Hit The Brakes: Michigan Lacks Auto Mechanic Loyalty
People have a very personal relationship with certain businesses. Just like you wouldn't let someone who ruined your look be your hairstylist more than once, we all have a strong loyalty to the person we allow to mess around under the hood of our car.
While sure, lots of people are qualified to be your automotive technician, there are always scams, bad fixes, and overcharging that happens when it comes to a service that most of us just can't do by ourselves.
According to FindTheBestCarPrice.com, we're all in need of a mechanic in Michigan. While Maine topped their list of states most in need of a Mechanic, second is Michigan. We may be the home of Motor City, we sure can't find a way to keep said motor running.
Michigan residents make the highest proportion of searches for both “auto repair” and “auto repair near me” in the nation. But, we don't have as many cars as other states, making this a slightly alarming statistic.
To give you an idea of what we're working with here in the mitten state- there are 2,691,704 vehicles registered in the state. That equates to 27 cars for every 100 people. So, while we don't all have our own car (or need one), we seem to always constantly be in need of a mechanic.
And yes, I'll skip the joke about it being because of all of the pot holes.
Is this because we have bad mechanics?
It turns out - nope. I did a quick search on Yelp, and a majority of their listed mechanics have overall positive reviews. It turns out maybe we're all just hunting for a good deal, and not mad from being scammed.
Who is the highest rated mechanic in Michigan?
It's hard to find the "best", but based on the side of the state you're on: If you're on the West side of the state, TNT auto on Kalamazoo in Grand Rapids has a healthy 5 star rating on google with over 50 reviews. On the east side of the state Maurice's Hi-Tech Automotive Services in Detroit has a 4.7, while Hoover Street Repair in Ann Arbor has a 4.8 star rating on google.
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