What’s The Weirdest Christmas Gift You Have Ever Given Or Received? – #TQOTD
Christmas is less than 3 weeks away, so it's the perfect time to start talking about gifts. What's the weirdest one you've ever been involved with?
What's the weirdest Christmas gift you have ever given or received?
- My parents got me a rain stick one year because they thought it would make nice white noise for me to sleep to... except it only makes noise for about a minute at a time.
- My grandma would use empty cereal boxes to put gifts in for wrapping. Only thing was...sometimes we would get a half eaten box of cereal instead of a gift....
- The inlaw gave her ( our kids) grandchildren broken dirty stinky toys for christmas. While she got nice stuff for her other grandkids
- My husband gave me a dish drainer one of the first few years we were married
- My mother in law got all the grandkids a Marvin’s Magic Drawing Board. My nephew brok his right away , so she gave him my son’s. He was 3 at the time and replaced it with a singing fish plaque. I think it was called Walleye Willy.
- My mom told me to find her some mace for her. I found it, I bought it, and she said merry Christmas when I went to give it to her. Wtf. The year before she gave me an opened box of vitamins. Crazy.....
- I bought my husband a bottle opener that looks like a dogs butt. It was the gag gift that year lol. Usually 1 person gets some weird messed up gift for the hell of it, but they also get a really good gift too besides that. Gotta liven up the holidays sometimes
- For me a swimsuit from my father-in-laws girlfriend. My best friend rec'd a large box of plastic hangers from her mother-in-law
- My then 9 year old got a banana rubber banded to a empty paper towel roll. It was the final gift in a gift in a gift... It was quite hilarious. Now he suggests a banana in every gift
- When my son was 10 he bought me the new toilet bowl cleaners that the handle dropped the dirty cloth cleaner into The toilet. He was so proud of himself and I never laughed so hard.
- My mom tossed a can of black olives in my stocking one year. Another time she "gave" me the left over wrapping tape in the stocking.
- I once was given a wooden mushroom by a cousin.. A wooden mushroom.....
- An empty box
- My mother in law gave me a wrapped bottle Joy dish soap because I had “the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart!!”
- Tires....so romantic!
- A “free gift “ from a store on which she purchased something for someone else.. and it was perfume.. I don’t wear perfume due to allergies...
- Slippers from my ex sister in law
- How about a gag ball? That's a gift I'm giving this year
- I got wrinkle cream from my daughter in law
- For a secret Santa gift in 4th grade. A girl gave me a used naked barbie of hers.
- Mother in law got my 8 year SON and my 8 year old NEPHEW pink Barbie dogs. They were mortified as were we.
- Candle set that was all dusty and dirty.
- A ham lol
- A toilet seat
- A biscuit cutter from my husband’s great aunt
- Coal
- My husbands aunt gave us a ham
- Well it was given to my son, from an in law. He was 7-8. He was given those sea monkeys, a package of them I think. U pour them in a tank of water. That was it. Needless to say it didn’t work and he was very upset that he was basically given nothing for Christmas. Every year since I just told him not to expect anything and I made up for them. Learned they were just awful gift givers.
- My dad gave my mom a cement mixer
- Worst gift- came from my grandma - an Old Spice Sailor soap on the rope.
- My very first Christmas with my husband's family, I won a pair of silicone boob inserts as part of the white elephant. I was probably the best endowed there.
- Underwear from my boyfriends mom
- I was married and my mother-in-law bought me flannel pajamas! Long sleeve, long pant pj’s! Now, how would that gift get you grandchildren! Lol!
- TQOTD. It isn't just one. My mom always tried to dress me like a middle-aged corporate secretary. "Merry Christmas, now pretend to create reports!"
- When my husband and I were dating, he wanted a toaster oven. So he gave it to me for Christmas. After that, we decide on a ‘big’ item we both want and gift it to eachother. But no, I did not want the toaster oven.
- Weirdest present, pair of boxer shorts from best friends girlfriend. Baby talk... ask him to stop.
- I got a pair of knee high nylons from my ex-SIL!
- A maternity top....I wasn't pregnant.
- Prior to my father's passing, he called me over to his house to let me know he had insurance policies for me and my three sibs upon his death. After he passed away, my "stepmother" called me over to let me know she had some things she knows my father would have wanted me to have. . . The "thing" she was referring to was a beer can that my father had dolled up with a face, arms, and when you lifted the face up, out popped a penis. The penis had the tip colored red. I was stunned. I immediately went home and placed it in my recycling bin. When I got home from work the day the recycling was picked up, I found the beer can on the grass with the penis standing straight up. At that moment in time, I not only had two children of my own but every neighbor in my "hood" also had two to three children. To this day, I have no idea if any of these kids found the "stand-up" penis! BTW. . . This stepmom had my father cash in all the insurance policies he had for his four kids to take her to London, while he sat on the tour bus on oxygen, suffering from emphysema, while she went sightseeing. . .