What’s The Scariest Thing That Has Ever Happened To You? – #TQOTD
Happy Halloween! Today is a Halloween themed text question of the day, so don't hold back your scary stories.
What’s the SCARIEST thing that has ever happened to you?
- Scariest thing? I was cleaning my upstairs bathroom 17 years ago. Kids were at school and hubby was at work. I felt like someone was watching me. I turned around 3 times because I kept feeling that way. I kept cleaning and felt like someone was right behind me so I looked up in the mirror and saw my mom. Problem is...she had died 4 months prior.
- Way back, when I was in high school, my dad brought home the movie The Fo ( original mind you) my mom told me it was too scary a movie for me to watch. Well being the well behaved child I was I snuck down the stairs and if you went about halfway down you could see the tv in the living room. So I watched it and the creepy ghost that walk in the fog scared the daylight out of me. Now fast forward to the next morning and I had to get ready for school. Side note— this was when kids still walked to school. So I had my 2 mile walk to my girlfriends house and then we would walk the rest of the way. I get ready to walk out the door see that it foggy outside ( we lived right by Lake Erie). I get ready to set outside my mom says “don’t let anything get you in the for”, so first BUSTED and second Of course I’m going to hear sounds behind me there were other kids walking to school. I never ran so fast to my friends house. But I still love my mom but she got me good.
- The scariest thing that ever happened to me on Halloween was waking up at three in the morning to sneak some of my candy to find my dad and his tidy Whiteys sneaking into my Candy first
- TQ of the day ... scariest thing is my coworkers
- Scariest thing? Getting my first student loan bill.
- Text question of the day. At 2 o'clock in the morning I was awakened to the sound of a loud knock on the door. I'm a thirtysomething not hideous woman. And my groggy half-asleep state I opened the door. There was a large 6 foot something bald man standing on my doorstep. I instinctively yelled no sense slammed the door. He stood out there telling me he had a pizza to deliver. He had no pizza in his hand. I. Could easily have been assaulted or killed. I was so scared I didn't have the mindset to look at the vehicle he eventually drove away in or anything like that.
- Scariest thing that ever happened to me; My husband was training for an MMA belt fight and was at the gym. He was holding pads for a friend and the friend accidentally missed the pad and kneed my husband in the stomach area. What we didn't know at the time is that he had a descended kidney, which was lacerated just over an inch and he was bleeding internally. While he was in the ICU at the local hospital, the nurse took me into the room next door, and started crying at me and told me I needed to immediately demand my husband be moved to a bigger hospital because if I didn't, we would lose him. He had already had 2 blood transfusions at this point. I ran up to the desk and demanded he be moved, signed the paperwork and he was on his way. He stayed in ICU for 3 weeks but is ok now!! I almost lost my husband. Im so thankful for that nurse!
- Having an inmate from the prison break into family home. He had my dads rifle and threatened to kill us with it.
- Having a baby 3 months early. 2 lbs miracle! He'll be 8 on Monday
- Getting a call that your husband is being life flighted to a hospital, because he had rolled his semi truck. Thankfully he’s alive. A moment I never want to go through again.
- So many SCARY parenting moments...one in particular is when we brought our 4 young kids to NYC. We were at the crowded wax museum when our four year old walked away from us. We were in full panic mode looking for him...we eventually found him in the gift shop. #LostKid
- When I was 9 I had reoccurring dreams of this old southern plantation house that alot of people had been murdered in. Being that age it was terrifying. Our family had gone to California and we took one of those bus tours of famous homes, and when I got off the bus I wet my self , it was the same house I had been having nightmares about. I ended up freaking out so bad we had to take a taxi back to the resort. I will never forget that day.
- Being in a relationship with a narcists.
- My electric bill.
- Years back my husband and I were looking for a house to rent. It just so happened that my childhood home was for rent. Knowing that it was haunted and strange things would happen in it, we jumped on it anyways. We have a king size double pillow top bed, so its heavier than hell! One night at about 2am it felt like someone picked up the corner of the bed and let it drop. My husband and I sat straight up in bed and he said what the hell was that!! We were actually thinking of buying the house but decided against it when my daughter started having issues. Best decision ever to move out
- Watching my newborn son turn blue and go into shock, due to “failure to thrive” ie military hospital repeated failures. Thankfully we got to a civilian hospital and they helped him. 11-12 years later and I’m still angry.
