Who From The Show Would You Switch Lives With? – #TQOTD
After coming up with this #TQOTD, we had a bit of an argument about whether or not you actually switch bodies or lives with the person you choose. Fish says bodies, Connie says lives. What do you think?
If you had to change lives with a member of the show for 24 hours, who would it be and why?
- CONNIE!!! Because she’s confident and assertive and outgoing and kind and has a good relationship with her mom. And because she gets to be BFFs with Fish. Y’all sound fun. ❤️
- BIP: Pretty simple! Here fishy fishy. And you know why!
- Connie, because I’d love to meet, and play with, Kevin.
- Connie, because she has a beautiful pool and a really cute cat!
- Connie. I love cats and his smooshy face does me in. And Dan is easy on the eyes.
- Absolutely Steve. I have 5 kids and 1 is the same age as Charlotte. That would give me my kid time at such a fun age!!
- Hmm. Steve for out side time [happy happy]..Connie for Kevin snuggle time..and Fish..U just mKe.me laugh....nope cant pic 1
- Fish, so I can sit in his hot tub and snuggle Barrett the dog.
- Steve because my 2 year old can have a play date with Charlotte!!!
- Fish because I’m more of a dog person than I cat person.
- SWB: I'm gonna say Connie, but I'm not saying why!
- Which one has a pool
- Connie but in the summer when her pool is open. Lol
- Kevin the cat
- I’d keep you all because working with all of you would be a hoot. Wouldn’t seem like work at all.
- ❤️ you all!
- Connie ❤ She is beautiful and everyone loves her.
- Connie no questions I love to shop and would love to have time to myself with no kids lol . I love them to death but this quarantine is too much with 3 of them
- CONNIE, because she has a beautiful soul and heart❤
- Definitely Connie so I could cuddle sweet little Kevin!!
- Ummm can I switch with Steve after nee baby girl is here so I can snuggle and take in new baby smell for a day ❤️❤️
- Connie... I love Kevin and his smooshy face.
- Connie so I can play with Kevin Nat meet Dan cause I here he is hot and I have not seen a picture of him
- Connie because I love cats and Kevin is sooo cute!!!
- Connie so I can snuggle with Kevin the cat!
- Connie for sure!
- Connie... cause Dan is hot! Lol...
- Kevin.
- Kevin! Lol!
- Connie.
- Fish because his wifey is HOT!
- I'm basically already living Steve life since I have a two-year-old so Connie because she has a husband that can fix a bunch of stuff around the house for me
- I want to switch with Brittany so I can be married to Steve. He is handsome sweet smart and funny.
- I would trade lives with Connie because my life would not change much at all. She watches Hallmark movies and ID. That's my main 2 channels. Our personalities are pretty similar, she doesn't take grief from anyone. Connie is just ausome. Kim
- Here fishy fishy fish!!!! I always wanted to be a redhead, and you are hilarious, need I say more?
- Fish so that I could use all his code words (hamburger, balloon animals, etc.).
- I would switch with Fish, this girl needs a damn cut & color!! ♀️
- Connie Kellie... You have the best life, wonderful friends, a great family, a supporting husband and the cutest cat Kevin
- Connie of course, so I can be with Kevin of course!
- Fish. Bc honestly, I want to pretend to pretend to be that dumb and just have everyone be okay with it
- SWB: Fish because I'd like to horse back riding with his wife.
- I want to trade with Connie so Dan can help me get my house and garage organized
- I would pick intern Steve and spent 24 hours in the garage and not remember any of it....
- Steve. He's intellectual, semi sensible, n young. Fish is too into himself,
- I would rather change places with Connie because Connie is always laughing always happy and she really really loves her husband...And they have a hot tub no offense to steve I don't want any more little kids and no offense to fish but not only does he have sleep apnea but he does not seem like he really truly is in love with his wife anymore he complains about her more than anything..He just doesn't seem happy with her
- I would pick Fish...he gets to work with Connie, his dad sounds fun and his wife sounds HOT!!
- If I could switch I would switch with Steve because he has a kid and kids are cool!! Or switch with fish and ride the horse with his wife!!!
- TQOTD: Connie-- I'm all about that hot tub lol
- Steve cause I Wana be young
- I would change lives with Fish because his wife is young and hot!
- This question is difficult. Part of me wants to switch lives with Connie because I want pet Kevin and swim in her pool. On the other hand, Fish has a beautiful wife and that would be nice as well.
- would change places with Connie so I could spend a whole day snuggling with Kevin :)
- Anonymous: Not sure if I’d rather be Connie because it would be interesting to deal with Fish or be Fish because I’d love to do a show with Connie. ♡
- Fish or Steve so I can pee standing up :p
- Connie- I don't want to pee standing up...
- I would switch with Fish. That way I couldn’t get in trouble at work for saying dumb (hilarious) things!
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