Last week we talked a little about the "more" the lifestyle can provide.  This week, we want to expand on what the "more" is for us.

As we mentioned before, we have been married for 20+ years.  Like most marriages, we found ourselves in a "rut" day to day with the busyness of children, careers, volunteer work, etc. and lost our "closeness", hardly communicating,  having sex maybe once a week and felt the sizzle fall out of our marriage.

When we started discussing the possibility of the LS, we had to open up about everything! In order to be able to begin this journey, we had to be open and honest about everything, from our fears, excitement and fantasies.  This communication also helped us with our every day life.  When a couple can effectively communicate about the LS, there isn't anything that you can't speak about with each other.  On the other side, our sex life greatly improved to sex at least daily which provides for a closeness that nobody can break apart.

We can still have bad days, but being in the lifestyle, we are able to effectively communicate with each other without having a heated exchange and then get back to the awesome sex!

Swing Safe,

Sammy & Suzie

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