Would You Rather Live Forever In A Zoo Or An Amusement Park? – #TQOTD
It's time for a would you rather Wednesday for the Text Question of the Day! I can tell Christine is ready to move. She keeps talking about weird places she would like to live. The other day, off the air, she gave me this Would you Rather and I simply said a zoo because … animals … she kicked into a forever description of her situation. An hour or two after she was done we decided it would be the perfect TQOTD:
Would you rather live forever in a zoo or an amusement park? Tell us why.
- I'd have to go with the zoo. At an Amusement park, the rides would get old eventually, but there would be never ending possibilities for activities at the zoo!! You could train animals and learn a bunch of awesome animal things. Although for some reason I'm thinking tiger king...and I'm not here for all that nonsense, it would need to be like a chill zoo type vibe lmao. Love u guys, Nick
- If I could I would live in a zoo the rest of my life, with the monkeys! I love monkeys and we'd just be chillin and swinging around the enclosure! Oh and a bonus we could throw crap at people we don't like! 😂😂😂
- A zoo….they always have different animals to check out and i'm not a big fan of roller coasters
- Zoo...I love animals. we always work our vacations around a different zoo
- Amusement park - it's less smelly.
- Amusement park! As long as I can remember, the Milwaukee County Zoo has had penguins near the entrance and penguin 💩 smells nasty…I’d rather deal with the noise of rides than the stench of penguins every day. Yes, I may be the only person in the universe who hates penguins.
- I've spent waaaay too much time thinking about this. A zoo would be chill and cool but man, that's a lot of poop. An amusement park would be fun but sticky. I'm picking a zoo.
- Zoo I love animals
- Zoo! why? uh..why not?!
- Zoo! To be around the animals that often would be amazing!
- Amusement park of course
- Amusement park! As much as I love zoos, living there where I get to see them caged and pacing back and forth every day would be depressing
- Move to animal kingdom and you can get both
- Amusement park! Better food, and I love roller coasters! Zoos can stink more.
- Zoo,don't like amusement parks where they just scam people out of money and they stink with diesel fumes.
- Oh absolutely an amusement park
- Zoo 100%
- Zoo. Animals are nicer than people.
- Amusement park
- Zoo!!! I love animals
- A zoo.. an amusement park would get old quick.. how many times can you ride the same rides?
- Zoo, I hate Rollercoasters and a zoo is a little calmer
- Zoo
- Amusement park
- Zoo. Animals are way better than people
- Zoo is more rewarding
- Zoo. Much calmer, and often enough animals are better company than people lol
- 100% a zoo. I hate roller coasters.
- Since I already live in a zoo, I'm gonna have to say amusement park
- Zoo i love animals
- The zoo 110%, I would love to hang out with the animals all day every day.
- Amusement park for sure! I love the rides!
- Zoo
- Since I already live in a zoo, I'm gonna have to say amusement park
- Do we get to feed and care for the animals? No brainer!
- Zoo so I could make friends with all the animals
- i think i would have to say zoo because i love animals!! and while i do like amusement parks, i have a fractured spine & neck so i wouldn’t be able to enjoy a lot of rides, at least not every day. :( so it has to be zoo i think
- I would rather live in a zoo only because, I would get bored riding the same rides over and over again, at least at the zoo I would be able to watch the babies be born
- Zoo
- Amusement park
- That's a touchy but I would have to say the zoo because after a while the rides would get boring.
- Amusement park cause the Lazy River
- Amusement park. I have six boys and a husband; I'm already living in a zoo!
- Zoo, animals are nicer that a lot of people
- I opt for Busch Gardens..you get both!!
- Zoo. Amusement parks will get boring after awhile but no two animals are the same lol a lot of good conversations with the furry beasts and watching them lol
- I would choose ALL of Walt Disney World, because I could have both the Zoo & the amusement park. Plus they have that hidden suite in Magic Kingdom & in Epcot they have all those gardens that you can always have fresh fruit/veggies. Plus they have solar energy so I will always have electricity.
- Zoo!!! I want to cuddle a lion, once I make friends with them and earn their trust. Here kitty kitty. Amusement parks are icky and smelly and make you puke…darn roller coasters and ur equilibrium
- Zoo, so I can snuggle with a tiger in a very sitcom way
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