Steve’s Daughter Is A Bad A – Connie And Fish Podcast (10-1-20)
Steve shared a story about his daughter today that really impressed Fish. Yesterday, Charlotte had to go get a shot at the doctor and she was straight up fearless. When the nurse came in with the shot, Charlotte dropped her pants, pointed at her leg and took that shot like a champ. Then, after the nurse was done, Charlotte proudly said "Thank you. You did a great job." and pulled her pants right back up. Did we mention she isn't even 3 yet? Also on the show, we learned that one of the hottest channels on TikTok right now is a british dude trying to guess what color paint is being mixed at Home Depot, we helped out a sister with a brain who had a weird conversation with her fiance's best friend, and we learned why you should never swim with the sharks. All of that and much more on today's show!

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