Who Was A Role Model Growing Up And Why? – #TQOTD
Every once in a while we like to do a text question of the day that is uplifting and cheery. Today was one of those questions.
Who was a role model growing up and why?
- #TQOTD My #1 role model was my music teacher. She came into my life when I was in a very dark place and she supported me in everything I did in life. She also continued to maintain our relationship long after I was done playing. I've known her for 9 years now and she's become my (unofficially) adopted mom.
- My dad was my HERO and role model. He wasn’t a rich man but was the most generous man I knew. At Christmas, he would give the staff at Big Boy each $20 each. At his funeral, the Big Boy staff ALL showed up.
- My mom was and still is my role model. From the way she treated or tried to help people, to the way she handled her 7-year battle with cancer with positivity, she will forever inspire me to be the best person I can be.
- My role model is my sister Sherri. She was 8.5 yrs older than me. She was my 2nd mom and best friend. She did everything for me and taught me integrity and happiness. Unfortunately, she led a hard life, which she was so strong through. But one day she got too tired and decided it was time to go to heaven and release the demons. I found her. Worse day of my life.
- Linda Warren. She always made sure I had everything I needed in life, even at the expense of her own happiness. She made me the woman I am today for many different reasons and is unequivocally the best Gramma ever
- My Mom. Selfless, kind, loving, supportive, amazing, wonderful human being.
- My dad . Hands down the greatest man I've ever known. Loving, honest, kind, talented, a great teacher and listen. I could go on and on.
- My mom, she worked hard and raised a family of 5. Showed love and sass every day.
- My mom. She works hard for everything she has and goes above and beyond for both my sister and me. She inspires me to be like her every day. ❤️
- My dad, too many words.
- My dad and still is! He fought and served our country and would always be there for us
- My dad, smartest person I'll ever know 💗
- my step-grandfather. he showed me that even though I was not blood, I was worth it <3
- My role model was and still is actually is my God-sister Lisa for so many reasons. She is the reason I'm a huge MSU fan lol. She is a few years older than me but always had time for me. She has a heart of gold and a work ethic to match. She is a Spartan Alumni and now is a physician assistant. She earned a track scholarship at MSU and is just an overall amazing woman and momma!! Thank you, Lisa, for giving me a positive person to look up to!!
- My Mom was my rule model.. she raised 4 kids by herself worked 2 jobs and even though we didn't have much if someone else needed something she would always try and help
- Connie and fish my role model is still my old second-grade teacher 20 years later and she still inspires me to be the woman I am becoming. We have been going to coffee with each other every Thursday night for the past 10 years :) This woman is so strong-hearted. She lost her first husband to cancer and then got remarried and lost that husband to a heart attack I just hope I’m as strong as her when I get older
- My role model growing up was without a doubt, my dad. He's hard-working, caring and was always there to pick me up when I fell down and needed someone.
- My grandpa was my role model growing up and even 11 years after his passing. He taught me that it’s not important to be a flashy person, just a good person. We spent so much time together when I was a kid that I learned the importance and value of quality time. In retrospect, I’m so grateful for how he took the time to listen to everything I said to him, no matter how big or little it was. I always try to treat people the way he would have treated them because he was such a great person.
- TQOTD my role model came much later in life... My mom in law is an amazing lady. She's smart, frugal, a wonderful mom and grandma. She's kind and giving.. soooo lucky to have her in my life! Happy SNOWY day ❤❤
- I don't remember a role model growing up. My mom died when I was 13 and my dad worked a lot. But now as an adult (23) I thank my boyfriend's mom for being my role model. She's such a strong, amazing woman and I hope to be half the woman she is someday.
- #TQOTD My role model was my best friends mom, she was always there for all of us. She was a single mom but put everyone above her. She was an extremely hard worker.
- My role model was the Dallas cowboy cheerleaders because I had the body and I wanted to be them
- Heathcliff Huxtable aka Bill Cosby. Man, did I end up picking a bad role model or what...
- My mom and dad. ❤ I miss them
- Dad... he loved and cared about everyone