We just got back from vacation and we are ready to complain about everything!  Ugh, we have to wake up early!  Ewww, we have to work today!  Yuck, it's time to be an adult again!  So...  What's your

What’s your favorite thing to complain about?

  • Bad drivers! Use your turn signals, turn your lights on, stop 30ft away from a school bus!
  • Drivers for sure! People who drive like they’re the only ones on the road. I do most of my swearing in the car.
  • Merging onto the highway. Speed up or slow down. Don't make me get over. It's not my job...figure it out!!! 😠
  • People not using their indicators, I mean how hard is it to swish the little stick-up or down to let a person know ur intention?? 😂
  • People's lack of common sense
  • Having to pay bills
  • Not enough sleep
  • My favorite thing to complain about is all the snowbirds and how terrible they drive. Can you please find your way out of Arizona and back to your snow. Thank you next.
  • My favorite thing to complain about are the idiots who don't get out of the way of my ambulance when I'm trying to drive lights and sirens to a call. Yes, Linda, the lights are there for a reason, not just a free light show! I used to love driving now I'm gonna have an aneurysm before 30.
  • My favorite thing to complain about is how everyone is offended by everything and you can't say or do anything without someone being a bleeping crybaby about it.
  • #TQOTD Controversial issues aside, I love to complain about people sniffing my car's butt while I'm driving. But according to my boyfriend, I often complain about how much car insurance costs.
  • The roads, and people that have deer statues in their front yard!
  • The lack of sunshine during Midwest winters 😞☁️☁️☁️⛅☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️
  • Ppl not recycling
  • People who are too lazy to put their shopping cart in the corral. They just leave it to either hit other vehicles or in the parking spot you want. Oh no!!! You have to do a little bit of walking to take care of your cart!!! The whole words coming to an end, it's too hard to do!!
  • When you are at a 4 way stop and someone was there before you and yet they wave you on. I know they are trying to be nice but seriously JUST GO!! Follow the flipping rules of the road
  • The way people drive! (too fast, too slow, too close....etc)
  • My husband
  • Bad drivers & kids/ADULTS standing in the way of the store aisles chatting or whatever, knowing people can't get by them
  • The weather probably. I HATE everything about winter. EVERYTHING!
  • Texting and driving!
  • TQOTD.. What's your favorite thing to complain about!! Chewing... Please stop chewing and swallowing so loud. Including myself... It's icky!!! All smacky and saliva--e.. So gross!! Eat quietly!!! 😂😂
  • First of all welcome back, I miss you guys when you are on vacation the biggest thing that I love to complain about the most is how things work at my job
  • Favorite thing to complain about. The company and the people I work for. The stupidity here amazes me most days.
  • One thing I like to complain about is... Being tired at work, even though I can't discipline myself to go to bed at a reasonable time the night before.
  • #tqotd Anonymous please: Lately I love to complain about my lazy boss. Not exactly sure what he does all day other than watching YouTube videos. But at the end of the day he thanks me for everything I do.
  • My favorite thing to complain about? Currently and most the time is lack of sleep. I have 3 boys and the two youngest are TERRIBLE sleepers. The youngest is 3 1/2 and he wakes up at least 3 times a night. Now....more coffee. Welcome back, guys, you were missed.
  • I complain about gas prices going up and fluctuating so much upwards and taking so much time to come back down well with that making a movie
  • TQOTD: I complain about work and sometimes not drawing enough but....why does my cat throw up as much as he does. It's not every day but still, we gave him hairball treats to see if that'd work... Honestly, I think he just sometimes eats way to fast and that's the problem. Slow down cat, your very chub and I don't wanna clean up more carpet
  • guys my daughter wanted me 2 texts in for the text question and tell u my favorite thing 2 complain about is my kid's not picking up after themselves LOL and I also like to complain about things not being put back where it was!!!
  • That my husband, the mechanical engineer, cannot figure out how to load the dishwasher!
