Which Fictional TV Character Would You Switch Lives With For A Week? – #TQOTD
Steve wants to have a robot best friend and hook up with a hot girl who is a cyclops for a week and Christine wants to hook up with Vampires and Werewolves. I however want to be a superhero and help save people plus awesome metabolism and all. HEHEHEHE …
Which fictional TV character would you switch lives with for a week?
- Scooby Doo
- Elena Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)
- Zoey Deschanel's character Jess in New Girl. Amazing show, incredible cast. Her life just looked so fun
- Lucifer Morningstar. Why? Easy, the Detective, his club, and because he is the Devil and does whatever the Hell he wants. Need those wings!!
- Elena Gilbert cuz ya know Damon Salvatore
- I would want to switch places with leave it to beaver‘s mom because I feel I was born in the wrong era
- This was so hard!!!! But Sam & Dean for sure (Supernatural)
- I’d trade with Samantha Carter from Stargate SG1. She’s the smartest person around, a bad ass, and gets to travel to different worlds through the stargate with Richard DeansAnderson (aka MacGyver)
- Juliette on Psych. She gets to solve some awesome crimes and hang out with Shawn and Gus who are hilarious!
- Samantha from Bewitched
- Blanche Devereaux, Golden girls
- Rick Steve. I love to travel
- Caroline Forbes from the vampire diaries series. hot vampires. i have a HUGE crush on klaus so i would totally go for him since he’s into her
- If I could be anyone for a week it would be Detective Mike Lowrey. Serious, a romantic, and funny man.
- Zoey Hart from Hart of Dixie. wade (her future husband) is hot too
- Sabrina so I can do magic
- Chloe, the Detective, from Lucifer, cause Hubba Hubba Lucifer Morningstar!! Mama Likey Yum Yum!!!
- Carrie from Sex in the City for the fashion & Mr Big!
- John Wick because he's a badass!
- James T. Kirk because I’d get to travel the galaxy and woo alien ladies…
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