Why Do You Want To Scream? – #Secrets
Today we asked you to drop us a line and let us know why you just have to cut loose and scream! It could be a good scream, a bad scream, or even just your random mundane scream. Let us know!
Why do you want to scream?
- Its has been 1 week and 1 day that I quit smoking! I want to scream because it has not been easy! I also what to scream because I am DAM PROUD of myself! I got this!!!
- Secrets: I want to scream because I'm sick of paying a frogging arm and leg for everything. Everything has a million extra fees, I mean wtfrog is a regulatory fee? And why did my trash company screw me over? Greedy Frogs!!!! Okay I'm done
- I hit a raccoon yesterday on the expressway. Gonna scream just totaled a car in May hitting 2 deer. Oh and $1000 deductible.
- #secrets I want to scream because I'm so sick of my job. Worked here for 20yrs, started when I was 18. I need to do something artistic, but I'd have to take a 50% pay cut. I feel trapped. Ahhhh!!!
- I want to scream bc I'm a teacher and I called home to a parent and she said, "I told you he has anger problems, why are you calling me" and then she hung up. He had pummeled a kid and hit that other child repeatedly. That makes me want to scream.
- I want to Scream because I financially stuck. Every time I start to get ahead something goes wrong..
- I want to scream because it's Fishs birthday!! Wooohoooo whooop whoppp. You are awesome!!!!
- I want to scream right now because I just listened to the birthday clip! Happy Birthday Fish, but PLEASE don't play that annoying clip again!
- Toots: Connie and Fish I want to scream for joy! I just purchased 2 new piglets and am going to pick them up this weekend!! I couldn't be more excited:) have a great day!!
- I want to scream because my partner is unemployed and not making any effort to find a new job. #StressedOut
- I want to scream because i found out why my ex broke up with me after two years of thinking it was my fault, even tho it was really her fault.
- I could scream bc my sons “father” won’t pay his child support. It’s 400$ A month He doesn’t see his kid he lives in another state and he just continues to avoid his responsibility with excuses and lies. He’ll send 100 to help with his Portion of “support” sometimes maybe he hasn’t seen his kid in a YEAR. He’s 3,000$ dollars behind in child support not an evil b out for his money just trying to raise a child on a single mom Income ugh #rant over
- What makes me want to scream is the fact that my young adult kids have no real ambition when it comes to cleaning up after themselves. It is aggravating that my 17 yo cleans when I tell him and he doesn't make as much of the messes. I work full-time, go to school and still care for the 17 yo in Highschool. I have set up chore lists and after they kept getting ignored, I slapped up notes all over the house telling everyone to puck up their messes and handle small chores when it is seen. These worked for about 5 days. And now ignored again.. ROAR!!
- I want to scream for many reasons... Life, family, husband, children, work, meds, etc. For example... Listening to you guys with my husband and talking about well done meat... Ugh! Sometimes I want to do mean things because I will go to a Mediterranean restaurant and have onions and feta taken off my gyro... "Uh, why don't you like feta? You are eating Mediterranean and feta is apart of that. Uh, what is wrong with you?"... AHHHHH! I AM ENTITLED TO LIKE WHAT I WANT!
- My boss just resigned and I feel like he's the only one that trust me even though I've been basically doing his job I fear I'm going to have a new boss instead of a promotion and I will frogging scream and walk out!!!
- Secrets: My safe driving plug in from my car insurance. Every time someone cuts me off while driving and that thing beeps I about lose it!
- The thing that makes me want to scream is (still) the guy at work making work super stressful with his stupid comments which has now become him telling people I have no skill or talent! I'm done being nice and done keeping my mouth shut. #I'llHitAnOldManInPublic
- I want to scream because my coworkers are sooo disrespectful!!! Makes me not want to be here! I shouldn't have to put up with this at work! Happy birthday fish!
- I want to scream because my coworker seems to think work time is for personal calls with her kids and meanwhile I’m swamped with work. One of these days I’m going to hang it up on her
- I could scream trying to get my three small children to cooperate this morning for school!!
