After asking the Click of Six what their secret crushes were, we learned that a lot of you think like us and have crushes on food.

Who or What do you have a Secret crush on right now?

  • What’s my secret crush? I’d like you to meet this Fried Oreo Cupcake from the Salted Cupcake. We haven’t met yet, but I’ve been stalking this baby out for a few weeks now! Baby Got Back! And front and a little bit of gooey in the center, Baby got it All!!
  • I've got a secret crush on my coworker/ friend. We also happen to teach together so I see her every day.
  • my youngest. It doesn't matter what day it is she always put me in a great mood. She has changed my whole outlook on life. My world
  • The cats out of the bag. I have a crush on Fish, Steve and Connie ❤
  • My income taxes lol oh and wine. Oh and my boyfriend. Can I include my son as well? I know that sounds weird but I do love my baby boy!!
  • At this moment it's my youngest. She is 7 and knows that mommy doesn't feel good tonight. She brought me a gift bag from Valentine's day that she found in a closet and put my sleep mask, a rice crispie treat, some craft hearts, and a note that said she loves me in it. Then she covered me up and brought me ice water. She is now sound asleep on my bedroom floor next to my side of the bed. She curled up there and said it was so if I needed her she was close (daddy works 3rds). Love all my kiddos but she knows how to melt my
  • I have a secret crush on fish because he gets to spend time with Connie
  • Ryke’s buttercream frosting!! Yummmmm ❤️numnumnum Get in my belly you delicious sugar buzz of yummy diabetes!!!!
  • Dave Matthews. I love him and it’s no secret!
  • Margaritas and fireball...all I can ay is delish!
  • Sam Heughan from Outlander ❤️
  • Shhhh...don't tell "anyone!" Both "Connie AND Fish!!"
  • Thin mints.
  • Hawaii.
  • Fish! ❤
  • big, comfy "grandpa" sweaters! The Maroon 5 song "memories" and Justin Timberlake and zac efron
  • I secretly have a crush on the idea of staying home and quitting my job.
  • Leona Lewis is my crush woman. She is just amazingly beautiful and a complete class act. Best eye candy ever. Her duet video with Calum Scott just makes me melt!!! #1.9
  • my postman in Dorr. Iam not usually attractive to bald guys but something about him, cute little smile his cockiness ,his tattoos ...mama like bad boys!DONT SAY MY NAME PLEASE
  • OMG - I have a HUGE crush on my favorite Peloton instructor, Matt. He is so adorable - has an amazing body and has the sweetest smile ever! He is super motivating and knowledgeable about fitness. I was able to meet him last weekend in NY and he was SO nice and just as adorable in person as he is on the bike. Honestly, this is not much of a secret because everyone who knows me knows I love him - even my hubby.
  • My secret crush is my high school sweetheart never stop loving him we've gotten to see each other and start talking three times in the last 15 years timing is never right
  • I have a girl crush on Connie. Does that count?
  • I have a not so secret crush on Fish's voice. Mmmm...
  • 1. Detroit cookie Co peanut butter volcano cookies! And 2. Fish's optimus prime impression. ❤️
  • My friend's mom, she's a younger mom and I have always thought she was beautiful. But, she's married, to a man, and I'm a woman. #LESBIAN
  • How about where is my secret Crush? It's in the back of the fridge. It’s a secret cuz if my sister finds out she’ll drink my Crush before I get the chance
  • Me. If I could hook up with my past or future self, I would.
  • An ex. It ended poorly because we were long distance and communication wasn't the best between us for major topics. It's been a while, and we've been in contact as friends recently, but I'm terrified to risk it again and get heartbroken by the same person twice.
  • A guy from my class. I can’t do anything about it because we are now in different parts of the country and I didn’t do anything earlier because I knew how much his studies mean to him and I had to focus on my career too
  • This girl I meet a work years ago...... She's on her way to prison tho for 4-10 years sooooo
  • Secrets: My secret crush is my former boss and current friend. I was a nanny for his kids and loved the entire family but he's one of those typical hot dads that everyone I know has agreed with me about
  • I still kinda have a crush on Christine. I use to have a big crush on her back when she started on the station and thought if I ever got a chance to meet her that I would ask her for a date but over time, everytime I tried to go to an event that she was going to host, weather would no allow it to happen and the station would cancel the event. So its not as big of a crush as it use to but its still a crush.
  • Boyfriends best friend ......

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