Everyone can remember their favorite birthday gift if all time, but can you remember the worst one you've ever gotten?

What's the worst birthday gift someone has ever given you?

  • The worst birthday gift I ever recieved was when I was 8 my grandmother was going to watch me while my parents were at work on my birthday... I didn't get a gift (she was my gift) instead of getting to play outside in the pool I had to stay inside...she made me practice my cursive/penmenship ALL DAY LONG!
  • When I turned 50, my fiance did nothing. No gift, no cake, no card, no nothing. Was hoping for. Party with friends cuz you know...it was a milestone Birthday. My bestie was furious with him. I was deeply disappointed. (Especially since I did a lot for his 50th several months before mine)
  • Nothing, he forgets my birthday every year.
  • A friend wrapped up a book I had wanted, but then told me I had to give it back in a week so she didn't get an overdue library fine. Yup.
  • Nothing.
  • I have been super excited for my 50th!! Gonna get a surprise party, never have had a real party, birthday is on a Friday this year, yep in 2 weeks even Thinking of this for 10 urs, since not having anything for my 40th. Dun Dun Dun Thanks Freakin A lot Covid!!
  • My mom used to always buy me clothes several sizes too big.
  • ex husband bought me a dildo for my birthday one year.
  • My ex, days before he left me, bought himself a watch and his girlfriend a Christmas gift. Yay 29.
  • Never got birthday presents from my parents when I was a kid. My birthday is 12/31 and every year when I’d ask why I never got birthday presents but my little brother and little sister did, I was always told “your birthday presents were part of your Christmas presents.” I was totally surprised this past birthday (#39) because they gave me $20.
  • Coffee cup, daughter made. It states " your not be the best dad, but you try" special day.
  • An ex broke up with me ON my birthday then I had to put a smile on for my daughter cuz it was her birthday too n there was no way I was going to not make the best of her special day...narcissistic prick that he was
  • My ex went on a dinner cruise for his work. He was allowed to bring a plus one but didn't include me in the rsvp so I canceled the sitter and stayed home. When he came home later all he talked about was his co-worker's tall, blond, hot, Scandinavian wife Ingrid.
  • When I was 11 my parents forgot my birthday.... I got a floral arrangement
  • I actually was great full for everything I get or got. My parents said I was the same way as a child.
  • My brother got a rock from my dad and told him if he rubbed it then his stress would go away
  • I don't know why but these comments made me so sad.. I didn't get much as a kid but always had cake and a song and my kids and husband were pretty darn good!
  • The ever so frequent "it's your birthday and Christmas present combined" gift!! Christmas week Birthdays stink!!
  • My.dad may have forgotten how old I was one year .... but my mom literally forgot my birthday entirely. She had company over for dinner, so i thought we would have cake dessert or something... nothing. I was about 12 that year. At 11pm I finally asked, while her company was still there, if she knew what day it was. She knew the date but not what i was asking about. She ended up handing me a pack of unwrapped socks that werent my size.
  • Meets the parents movie
  • A ticket. In my early 20's for four years straight I got a ticket on or within days of my birthday.
  • Nothing, everyone forgot my birthday 2 years ago.
  • NOT getting anything for your birthday kinda sucks!
  • My 10th birthday I received a bee hive hat from my Dad. I was so disappointed. All he wanted was for me to tag along to visit the hives. hate bees!!!
  • What are birthday gifts!?!
  • A deep fryer for a turkey... his BD was the next month and he got a vacuum cleaner
  • A bag of after Easter discount Jellybeans...(i dont even like jellybeans)
  • My now ex got me a coke puzzle. It was super ugly and not my thing at all.
  • A fruit plate.
  • A card with No money in it! Lol
  • Chia pet
  • I gave my friend a box of tampons.
  • A Guinea pig...that I didnt ask for
  • The worst thing I got for my birthday was absolutely Nothing! I just had the big 40 birthday last week Monday and I got Nothing from my Hubby or kids. My hubby did say Happy birthday but that is all I got! My BF did surprise me the night before with dinner in an Igloo & invited my parents & hubby, but that is it. It was a depressing 40th birthday!
  • Not the worst birthday present, but the worst birthday party was my 16th birthday. My mom had made so much food, even got a big cake for the first time in my life! (Normally, she just made me one, but this year she didn’t, and I was SO excited.) I had quite a few friends that were supposed to sleepover, but we had a snowstorm that night, so no one came.. well, one person came by to bring me a card... and it wasn’t a card for me, it was actually for another one of our close friends whose birthday was a week before mine. I was grateful for that card, whether it was mine or not, but I have yet to have an actual birthday party. I didn’t get my “sweet 16”, my 18th was a dud (another snow storm), my 21st was awful thanks to my abusive boyfriend (at the time) and my 25th was snowed in again. I’m thinking maybe I should do something in July as my “in-birthday” for my 30th this year. 😂
  • I have never gotten a bad birthday present but I do remember my BEST.....2 blocks of cheese all for me. Did not have to share. I was 8 years old and grew up 5 older brothers and 1 younger
  • When I was 15 I got for my birthday the same gift that I gave for Christmas. From my mom......Broke my heart
  • I lend a pack of crayons to a girl when I was a kid. She gift wrapped it and gave it back to me on my birthday.
  • A creed cd after I said I didn’t like their music at all
  • My ex bought me a beautiful sapphire ring. I couldn't believe it! He actually remembered that I loved sapphires and spent his money on this beautiful ring. The following month I received a bill in the mail from a jeweler. I handed him the bill and he proceeded to tell me that I needed to pay for it out of our household account. So not only did I help pay for my own gift, but I also had to write the check out. Needless to say that ring lost a lot of its brilliance!
  • The worst birthday gift was when my kids dad bought me a bunch of dish sponges for my birthday, like a whole bag full!! Thanks a lot buddy I’m not your maid!
  • When I was 17 I ran to the grocery store to pick up a couple of things, my mom called to ask me to grab myself a birthday cake. So I got myself a birthday cake, she just figured it would be easier than her having to go back out for it. So I had them write on it "happy birthday to me "why was she mad at me when I got home LOL.
  • My birthday is the day before tax day ( April 14th). My Dad came over and instead of remembering my birthday he handed me a file and asked me to do his taxes before the due date.
  • When I was a senior in high school telling my parents I wanted a varsity jacket and then I end up getting a electric razor Worst present I ever got in my life I was bumming so hard
  • The husband gave me a Hershey Bar...he said my birthday came so fast he didn’t have time to shop. Really....he only had 365 days to plan!

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