What’s The Worst Thing A Manager Has Ever Said To You? – #TQOTD
Inspired by something that our boss, Sweet Sweet Doug, said to us, we want to know the worst thing a manager has ever said to you.
What’s the worst thing a manager has ever said to you?
- In my yearly review, my manager asked me who I would like to throw under the bus. I'm not sure what he was testing me on but I said nothing
- I started in 2011, at that time the economy was in the toilet. The owner of the company said to me "I love an economy like this, I can get people like you for nothing." I'm now the third highest paid employee out of 120. 😉
- I worked for a corporate farm yrs ago, n my boss made me Field Supervisor. He screamed at me for getting stuck in the mud. My guys watched this go down. I went to him n chewed him a new one. "If you do it again, you'll get knocked down!" Never did it again n I worked there for ten years. Never late, never missed one day.
- So, I was trying to move up/further my responsibilities at work and told my manager that I was interested in furthering this responsibility...I was told by the manager “I typically like to have guys in this role”. This is in Health Care
- #tqotd. Please don't say my name! The worst thing a manager has ever said to me is that I was "not only letting everybody that I worked with and the company down" when I decided to put my two weeks in for a better job but also that I was blindsiding of her and she was "embarrassed to have kept me around". Um okay lady, let's not get feisty just because I'm going to be making more than you and be promoted to a position basically the same as yours
- #TQOTD 15 yrs ago my female boss asked me to wear makeup. I work a desk job.
- Not to me, but my boss called my coworker a walking disaster...and the other one is probably not safe for radio, but he was wearing a new shirt and she told him it was a "faggy" shirt #tqotd
- TQOTD... The worst thing a boss said to me was... I worked for an insurance company and besides another gal, I was the only other female working in the accounting/ claims room. My manager came up to the window and asked me to fax some papers in which I replied: "don't you have a fax on your desk!" He came back with. "You're a little too young to be pregnant don't ya think!?" 😯😯 (I was 19 but wth?) and I smiled and said.. "you forgot your papers!" And closed the window 😁😁
- Worst thing a manager ever said to me was " you are just oozing sexy this morning " I mean I know he meant it as a compliment, but can you say uncomfortable!?! The general manager was standing right there and I thought he was going to stroke out!!! Lol sexual harassment!?! ...might have been, but my amusement of the GM's reaction won out. 😂
- #tqotd Once, a manager asked me and another girl my age to disassemble the Christmas tree we had... We asked why us instead of anyone else, he said "you're women! If you can give birth to children, you can take apart a Christmas tree" (he might have been joking, but still...)
- My boss had to use my computer one day and sat down in my chair and said do you have a heater on this thing? You have a hot butt! I laughed and said I don't think you should say those things.
- Worst thing a boss ever said to me was "we don't do that here" (referring to texting on the clock) She can't seem put her phone down and will actually finish texting before looking at whoever is trying to talk to her This is why I chose to text this to you (on the clock) Monkey see...monkey do
- Ohhh... This is a good TQOTD... I had a manager tell me that (something that had been agreed upon for a few months) "I can't do that" and after a major stare down they looked away and said, "you can call "Susan" and figure it out with them"... Needless to say... I have since transferred.
- It's not what a boss has said to me it's her eyes...her eyes spoke volumes. I am a big girl, no hiding it, there's no FPA (fat people anonymous). It was her first day on the job, I stood to greet her with a smile, of course, she stopped, looked down at my feet, and blatantly mind you, looked me up and down. Slowly. She body checked me. I couldn't muster a hello, I just sat down. And I couldn't do anything right for her.
- I'm a teacher and my boss constantly threatens our pay during meetings. We work hard and our boss isn't clear on his expectations and if one person isn't pulling their weight he threatens our pay - which I don't think he can do that? But still, it sucks and it's stressful.
- Worst thing a manager has ever said to me was that I have a resting B face and then proceeded to say the whole office always thinks I'm mad... side note I'm very quiet and not always mad
- 😂I worked at a clothes store and my manager told me I was too fat to work at Abercrombie (the store he worked at before mine). I was 18 and weighed 110lbs. He was also racist and said inappropriate comments to my nonwhite co-workers. He was fired two weeks later.
