What’s The Weirdest Compliment You Have Ever Been Given? – #TQOTD
Have you ever gotten a compliment that made you pause, think to yourself, and then say "thanks, I think"? If so, we want to hear about that weird compliment.
What’s the weirdest compliment you have ever been given?
- My 6 year old son was rubbing my arm and told me I had the softest fur on my arms.
- I was in the restroom at Tillman's a few years ago when I heard this from the stall next to me from an older woman, "You have a really strong stream. Mine used to be like that."
- My strangest compliment is my boss calls me a bulldog. I just really hope it isn’t because I’m short, round and breath really heavy.
- From a customer when I used to work retail. He'd asked several questions about a router, to which all the answers were forms of "yes" ..."Oh, you're so agreeable, I should leave my wife and marry you. My wife is too highly educated to be as nice and agreeable as you."
- To start, I am deaf! So, I'm at the grocery store getting groceries for my mom. I'm in the pork section and this lady said something to me, so I politely replied. She proceeds to ask me where I'm from and tell me how much she loves my accent. Said I was from here, always lived here She even went as far as to asking me to say her name, Brenda. "Ohhhh, I just love how you say my name (orgasmicly said, in the meat section at that)!!!!!" That was my cue that it was time to go
- “You look prettier without makeup” I only had lip gloss, mascara, and a little bit of tinted moisturizer on.
- "It's too bad you aren't a dude." Only girl in a warehouse job in college when I held my own with the boys. I made the job fun and they felt bad they would go out without me. I told them I can still go out with them and they had the best night ever when I was with them. LOL
- I’m much nicer than I look....can you say RBF?!
- Following gall bladder surgery, the surgeon said, "Your anatomy is beautiful."
- My ex used to always compliment my feet? I think he may have had a foot fetish...I would get all dressed up and walk out and he would say “You really have nice feet!”
- "You have a lot of hair on your head for a man your age."
- I have several. My dr once complimented my cervix during an exam. I used to have people compliment my hair usually by asking if it was a wig. Last one was this year after I donated my kidney to my toddler first my surgeon was raving about what a beautiful kidney it was then my son’s nephrologist was raving about the amazing urine it was producing for him
- From a customer when I used to work retail. He'd asked several questions about a router, to which all the answers were forms of "yes" ..."Oh, you're so agreeable, I should leave my wife and marry you. My wife is too highly educated to be as nice and agreeable as you."
- You have the most brilliant blue eyes I've ever seen!
- Probably 20 years ago in a bar a guy asked me if I was a smoker, I said no and he said “you look like a smoker” what does that even mean??
- A guy who used to come into my work, told me that I had the nicest teeth he had ever seen, and he would love to make a necklace out of them
- I was told by a creepy guy at a bar once that I have beautiful feet.
- From my 6 year old: "You're more bad than you are good" He was really proud to say it to me, but he couldn't tell me what he meant when I didn't seem excited to receive said compliment
- I've been complimented more on my eyebrows than anything else
- Many years ago on a pontoon boat with several people, some whom I didn’t know well, she said...”I hate my fat thighs...I bet you do too!” Needless to say...we didn’t become friends!
- My friend after a year of feeding me every weekend: "it's to to see some meat on your bones" *slaps leg* I was on a medication that made it hard to keep weight on and this happened after I was put on a new medication and started to gain and keep weight.
- Where do you get your lips done at? I don't get lip fillers. Wasn't sure if that was a positive or negative. Lol
- I have light blue eyes and i got questioned if i wore colored contacts. I wear contacts...but not colored ones.
- Looking at my DL that I didn't have glasses on... You look better without glasses. (I'm standing there w them on) AND the opposite "You look better in glasses, they hide your face" I'm not kidding
- You're skin is so pretty. I'm like why are you looking at my face so close...
