Let’s raise a glass to New Holland Brewing’s The Knickerbocker for being the first (to my knowledge) bar or brewery in West Michigan to offer igloos or “geo domes” as they call them, to drink in!

Yes, I do know Outside Coffee has igloos, which are really cool, but they don’t serve beer and vodka. No dig, Outside Coffee, promise!

The Knickerbocker announced on Facebook, Friday, “In addition to our outdoor heaters and fire pits, we now have heated “geo domes” in the Beer Garden for your enjoyment!”

This excites me so much, I’m all about ambiance and “geo domes” and fire pits along with drinks is definitely cool ambiance. It also seems that the ambiance and HEATED domes at The Knickerbocker far exceeds whatever the restaurant in Detroit is doing with their igloos.

The only thing that could take it up a step is a rooftop area… but my arm’s tired from holding my glass up this entire post, so I’m going to chill in my sweet, heated geo dome and enjoy my Dragon’s Milk.


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