- TQOTD. I was working for a latchkey program between getting my bachelor's and starting certification to become a teacher. The director of the program said, "I was not well suited to work with children." I took her words to heart. Never went to MSU to get certified, but I did become a mother. Maybe my kids agree, lol.
- The worst thing a manager has said to me... I'd have to say the time a manager (not mine, mind you) wrongfully fired me for leaving early due to a massive panic attack. They tried to "hire" me back, but I refused because if that's how they treat their employees, I'd rather play leapfrog with a unicorn. My mother wanted me to sue them over it, but I decided not to. I didn't want to have anything to do with them after that.
- Manager said: "are you gonna froggin show up to work today?" I had been there two hours before him and even had a meeting with him already. I think he was high
- My Boss in college at coffee shop threatened to fire my co-worker because she couldn't put up the soup of the day sign after having a double mastectomy over Christmas break....jaw on the floor, I offered to put up the soup sign for my coworker but was told not to, "you shouldn't enable her to slack off... And if you do I'll fire you too"
- My boss once asked me if I starved my self and asked if I ate, I’m 19 and 100 pounds. I can pack my food in. I should have replied, do you ever stop eating? I just silently walked away...
- Good morning everyone. The worst thing a manager/ boss has said to me. This is a two-parter. A few years ago, I worked for a restaurant that was new to my home town. At the time, I was working on losing weight. I had already lost 130 lbs and was well on the way of being where I needed to be for health. I was taking a large pan on corned beef into the walk-in cooler and the manager who is also the owner of the place was walking out of the cooler at the same time I was walking in with this hot pan. He said to me. "Well good thing I came out when I did. Because this cooler isn't big enough for both of us." He was much larger than I was at the time. I offered to throat punch him after taking care of the pan of beef. The second part, a few minutes after he insulted me. He asked a waitress to join him in the office. And offered her a bonus if she bent over his office chair. Talk about a disgusting person.
- Please no names. My boss told me I had to choose between my job or kids because I wouldn't work over my time out and miss my baby's ultrasound. I had planned this two months in advance. She told me to reschedule it. She told me it's my job or kids. It's my choice. Well, I didn't stay and still have my job so......
- While working at an Italian restaurant a table found out that I perform opera and wanted an Italian experience. I obliged because it would be a bigger tip. When my manager found out about it he wasn't happy and said to one of my coworkers, of course, he sings opera he's gay and fat. Got him fired. #ByeFelicia
- I’ve had some really bad experiences with managers and bosses to the point that I have PTSD. your show today is rather therapeutic. Thank you!!
- Sorry guys! I absolutely love my job! My bosses are like the second set of parents and they are amazing )! I get to bring my kids to work and there is super flexible with my hours and it's just this just an amazing place to work! I recently had a baby and they let me bring him to work for 3 months so I didn't have to worry about him being in daycare so early. When I told them I was pregnant they even offer to buy a crib for my office!
- I was told I'm too smart to be black. I hold 2 bachelors degrees in organizational management and human resources and a master certification in call center management.
- My manager looked at me and goes "makeup isn't exactly a requirement...but it sure does help!"
- I had a manager who if you had to go bathroom would always say we don't pay you to go to the bathroom
- The worst thing a boss said to me- People in your position just do what they're told
- Among other things this boss has said... "I will put a bullet in your head if you batched out the credit card machine."
- Please keep me anonymous. I had a manager one time who told me she was going to shove my gum down my throat.
- You don't need that donut ... 😮... 😒
- You make plenty for what you do
- You are too valuable to promote.
- A boss once told me that I was a waste of skin... I got him fired
- The worst thing a manager had ever said to me was that I was as bad as murderers and rapists
- When I was 14, and working in fast-food, my manager at the time told me that I was going to need a breast reduction when I got older.