- When I wore blue contacts, people would say "your eyes are so pretty. Are they real?" Lol
- You look so good I wanna put you on a plate and sop you up with a biscuit
- I had a 3D x-ray of my breasts several years ago when a routine mammogram came back suspicious. The Dr. brought the x-ray in the room to discuss what he saw etc. After he said that everything was normal, nothing to worry about, he said I had very symmetrical breasts and if I didn't mind, he would like to use the x-ray image in his class that he taught. Lol I said sure!
- When my son was young he had a friend over and his friend complimented me by telling me I make the best bologna sandwiches.
- I was getting gas and this gentleman getting gas on the other side comes around and says to me, " I hope you don't think this weird, but you smell really good." Could not believe he could smell my perfume outside at a gas station!!
- At a bar in Washington DC and a guy walked up to me and said “You have nice teeth.” My response, “What am I, a horse?”. He humbly said “Sorry, I am a dentist.”
- When my husband said how pretty an actress was, I asked, what about me? Jokingly. He responded, "You're a different kind of pretty." Okay.
- You have very good pronunciation while cursing.
- You write really nice for a left-hander.
- “Your husband should be really proud of you.”
- I love your red hair! If you ever cut it let me know I’d love to put it on a doll...
- “You have really broad shoulders. Do you play sports? Softball?” Like, ok? Thanks? Way to assume something about me because of how I look! But yes I do play softball. And I’m a lesbian. So I’m a total cliche in the end
- Always my legs...extremely muscular.
- In my early 20s, I had really think hair. A woman came in to the bank that I was working at and told me that I had on the most beautiful wig she had ever seen.
- “Your ears aren’t big, they fit your head”
- “your hair feels so soft like my dog’s”
- Years ago: Someone I know, looking at my belly, “congratulations on your pregnancy!” Me- “thanks” walks away, not pregnant
- It’s not fair you get all the glory!
- I was told I have "kissable lips." I was 12.
- "You have a mind like a guy, it's kind of weird but good" Not exactly sure what that meant seems how I am married and female.
- I really like your credit card (had a tropical background on it) OR you have really great eyebrows
- Legs like an ice skater
- On a cruise from my bff's uncle, "omg! Your toes and feet are the most beautiful thing!" Um...thanks...I think...
- Your almost as pretty as your mom.
- You have legs like a gazelle just seemed like a strange animal to choose
- I love your nose. Really, that's the best I have going for me?
- Have I met you before?
- You remind me of my cousin, she was a stripper...thanks?
- That I have nice handwriting... it's not even legible. lmao
- You’ve got a juicy booty!
- The weirdest compliment I’ve ever been given: I can’t wait to shake the hand of the man who has the balls to marry you (said by my coworker). I wasn’t even dating anyone at the time
- I went to get fingerprinted in order to carry a handgun and the fingerprint woman says "I've been doing this 20 years and you have the best fingerprints I've ever seen", I said "wow, out of all the things to get thst are amazing I get fingerprints".
- I am answering for a text question of the day about weird compliments, one time my daughter and I were on the beach and this gentleman stopped us and told me how beautiful my feet were and he asked me to take a picture of my feet that he would pay me… That was a very crazy experience. I can’t believe still but it happened, and now with all of the music going on mine for plenty of money I feel like I am in the wrong profession LOL hope you guys are having a good day and this gives you guys a good laugh because he was super creepy at the time but now I can sit back and laugh about it LOL
- Not sure if it counts but someone at the airport told me for being Dominican, I actually spoke a very good Spanish. Dominicans speak Spanish
- The weirdest compliment That I have ever received is from a lady at the senior living facility where I work when I introduced myself as the dining services director she repeated ...Oh your nurse here?? and I said no I work in the kitchen, and she promptly responded with " You'd think you'd be fatter" ... uh thank you?
- My Ex-boyfriend’s grandpa told me I had birthing hips.
- Did you ride horses when you were a kid? No, why? Your bowed legged
- I love your eyeballs. They are ones you'd want jarred. I was told this by a patient years ago. Awkward
- I was told by a guy in college that my face looked like I could be in commercials...not movies, but commercials.