Who’s The Most Inappropriate Person That You Know? – #Secrets
We want you to sell a friend or family member out for today's #secret question. Who is that person you know that is always inappropriate?
Who’s the most inappropriate person that you know … and why???
- My husband is by far the most inappropriate person I know. The things that come out of his mouth, truly shock me, and I know that it shouldn't... I wish that I could give examples but they are far too inappropriate to air...
- My mother in law She has no filter and hurts her kids feelings.
- Me, myself, and I! Full of sarcasm and inappropriate humor. Which makes me so much fun for my teenage daughters...♀️
- My Grandma, she’s 90,German, barely hears anymore and thinks she can say anything and everything she wants Put a filter on that Little ole German Lady ♀️❤️❤️❤️
- It's me. My spirit animal is a 14 year old boy, but I'm cool with my mom bod.
- no secret its me... I love a good that's what she said joke
- My husband. No filter.
- A coworker always posts conversations about poop with her daughter
- My mom... because you never know what is gonna come out of her mouth. Me.... because I am turning into her
- My fiance!!! He can make the most innocent things just raunchy.
- Me!!! I’m a loud mouth red head who wears my emotions on my sleeve!
- Is this a trick question? Lmao meeeeee of course!
- It me! I'm just a big perv with Mommy parts
- Secrets...Honestly I hate to admit this, LOL...probably my dad! Ha!! My mom has been known to walk away from him a few times and we have all pretended he’s not with us. Haha!! He’s funny but it can get inappropriate fast.
- My MIL is THE most inappropriate person I know. Her beliefs and comments are outdated, hurtful, and she is outspoken although she doesn't see it that way. It is none of her business how much we make, what color the skin of our childrens friends are or how often we go to church - or don't go. If we don't ASK for your opinion I think it's rude to insist on giving it.
- Secrets. It's not a secret. Anyone who hangs out or talks to me knows IT'S ME ♀️ It's legit a curse sometimes, like I can't help it.
- That would be this woman in the lunchroom ,at work .she Burps so loud sometimes it sounds like somethings going to come up and go flying across the room.Gross! If anything hits me in the face. Thier might b a fight. After I get done loling. Damm woman , just hold back
- My husband's best friend is the most inappropriate person that I know. He is the world's biggest perv. Don't matter who you are what your age is he's disgusting.
- My boyfriends grandfather! His comments about me and his grandson are just nasty and sexual. And not to mention the man is so rude to waiters and I was a waitress for a while he’s like the male version of a karen. If anything goes wrong when we go out to eat with him he makes a massive deal about it and I thought one waitress was going to cry. My boyfriends family drives me nuts!
- Most inappropriate person I know is my coworker who seems to think breaking confidentiality is ok to break all the time
- Where do I start?? Most of my family is absolutely inappropriate. Perverted and disturbing. My Aunts and Uncles and brother in laws and my 4 sister have moments, but there are some that are insanely out of control with what they are willing to say and not care who they are upsetting. With my 1st marriage a couple of my Aunts decided to harass me and my ex husband during our 1st dance. It was horrifying.
- the brother in law. He seems to have zero problem saying the worst things to strangers about any of us. I used to go out to eat when I was younger with them and we usually picked Chinese restaurants. He would make sure to tell the wait staff I wanted
- The most inappropriate people I know are the middle schoolers I teach. Yesterday a student gave me a hug and rubbed my back, while another made inappropriate sexual gestures into the projector light so it projected to the entire class. That was a fun phone call home.
- My Husband is the most inappropriate person I know ! You put beer in his no filter at all!! SMH I can't believe he said or asked that!!
- The most inappropriate person I know is my 16 year old daughter Aubree #nofilter
- She is a good kid and would give anyone the shirt off her back.....but she says it like it is.
- My younger brother. He's been in prison for manufacturing and selling meth to anyone with money (including kids). Then after getting caught, he turned snitch and turned in twenty local drug dealers to get out without jail time. Then he got caught selling drugs again like 3 months later.
- My last boss. Was extremely verbally abusive and would constantly threaten people's pay for even just the tiniest mistakes, even ones he made. Just an all around piece of poo.
- Kim and Shane were huge B’s back in the day and they loved to bully my awkward butt. Started rumors about me to get everyone else to hate me. Made 6th grade worse than it was already.
- The woman from my church who tried to start a Smoking while Pregnant Support Group. She actually used the word “hertiage” in her defense. When I saw her lighting up at a gas station pumping gas, it all seemed to fit.
- Between me and brother it's kind of a toss up but the other day it was him. We were putting my toddler in the car and he hates his car seat. So when my toddler was screaming my brother leans over in a serious tone and says you are making this kidnapping very difficult with about 10 people watching
- My high school drama teacher. She was emotionally abusive to all her students, told her students that they had no future without their guidance, spread some fake gossip about a bunch of teenagers, and a bunch of peers that I am still in touch with are now in therapy working on issues they developed from this teacher.
- Krystal… A supposed ‘best friend’ who went after two of my exes, one while I was with him; talking crap about me behind my back to him and encouraging him to leave me so she could get in there. When confronted she claimed none of that had happened. I was muted in the call listening to it all.
- A guy I know at work. He expects people to assume he's incompetent and goes with it so nobody expects anything from him except to just screw up so it's everyone else's fault for relying on him not his for not doing a task
- This one dude well call Dan because he likes to get bored every few months and spread rumors about a random person he knows to turn everyone against them. Why does everyone still talk to him? Because he's charming and funny enough to make people forget he's a crappy person.
- The most inappropriate person I know is probably myself. I'm a free spirit when it comes to speaking openly. Nothing is off limits. Sometimes I add intimate details just to see the person's reaction I think my close friends appreciate my candor but in some situations people must think I'm a real bouche bag. #BoucheBag #FingerSmeller
- My mother-in-law she don't care where she's at or who she's around if she's in a restaurant anywhere and she'll just fart just let it rip
- My mom is the most inappropriate person I know she has no fillter around anyone young or old you never know what shes going to say. She walks around the house in just her underwear and I have a teenage son that lives with us. She even changes words to songs to make them inappropriate not just some but all of them.
- My stepdad : he farts in public anywhere and everywhere. He points out pimples on your face. Asks if you've gained weight.
- My dad.....he would talk about my then brother's wife cleavage. My husband and Mine sex life...commented on a mental disabled person about how they shouldn't come to the restaurant and that everytime you have a baby you hope its healthy so everyone could hear in the restaurant.so embarrassing....
- My best friend is the most inappropriate. We play video games, and all he talks about is slongs head definitely not gay either
- Omg I’ve got an inappropriate dating one for you...been texting with a guy for a couple of days from a dating sight. He wants to FaceTime...I finally give in and FaceTime with him...we talk for a while...just chit chat and then he gets up and walks into another room...I ask what he’s doing...he never really says...we keep talking...the phone he’s holding starts shaking....he’s fricking jacking off...I hung up. I hate dating.
- It’s my mailman Connie and Fish. He’s sooooooo inappropriate, and I didn’t even think it was possible with mail! His first comment caught me off guard one day as I was putting my bills out for the week. “Your use of the postal system is erotic” and proceeds to purr at me. And ever since then, is just random sexual jokes and weird head pokes into the front windows. I even receive the occasional message written on my mail, the latest was “2020 New Year just like you 20/20”.