- Had to preform the Heimlich on my daughter who was 3 at the time. She was choking on a lifesaver (the irony!).
- My then 5 month old stopped breathing and turned blue. Middle baby decided to arrive 2 months early and I delivered him in the ER. Oldest child at about 2 asking for cookies for his friend in the uniform that played in his room(we lived alone and it was just the 2 of us there). Our apartment was haunted, friendly mischievous ghost moved things and tapped people's shoulders or would "show up" in the middle of the night.
- Woke up to a naked intruder in my home, we knew he was on something bc when we repeatedly asked him to leave our house he kept telling us he wasn't in a house. All 4 of our kids were sleeping in their rooms and he wouldn't leave. Police were on their way and 911 was on the phone. He became combative with my husband, let's just say he didn't make it.. that was 5 years ago and none of us have ever been the same..
- This was years ago but, I was going into the basement at home,mom never had curtains on window and a guy was looking in at me.I was all hysterical.told parents what happened and my parents went to see if they couod find the guy.no luck.so scary.
- 1997/1998, I was driving down a really busy road and missed another driver that shot in front of me. I barely missed hitting the other car and spun in a complete circle and ending up facing South again. No other cars were around at that moment, on either side. It was the middle of the day when normall both sides are busy.
- Working at a gas station. Over night shift and being held up. It was a Blue Gun, all I remember about it. Then a couple months later walking in another coworker being held up, just as scary
- My brothers wedding was at his home. My son at the time was like 7. I Don’t know why but we couldn’t find him. There are two ponds on the property I was losing it. After searching the property and around the ponds. We finally found him hiding under a table in the pole barn. Relief set in and all emotions flowed. Was never so scared in my life.
- Having surgery for an ectopic pregnancy...everything is so rushed and you have no idea what they’ll have to remove because they have no clue where baby is stuck
- Being choked while going through a Scare House
- Parenthood
- TQOTD My daughter was in a car accident then she was 3. I got a call from her sisters mother telling me she was in a ambulance going to Children's hospital !!! Thank got the didn't get her to bad!
- I'm with Connie. A stalker is the scariest thing ever to happen to me. I would get out of work or the store and there's candy, flowers, or small gifts waiting for me in my car which I know I locked. Got a new job, phone number, and car in a week to get rid of the jerk.
- My daughter was almost 2 years old when she pulled a pan of boiling water from the stove onto herself. Hearing the pan hit the floor and turning to see my baby steaming is a sight that will haunt me until I die.
- Scariest thing... Had to hide in the closet when the husband came home on an unexpected drop in. HE WAS A POLICE OFFICER! I didn't know the female was married. Been seeing her for a couple weeks. Hooked up over a dating site.
- ? Of the day..... looking in the mirror next day after to much drinking.
- TQOTD. I was in an abusive relationship and I was isolated, living thousands of miles from family. There were many scary moments but the scariest was when he told me he could make me disappear and I found a gun in our closet. He left my apartment and I hid that gun with my neighbor because he was afraid of my friend's husband.
- I'd have to say the scariest thing that's happen to me was when I was 19 I was money hungry. So I worked 3 jobs I was up for 22 hours a day. So towards the end of the week I was working my last job before I could get some sleep. I couldn't even make it through my whole shift, I kept dozing off and felt like I was drunk. So I left work and while driving just 2 miles from my house I fell asleep crossed over into oncoming traffic, off the road rolled my car, took out some small trees and skidded down the railroad tracks before finally coming to a stop. It was weird because I woke up in the middle of it rolling over and then fell back asleep. Didn't wake up again till I was in the hospital. Of course after that I had to quit one of my jobs.
