Why Are You Tired Or Cranky Today? – #TQOTD
Today is a cranky day. Why? Well, we didn't get a lot of sleep, and coming into this crappy building of ours on a daily basis can make a person, well, kinda cranky. But enough about us being in a bad mood! We want to know what is making your tired and cranky!
Why are you tired or cranky today?
- I'm cranky because my cat decided she NEEDED to be fed two hours early and she jumped on the bed and rubbed all over my face
- I'm tired today because I am I have a third shifter and just got out of work
- Fell asleep on the couch and my back is wrecked! Unpleasant cranky momma sita. Fellow ginger
- I am cranky this morning because I am going to be stuck in traffic for a half house
- Because I'm pregnant! I just found out! #exhausted
- I'm grumpy and tired because I have to go to school!
- I'm tired and cranky today because.. I have a 13-year-old..
- I'm tired because I don't sleep well at night, but I am very cranky because of stupid idiot drivers on the road. Everybody needs to go back to driving school to figure it out!
- I'm tired because I just Got off my third 12 hour night shift this week in the ICU as a nurse and had to clean up peoples backsides all night
- I'm cranky because people don't know how to drive in the rain. I'm really late for work.
- I'm tired this morning because of my job. I work for CPS and dealing with parents who just don't get it, court hearings, and try to meet deadlines in between all of that is just exhausting
- Hi guys! It's Chris. I'm tired cuz I'm a kindergarten teacher and I'm cranky cuz it's raining and we'll have indoor recess today Ugh!
- Staying up late helping kids with "last minute" homework...feeling like a bike, 2 tired
- #tqotd I'm tired cause I woke up early for some balloon animals just to get shot down #lameburger #comeonheather
- I'm tired and cranky because I just found out I'm pregnant!
- I'm tired because we all had to work 12 straight hours yesterday, including hosting a 3-hour networking event. Now we have to go in for a full day today. Woohoo
- I'm cranky and tired of dating... are there any normal mature men out there? I'm in my forties when do men grow up?
- #tqotd. Yesterday I was firing on 4 hrs of sleep, had a full day of work and school then home to my 8mo old baby and dirty house
- I'm tired of people calling 911 for the ab-so-lute stupidest reasons! "Oh, I don't have air conditioning better call 911 so I can go to the hospital where they have it!!" UGH! Calling an ambulance to come lights and sirens put that crew at risk when driving because people tend to not pay attention to the big blinking lights and sirens! Stop calling 911 for your stubbed toe or cold! Or drive yourself!!
- I tried and cranky because...and this goes back to yesterday's TQOTD...just started that new job (where the person got fired before I came in yesterday) and my body isn't used to standing, moving slightly heavy parts, and just the brain exhaustion of all of the stuff I'm learning.
- Because I was out too late drinking. Now I'm regretting it
- Tired and cranky because I am a single mother of a 15-month-old who is going thru some serious sleep regression. I can't remember the last time I slept more than 4 consecutive hours.
- Tqotd-I'm tired and cranky b/c I'm doing a special project at work and it's sooooooooo boring. I think I need to open a much needed, much desired can of caffeinated beverage
- I'm cranky because of this stupid traffic jam on 196E. Took ten minutes to get from 44th to 28th so far
- My students were bad for the sub yesterday so I have to deal with it this morning.
- I'm cranky because everyone in my house is Cray Cray this morning… I don't know who I want to beat more...my kid, Logan, my puppy, Brady, or my cat, Chad!! LOL
- I'm tired this morning because I haven't finished my first cup of coffee this morning, I couldn't fall asleep until 1 am, and I had to get up an hour early to head to work. Needless to say sorry to my office this morning don't talk to me until I finish my coffee
- OMG! I'm tired and cranky because I'm sick too! Because my sister in law got my mother in law sick with her "sinus infection" who then got my daughter sick who got me sick. I'm running a half marathon Saturday and this is just what I needed!
- Construction and traffic
- My best friend got fired and I have no coffee
- Cranky. People in the school drop off line take 8 years to let their kids out.
- I'm cranky because of all of the traffic issues that Steve was talking about
Traffic...ugh.. - I'm cranky because adulting sucks and BILLS BILLS BILLS
- I'm not!
- I'm not tired, I'm just cranky Because Connie Will not let fish talk about things that are cool.
- Because I didn't sleep because I was up playing Jurassic World all night before taking the kids to school
- I'm tired and cranky because I work 50 hours a week...with toddlers
- I'm not tired or cranky!
- We had to put down our beautiful 14-year-old black lab Lucy Lu she was my shadow girl Always right by my side
- I'm cranky because my students were bad for the sub yesterday and I have to deal with it this morning.
- I'm tired and cranky because insomnia is AWESOME! s/
- I'm tired and cranky because my coworker called off this morning so now I have to pull a 12-hour shift
- Today is the first day in 3 weeks I'm actually NOT tired and cranky because I went to bed at 8 o'clock last night, got a full 8 hours, and now I feel GREAT!
- I'm cranky cause my Sally dog won't go out and go potty in the rain so I have to go out and drag her out. Ughhh nonstop rain in Oconomowoc
- I'm tired and cranky because I have AS which means my spine fuses and on days like today it's a pain in the rear. It's due to the weather
- Now that I'm done putting my ArtPrize piece together and installed...trying to catch up around the house with all that's been neglected for the last couple months has me tired and cranky!
- Was late for work so the rule is you have to buy doughnuts or breakfast...so had to buy Marge's doughnuts ...grrr...I also have restless legs have to take equip so I can sleep...pain in the butt...
- Tired because I have been a parent for 25 yrs and have yet to catch up on sleep and cranky because after feeding my horses I end up with hay everywhere .. in my shirt pants you name it .. uncomfortable
- #TQTD- I'm cranky because when we went away for our anniversary of the weekend our central air unit died and it's too freaking hot to sleep.
- I am cranky because I'm trying to get my house ready to put on the market by de-cluttering and moving furniture in my boyfriend locked the trailer and took the key with him out of town.. accidentally of course.. so now it's raining and I have a garage for a furniture
- So cranky cuz I'm slowly getting over being super sick this morning. 103°... Now I'm taking my kids to school.
- I'm tired and cranky because I'm just not a morning person.
- I am cranky today because it's my time of the month.
- I'm cranky because the highways are a mess between accidents and construction and a 20-minute commute turned into a 1-hour commute.
- I'm tired and cranky because I work third shift, and then hubby and I have to drop 7 kids off to three different schools every morning.
- I'm tired and cranky bc my job is butchering me physically and mentally. Oh, the joys of being a housekeeper and a third shifter.
- #TQOTD - Training for my first marathon (1 month to go!), work is crazy and we just sold and bought a house! Tired but not cranky #lifeiscrazy
- Among several other things, I'm cranky because I've been stuck in traffic so long this morning that I'm about to pee my pants.
- Cranky. Driving to my mother in laws house to show her how to use "the google"
I'm cranky cause I have a headache and had a dream about my ex and I just want him out of my head...