- For balloon animals 😬
- The worst thing a manager has told me was to take a picture of my boobs and send it to him (this was my last day of work there)
- I once had a manager who asked me if he could massage me nude and videotape it.
- TQOTD: Do you have any single friends because I just need to relieve some pressure.
- As a manager: After having balloon animals with employee number two and three I told them sorry they were late employee number one already got the promotion
- Tqotd: I'm a fluffy girl. And tend to wear my clothes a little large. I had a manager in a retail setting comment "aren't you afraid you're going to rip those pants?" Because I was wearing some that actually fit.
- TQOTD Where do I begin with the stupid things my manager says 1. So... my mom and my aunt are adopted, so that makes them sisters. However, by blood, they are actually cousins. I told this as an interesting fact about my family. My manager then said "oh so that means there was a little incest action going on in your family.....it's cool, I understand" I simply looked at her and said... " ummmm...No."
- The recruiter at my work made a comment to me and a group of people I was with that all of the individuals with my name at work was exactly the same, white women, and that I only stood out for them a little because I'm a ginger. 😠
- After having a miscarriage at 12 weeks, I was the manager of my store, my district manager told me I didn't need to take any time off because it wasn't like a maternity leave where I had a baby to take care of. Needless to say, I quit. And once my team found out what she had said, they quit as well and now we all work together at an insurance company. #worstmanagerever
- Toss up between "You have gained weight" and "Isn't your daughter a good driver" (when her dad went to Florida to move her back to Michigan) Both totally not job-related!
- When I was at CMU decades ago I worked at the pizza/sub place right by the Towers- you know the one. Anywho, one night I made some kind of mistake on an order and the Male owner said under his breath- "I'd like to kick her right in her C#t !!!! I told him he better not EVER talk like that to me again!
- #tqotd. The worst thing my boss said to me was when I approached the HR manager to propose that I take over their website to try to bring in some revenue and he could pay me more. He said, "Helen, we hired you to answer the phones."
Didn't happen to me, but a coworker was texted by our manager from midnight till 3 am trying to get her to get her to "come over" while his wife was out of time. He was a 40-year-old father of 3, she was 20. He's also a high school teacher. Yikes.
I had a manager tell me once that they wanted the pretty girl hired but went with me because I had a college education - Good Morning. I have tick disorder, and my old boss asked me "how are the ticks today." The same as everyday smh #rude love you guys
My husband was dying and high maintenance for me and my boss said to me "I'm glad I'm not you". - My boss told me to "suck it up" when I told him I was being sexually harassed. At the time I was pregnant and he was touching me inappropriately, saying inappropriate things, and wouldn't stop when I asked him to. I thought my boss would help me but he told me I needed to learn how to stick up for myself. I thought my manager could get him to stop... I was wrong.
- Good morning! I had a horrible boss for my first "big girl" job. I was in HR and had an employee terminate under bad conditions. She still had paperwork to sign so I had reached out to her to set up a time to do so. That turned into drinks after work. My boss got wind of it and came straight to my cube and began
- SCREAMING at me about how I was horrible at my job, I didn't know what I was doing and that she couldn't believe she hired me. To top it off she said the deli down the street was hiring. My coworkers on the other side of my cube came to make sure I was ok afterward.
- I was young unmarried and working in a manufacturing setting. I was working full time and going to school part-time when I found out I was pregnant my boss had sorted taking me under his wing as a mentor trying to help me grow and develop within the company when I told him I was pregnant his response was well now you've ruined everything and you'll never amount to anything verbally I had nothing to say but my face must have said it all because he followed up with while you'll never finish college at this point him and I still keep in contact to this day because I feel it's my job to rub it in to him that I am now graduating in June with my master's degree and my husband and I are expecting our third child very soon.