- TQOTD. The Halloween after my father-in-law passed away we had an incident. Who passed away we all came home from trick or treating including my mother in law who frequently spent time with us and when we went to bed I turned off the table lamp. It seriously turned back on flashed incredibly bright made a zapping sound and we heard the name David come from the light which is my husband's name. We froze and pulled the covers over our faces and looked at each other and said did you hear that? My mom in law from the living Room also said what just happened in there what was that? So there was no denying that something happened and a voice came through that light we still to this day think it was my father-in-law.
- Scariest thing that ever happened to me: my son at 6 days old had a heart embolism because the NICU nurse put his PICC line into his artery instead of his vein. Would that means is that all the medicine they were giving him went straight to his heart rather than circulating through his body. They're ended up being an air bubble that went through when they pulled it out and he ended up having essentially a baby heart attack. We were airlifted to u of m hospital for their NICU
- The birth of my son was the scariest thing of my life after laboring for 48 hours I had to have an emergency C-section and my son did not cry right away and I called nicu luckily with some suction he didn't need to go and was in my arms
- I work on a small ICU unit and I'm sometimes there by myself. We always have creepy things happening where TVs in empty rooms will turn on randomly Or call lights will go off at the end of the hall and there's nobody down there. One particular shift One of the TVs kept turning on flipping through some channels and then turning off turning on flipping through some channels and then turning up and kept doing it so I went in the room to unplug the TV because it was freaking me and the other nurse out and it was absolutely freezing in that room when I unplug the TV I seriously felt something touch my other hand. We had an elderly patient unfortunately die in that room the night before and he was always channel surfing So it wouldn't surprise me if he was haunting that room now.
- The scariest thing that has ever happened to me is I flipped off the car in front of me and 3 guys got out of the car and started walking toward my car...pedal to the floor and squealed wheels around them. I was 16 and have never flipped off another driver since.
- When I was about 9 and my brother was around 8 my dad let us watch Child's Play! My mom had custody of my older brother and I and when we would visit my dad I slept in my younger brother's room. He had a talking Teddy Ruxpin! In the middle of the night scared out of our minds good ole Teddy started talking!!! We got up and beat the crap out of it and tore it into pieces. We got in big trouble. Lol
- Good morning guys I think one of the scariest things that's ever happened 2 me is when I was in high school and my friend and I snuck out so when we go 2 sneak back in the lights were on my dad was a truck driver so he was getting ready for work so we waited and hid till he left so we go 2 sneak back in my mom opens the front door scares the crap out of us and says get ur a**** in here.... But the scariest part was waiting for 2 days for my dad 2 come home and see what my punishment was gonna be!!! Now my friend was so scaref she went home thinking my parents were gonna tell her mom who all of our friends were scared of cuz they thought she looked like a witch LOL so she told on her self and got grounded for 2 weeks and my dad never told her mom and I avoided my dad and didn't get grounded LMAO
- Scariest thing that ever happened to me: when my autistic 12 yr old opened the door to the car when I was going 70mph on the highway. Once pulled off the road, he jumped out. They had to close the highway inorder to get him (he doesn't like to be touched) safely in an ambulance. He ran away from EMT'S and police
- The scariest that has happened to me was when I was 17 or 18, went and had a bon fire with a couple of people, some of them were old enough to buy beer, I tried to dump some on a guy for calling me gay. lets just say, I ended up in the bon fire. Scariest moment in my life, I thought I was going to come out with multiple burns on my body but luckily I only came out with one burn.
- The scariest thing to happen to me was in high school I was doing a project on a haunted cemetary. So my mom and I went to this cemetery to take pictures, found this really cool tomb stone and took a picture of it. I got out of the car and walked to the otherwise of it to see who it was and got back in the car. I told my mom the kids name, and she actually new the family and went on telling me the story. We were about to leave the cemetery are the same time the story was done, when her and I both got this chill run through our bodies. Something in me told her to turn back around, so we did and went back to the grave. When we got there the grave looked like it was a freshly laid instead of the grass there. It’s really weird to be telling you this because today it the anniversary of his passing.
- Finding out I died when I was 9 was the scariest thing that happened to me. I was legally dead for nearly 30 minutes. I only took a small breath in between that time before the ambulance got to me and took me to the hospital. Crazy part was I dreamt the night it happened that I fell thru the ice on the lake and was drowning.
