams. I start to get concerned but my butt is still going. Just as I finish the boots leave. Weird. I come out look around nobody there feeling really creeped out but not yet terrified
  • My husband and I took a trip to Estes Park CO. He wanted to drive on road called Trail Ridge Road. I have never been so scared driving on a road in my life. 6 inch shoulder, with 500 ft drop off....
  • I got a call from my Dad that my Mom was being taken to Munson emergency room in Traverse City. I dropped everything and drove 90 mph to get there asap. I arrived and was taken into the trauma bay where they were actively performing CPR on her lifeless body. I watched her die right in front of my eyes. I was 25 at the time. She was 56. I still have nightmares about it.
  • Most scared I've ever been eighth grade during the winter we were driving to a family Christmas party we hit the slush on the side of the road and started spinning then the tires caught and we rolled I've never heard silence like that after the truck stopped rolling there was no one else talking or screaming it was just dead silence my mom got thrown out of the vehicle had a few cuts but she's fine and my dad had a cut on his eyebrow. Us three kids were fine not a scratch
  • My husband loves to scare me! Right after we first got married I get up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and I did not realize that he had crawled underneath the bed so when I came back to crawl into bed he grabbed my ankles from under the bed and I screamed bloody murder for probably 10 minutes I could not stop screaming and crying all of our neighbors lights went on they all thought that somehow I was being killed by the amount of screaming I did for such a long time. Even now when I think about it my stomach turns. He definitely scared me to death. And although he has had many other epic scares since we've been married and he takes great pride and me being afraid that one was his best
  • Scarier moment of my life also included a mountain. I was 17 driving down to visit family in North Carolina with my dad. It was my turn to drive (7 hours) and at about 3 in the morning I was toward the top of the mountain pasa and it starts POURING down rain. My dad wakes up and says of its such a she went didn't pass through this in the day time it's so pretty. Right out your window is a straight shot down to the bottom.
  • My son at 11 months had what ended up being a breath-holding spell which means he was crying and held his breath too long and passed out. At the time, I didn't know what it was and he turned blue and went limp in my arms and I was home alone with him and my 2.5 year old. Beyond terrifying.
  • I chased an intruder out of our house with the biggest kitchen knife I could find. I was home alone with 2 toddlers
  • The most scared I have ever been, was the day that I found out that one of my twin infants had stage 4 and 5 kidney failure.
  • When I was 16 driving in the winter and I fishtailed end up in the other lane got T-boned. my car instantly caught on fire the scariest part was when the tires popped while you're standing outside watching it burn and the car alarm started to go off. I never wanted to drive again
  • When I was 10 my 8 yr old sister and I went to visit a cousin at the YMCA camp her parents ran. We were out in a field playing on an obstacle course built for campers. As we climbed and played we could see these dogs running from the woods about a mile away. After my sister pointed them out, our cousin panicked jumped down from the play structure and yelled RUN! We momentarily sat stunned but then jumped down to follow her. We ran as fast as our little legs could carry us but the dogs caught up quick and were nearly at our heals, barking and salivating. We were screaming and running...IT WAS LIKE A DREAM ....Like the ones where you are trying to run hit can't. We finally made it to the mess hall where we quickly closed the doors behind us and waited till they left. Still to this day I'm glad that my sister and cousin were with me or I might not believe it was real. We later found out that they found the wild dogs that chased us and put them down.
  • most scared I've ever been was in 5th grade, I was in a school bus accident where my bus flipped over and slid down the road on the roof. Terrifying!!! Hate buses til this day and I'm 33.
  • When my son was born i was 19 and had a mini stroke due to having severe preeclampsia. We were rushed into an emergency c section, and both made it out fine even though the doctors thought we both weren't going to make it. We're both very much alive and healthy now. ❤
  • When I woke up on the operating table and they weren't finished with my knee surgery at
  • In the hospital recuperating from heart failure, and a surgeon comes in and says there is something going on in my abdomen and they need to do exploratory abdominal surgery. The only surgery I had ever had up until that point was my wisdom teeth removed. I was mortified.
  • The most scared i think i was when somone held a gun to my head when i was 13. Or maybe when i got diagnosed with cancer. But now im cancer free.
  • Climbing the stairway to heaven in Hawaii. It's very illegal because of how dangerous it is and I'm terrified of heights. 4,000 stairs up a mountain on steps that are falling Apart and hand rails missing in spots making it a straight drop down the mountain. The view at the top was amazing and it was definitely worth it. But I thought was it, I called my mom right before to tell her I loved her just Incase anything happened.
  • Scariest moment of my life was when my son was born, he cried like most newborns then just stopped, scariest 4 seconds of my life until he cried again
  • The most scared I've ever been as when I was pregnant with my son, I was 5 days past due and I was trying to clean a humidifier and I put too hot of water into it and it exploded all over my stomach which burns me as you can imagine blistered and peeled immediately so second degree burn had to go to the ER and they did a stress test on my son and I listened to his heart rate slowed way down, I immediately began to panic and cry wondering what was wrong with my son and whether or not he was going to make it, he began inducing me and I had in the next day at 5:17 on 5-18-17 and he is almost 2 now and he's beautiful and he's perfectly healthy.
  • One of my precious children pranked me by turning my text notification to a screaming goat. I was driving yesterday and got a text. My phone screamed at me, scared me to death and I pulled off the road and jumped out because I thought somebody was in my car! Literally, the most scared I've ever been For about 5 seconds. Gotta love 12 year old boys.
  • I grew up in a haunted house in Madison. My parents built the house 1995 and there was a sliver of land behind us that was protected because it had been an Indian burial ground. Creepy things would happen, but around the time I was 8 my mom called the police one night because she heard a raccoon or something in our attic apparently. One Middleton officer showed up and was so scared he drew his gun and got my sister and I out of bed. Like 6 more officers showed up and they basically told us to go somewhere for the night. They search our attic and there was nothing. One officer said they heard growling...we freaking stayed that night. Nothing more happens that night but it was terrifying. They sold the house when I was in high school, and now I won't even drive by it.
  • 2010 my husband and I were in New York watching the play A Steady Rain with Daniel Craig and Hugh Jackman. As we are leaving we get a call telling us my oldest daughter had crashed on the operating table. They lost her for 20 minutes and they thought she would be brain damaged. She was on a ventilator for a day. Happy ending though she was fine after that one day. She said she knew it was bad when her doctor said to her "Girl you scared the shit out of us" Yeah she had a reaction to the anesthesia which they figured she would be fine with since she had had a previous surgery using the exact same anesthesia. Scariest day EVER.
  • Scariest moment: both times when my then husband was deployed- the embassy was breached and he texted me "I love you" and the second time while we were in the divorce process and the latest embassy district bombing in Afghanistan. That's right when he would normally would have been in the area. It was a fluke day and wasn't there that day. I was freaking out.
  • Going to NC and driving thru the PA turnpike. I was the one driving and my mom was with me. Hubby and others were in the car behind us. I was literally having a panic attack cause I couldn't get out of the Left Fast lane. She is laughing at me thinking I am overreacting, doing scratch offs. I finally get over and pull off to the side and jump out of the car crying. That's when she knew I wasn't "faking" didn't drive again, Amber did
  • The first time was a firefight with insurgents throughout the night. I believe that was in Iraq.
  • Creepy thing. I may have had some special candy and it made me wig out. There were witches in the camp bathroom. I ran out AND DIDNT WASH MY HANDS lol. There were NOT witches in the stalls lol.

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