I was 6 months pregnant with child #3. Two other co-workers were also at similar stage of pregnancy. When I gave the manager my doctors note restricting my lifting. He sighed and said what is wrong with you pregnant women needing to be restricted, I mean I was fat before and still did the same job! Being fat and being pregnant is not the same at all! - My boss told me to dress up more for work, I am a woman and apparently wearing dockers style pants and a nice shirt is fine for the guys, but women should wear skirts and dresses and nice Jackets if they're going to wear dress pants, he even suggested I go shopping with my sister who is kind of a diva and also to wear makeup
- My boss is constantly telling the 100 employees I work with that we are all replaceable. Instead of offering to help people who are struggling or find out what the issues are, she just flat out says she'll replace us with someone better.
- I had one job where I spent more time defending my job than actually doing it. My manager constantly nitpicked what I did, and told me how I could've done it better, even though she acknowledged that I actually was doing everything in my job description, and I hadn't "technically" done anything wrong
- I had a manager that told me I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone at work, to shut up and work faster...this was after I was off work for days because of a sciatic nerve flare up and I was still in a lot of pain.
- My manager said to me "why don't you take the weekend and go home and think about if this job is really right for you". Yeah, I wanted to throat punch her. Instead, I said, "I am staying here so you need to figure out a way to deal with it". I think I would have felt better if I would have just throat punched her.
- I was a few months out of chemo and radiation and feeling a little bit better. (22 weeks ) I was told that I couldn't use chemo brain as an excuse! I worked through my treatment and missed maybe 10 days.
- This isn't necessarily the meanest oh, but this is one of the most memorable. It actually came from a lady that directed a Christian preschool that I worked as a teacher in. I had a horribly abscessed tooth that made me look like Quasimodo. It was painful and disgusting and my face was swollen up so bad. I called are the night before to tell her that I had to get to a dentist the next day because I had an abscessed tooth and she said, looks Stephanie, I'm sorry you have a sore tooth but I need you to come into work tomorrow. I told her that I was in a lot of pain and she said that she's sorry that my I have a toothache and was completely condescending. I showed up the next morning and said good morning to her and she looked at me and was shocked. I Quasimodo face was not what she was expecting. I think she felt a little bit bad after that.
- "You were only hired to fulfill an affirmative action program" something the assistant manager told me
- Keep me anony-mouse 😊 Text question of the day: I had my boss tell me that I need to suck it up and separate my personal life from my professional life after my mother-in-law had unexpectedly passed away less than a week prior.
- I had a boss who got super mad because when i quit my job for another job that he kept me from when black Friday was like 2 weeks away and they needed to get to training me and this is a job I really wanted it was like sorry dude ya working me too much and then keeping me from this other job and then I had a relative dying so I was stressing out, to begin with so when I told him I was done and explained everything he said "wow dude adulting too hard for you? If it weren't for me ya wouldn't even have that job" while he wasn't wrong he didn't need to be a bouche about it
- I'm a 24-year-old single female, and a male manager said that I should stand by the men's room so I can find a man. Someone overheard told HR, and he was fired!
- I work at a pet store and the assistant manager told me that I was only hired to fulfill an affirmative action program.
- Text question of the day. I asked to switch departments to move up and the supervisor in that department told me I was too stupid to do that. Mind you I've run that line when they were short people
- My sister and I worked at a place. We were asked as part of our job to translate to other employees. Spanish speaking employees. Half the company was Hispanic. But one day we were talking to each other in Spanish and she said none of that crap In front of me, speak English so I can understand what you're saying. Besides you're not in Mexico. So we walked out. Lol
- First-time texter long time listener! Text question of the day... I'm covered in tattoos... My previous boss once said all drug dealers have tattoos. I gave him a look his quick attempt to save himself from the ass chewing he was about to get was oh but not all people with tattoos are drug dealers
- I am able to work from home one day a week but my boss says he won't supply me with the computer because he knows I'll use it to online shop, totally sexist
I had a terrible manager that would sit in the office and eat all day. She told me nobody wanted to work with me anymore after she screwed up my schedule and I asked her why. - My boss asked me how I was and I said can't complain and he said really I find that hard to believe you aren't married you have no kids and you're almost 30
- QOTD: after returning from maternity leave, my manager said: "I've seen a lot of babies in my life, but yours is one of the ugliest I've ever seen."