  • My favorite thing to complain about is how tired I am even though I get nine hours of sleep. Narcolepsy
  • TQOTD: My favorite thing to complain about: one of the girls at work that likes to give me the hardest time ever. That and that I've been moved three times and every time that I get moved I get a smaller and smaller space. So I guess that my favorite thing to complain about is work
  • No more green onions at Taco Bell. They were taken away during an e. coli outbreak. The real cause was from contaminated lettuce, but the public thought it was from contaminated onions, so I guess TB thought perception = reality. #TheMoreYouKnow
  • My sugar detox. My skin glows, my pants fit better after a week, but I just want a candy bar.
  • My favorite thing to complain about is people who have more money than me. I am a full-time college student who also works to pay for school and all living expenses, but I know a lot of people whose parents pay for everything and they don’t appreciate it!!
  • Being single with too many cute single friends..
  • TQOTD...Anonymous today...spouses and stupid drivers. They are both as bad as the other at times. Put the spouse in the car with the stupid drivers and get the heck away from them! #StupidPeople #DriversEd #MarriageEd??? 😁
  • Text question of the day... the one thing I like to complain about.. is my husband (lots going on there)
  • My favorite thing to complain about is my husband and how he sucks the life out of what could be a very fun marriage!
  • Hey guys! My favorite thing to complain about is my boyfriend refusing to wear deodorant, I mean he's almost 23 come on how can you not tell it smells like something died in those pits!
  • My favorite thing to complain about is definitely MY STUPID FROGGING COWORKERS. out of all of them, 2 are ok. The others either DONT DO THEIR FROGGING JOB or they think THEY'RE IN CHARGE OF FROGGING EVERYTHING. and they ALWAYS complain about how tired they are and then tell me I can't be tired because "I'm young and active" WELL SHUT UP KAREN!! YOU CAN BE TIRED NO MATTER WHAT YOUR FROGGING AGE IS! and Rhonda, can you PLEASE STOP MOVING ALL MY PENS WHEN I AM TRYING TO DO MY JOB AND GO DO YOUR OWN DAMN JOB. Uuuugggghhhh # quitting soon cuz college # DO YOUR DAMN JOB # management is not as loving as sweet sweet D # wish I had Steve as my producer! # glad you're back # love all y'all
  • Cindy Campbell Koster Bad drivers. Examples: Those that keep 4 car lengths between themselves and the car in front while turning at a left turn light. Those that don’t put driving as their number one activity at the time. Focus on driving people! Not chatting, texting, eating, daydreaming, putting on makeup, etc. Use your turn signal. I know for a fact they come standard on every vehicle. Accelerate when turning into traffic. If I’m going 45 mph on 28th Street, speed up so I don’t have to slam on my breaks! It’s like merging. I can go on and on and on...
  • People's ignorance. you can't fix stupid lol
  • I love to complain about my crappy crap Coworker. Today's number is 16... That's how many days she has missed this year. 16 days.... We are in the 13th week of the year... DO THE MATH... Good thing I have Connie and fish in my ears on the free app!!!! Love y'all
  • I'd like to complain this morning about the fact that I have a cold and yet I still have to do everything around the house. It's like my husband has a man cold but he doesn't
  • Guys the one thing to complain about us truck drivers have to deal with idiots on the roads every day you guys are a lot faster than we have common courtesy if a truck wants to pass you let them pass if a truck wants to get over let them over you guys want everything that we provide on the store shelves let us do our jobs but please do not play Road rage with a semi truck you will lose every time
  • My favorite thing to complain about is about my broken third shift napping. But when I hear people who get to sleep at night, "normal people," AND don't have kids, who complain about their lack of sleep...just makes me crazy. But it is just a frivolous annoyance. I recognize we all have our reasons of why we could use more sleep and in my case, regular sleep.
  • I love complaining about RUDE people. Ugh! Why can't people just be nice?
  • #tqotd phone etiquette! I'm on the phones for my job for 90% of my day, and I can't tell you how many times I get interrupted mid-sentence, people chewing in my ear, or lack of use of "please" and "thank you". It's appalling!

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