- The scariest thing that ever happened to me was flipping my explorer three times driving to fast on a back road, I wasn’t buckled, but I walked away with no injuries I had my hands on the wheel pushing my self so hard against the seat it was the only reason I stayed in the car
- The scariest thing that ever happened to me was a car accident because of a drunk driver. I broke 16 bones and Dislocated 3, In my heart stopped long enough for me to legally be declared dead. So now when a joke is too badd, I say
- I saw an angel when I was young and I was terrified
- Scariest moment ... being locked in the trunk of a car before there were emergency handles in them...30 seconds felt like 30 hours! I'm now claustrophobic thanks to my brother.
- Back in the late 80s we always went to this house that was abandoned no water no electricity windows were broke house is trashed house had to be 80 years old when we were running around in it people from my school have gone there forever. One day me and five of my friends went to this house to play with the Ouija board the first question we ask the lights flickered in the water turned on in the kitchen remember no power no water hook up and to this day the water still could be running because I ran so fast with my friends. Never went back to the house again never played Ouija board again in two weeks later the county heard our story and tore the house down. I never told anyone because of what people would think
- While going through my divorce (2007/2008), my childhood "best friend" decided to slip me a roofie, in an attempt to get me to chill. It was the most God awful experience of my life. It's been more than 12 years since we last spoke and I still recall how awful I felt over one drink and never understanding why she did that. I have medical issues that this could have been life threatening.
- scariest thing that happened to me is when I was younger all of our neighbors would hang out and play while our parents were at work. We were all wrestling / just messing around and then one of our neighbors he got really really mad. He ran into the kitchen grab the knife and then came back and yelled something and his sister and I just ran out of the house. I thought I was going to get stabbed and now he has anger problems
- This is a legit 100% true story and not like a fish “true” story. In 2008 I was at a hotel in China and not paying attention I got off the elevator on the wrong floor. The hall was almost black, only lit by small lights on the walls. The elevator doors wouldn’t open up, or come back no matter how many times I pressed the button. I was freaking and bawling my eyeballs out. There was an emergency exit at the end of the hall and I made a run for it. I had to climb down 6 levels on the fire escape stairs on the outside of the building. By far the most terrifying thing that will ever happen on my life!
- Scariest thing. When I was young(5ish) I was walking past the stairs to the attic and look up to the window at the top of the stairs and see a face in the window. This memory and the fact that strange things happened to me in this room for the remainder of my growing up has stuck with me. Fast forward to present day and my two girls and I have moved back to my childhood home to live with my elderly mom. My oldest while telling scary stories around the fire... Tells them exact same story. I have never told her what happened to me and I was beyond freaked out.
- Scariest thing that ever happened to me and a friend was back in high school, we were driving home from a trunk or treat at a church and I had stopped in my neighborhood to grab something. I had passed a car and didn't realize anything at the time but the car started following us. I pulled into my driveway and noticed them at the top of the Hill waiting for us. I jumped back in the car and just took off. I know they were following us because I had pulled into a few different places and their their car was pulling in the other entrance to face us. We finally were a bit faster than them and pulled into a restaurant jumped out and ran inside. A few minutes later we see their car slowly driving past looking for us.
- From my son(#TQOTD) : It wasn't a fart.
- I was once attacked by a raccoon walking home from work one night. Thankfully I was wearing boots.
- Chased by a man with a machete
- #TQOTD I met this guy online. We met up at my house (BIG mistake). Didn't really turn any of my interests. A week after I told him I wasn't interested, a friend I was video camming with seen him in the window behind me watching me.
- I prefer to remain anonymous please!! I woke up to an injection mark on my leg, installed cameras, only find to that someone was breaking into my home and was in my bed (yes, I was home and in my bed too) on several occasions. I still don't have any recollection of this happening, but my health issues sure started to make sense: sudden and quick weight loss of 30 lbs, constantly sick, ended up in the hospital with minor heart-attack, etc. Over 6 years later, I still don't know who it is and I have moved 2 time since, only to have the crazy scary follow me. I wouldn't wish this on anybody. :(
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