- My pharmacy customers. Call in your refill before you run out, you get gas before you run out why not the same with your medicine. Also know what you take don't say just refill everything
- I could scream for two reasons. 1. Completely over being in school for my masters degree. I know it's worth it but literally none of classes relate to what I actually do for my job which is why I'm going in the first place. 2. We bought a new home and it's AMAZING! We are surrounded by nature with 20+ acres, I couldn't be happier to spend forever with my almost husband (310 more days)!
- I want to scream today because the government are policing vaping products but leaving cigarettes and alcohol alone even though those 2 have killed WAY MORE PEOPLE than vaping!!!!
- I want to scream because I leave for my destination wedding in 2 days! So joy and frustration?
- I could just scream. About six months ago, my wife got hit by a car. Car vs Pedestrian, I don't recommend it. Now she is legally blind, constantly light-headed and dizzy. She is doing her best, and is amazing. But I could just scream and punch that driver right in her stupid, ugly face.
- I want to scream right now because I woke up early for an appt and got on the highway and realized that because of traffic, I would get there late. Oh! And I forgot my glasses (I can see it's just blurry) so that was fun. Made it to the appt 7 minutes late and they were understanding. Happy Birthday Fish!
- I’m a teacher, between buying my own supplies and parents thinking their kids are perfect I don’t think I ever don’t want to scream.
- Because my 12 chickens won't behave and stay in their own yard .. damn it. Our bugs are just as tasty as the neighbors. Truth
- Sick of the b.s. between my son and his wife....end the bad marriage now
- I want to scream for joy because my daughter who suffers from anxiety, walked down the hall to her classroom without crying for the first time since I started taking her to school!!
- Mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom MOM MOM MOM MOM MOM MOM
- I want to scream right now because I need to make balloon animals.
- my fiance woke up and had a middle of the night snack from the leftovers I packed for my lunch today
- Because my daughter graduates Navy bootcamp as an E2 next friday and I'm screaming with excitement! I'm the happiest proudest mom in the world!
- Because no matter how hard I try there is ALWAYS someone ready to attack and attempt to destroy my very best intentions. The negativity in this world is so damn scary! You see it even in the most beautiful moments. Someone's always got a damn dark cloud over their head ready to pull you under. (Good thing I'm not easily deterred! Screaming, "Bring it on! I'm not stopping!")
- I want to scream because I love my life
- Because I fight TYPE 1 diabetes every second of every day of my life.
- Because my toddlers won't go to sleep, my Senior wants to skip every other day, my boss is the worst, and I ran out of snacks
- Because my ex won't pay his percentage of our son's medical expenses.
- We are renting from a big company and they refuse to fix things they say to be to expensive. Every time we shower the pipes vibrate and you can hear and feel it through all the walls. They need to install a pressure relief valve on the hot water tank. They won’t because it’s to expensive. I guess when the pipes burst they will wish they did...
- Because I work a full time job then go to a part time job, miss spending time with family
- Two jobs, 7 days a week working. I miss my weekends off!!
- Because my kids' rooms are such disasters and they are not here to clean them.
- Because I'm exhausted and getting sick trying to keep up with working 2 jobs but I still can't afford a vacation or to call in sick or anything
- Because my son is having behavior issues at home and at school.
- Because my kid keep breaking his phone!
- Because my 12 chickens won't behave and stay in their own yard .. damn it. Our bugs are just as tasty as the neighbors. Truth
- My feet hurt and the steroids I am taking are literally giving me ‘roid rage and emotional issues. But if it fixes my feet problems I guess everyone needs to just deal with it
- Cause i need some cuddles from my bf lol
- Because no one listens when I talk normally
- The road construction on Waverly street in Holland. I’m over it!!!
- Common core!
- Sick of the b.s. between my son and his wife....end the bad marriage now
- Because I'm surrounded by people who cant bother to help out with anything around here.... at all!!
- #IWorkForGM ... enough said
- Because adulting sucks.
- Worst Because I've been up with kids since 2 am still up ... yawn
- Relationship struggles, too many females in one house .. struggling to pay bills.. crazy kids.. etc etc. lol
- Because I get migraine and nobody seems to understand them
- Because I'm trying to eat healthy and I'M FAT HUNGRY AND CRANKY
- Cuz life can really suck sometimes
- Because people are so stupid.
- Kids